Media Release: Transport Canberra and City Services, 15 February 2022

Canberra’s new public transport ticketing system has entered the final stages of procurement, with a supplier expected to be appointed by mid-year.

The Parkeon-based MyWay smartcard ticket system will be replaced with an open loop system

“The introduction of a new ticketing system will be the biggest improvement to our public transport network since Canberra’s light rail started operations in 2019,” Ben McHugh, Deputy Director-General for Transport Canberra and City Services said.

“This new system is intended to make catching the bus or light rail quick, easy and simple. It will provide more flexible payment options, including the option to pay by mobile phone or by tapping on and off with a credit card.

“The system is also planned to link up with a real time app for customers to track services and plan their journey. This will be particularly important as we expand public transport to more new suburbs, and start work on building light rail to Woden.

“We have received interest from a range of Australian and international companies which is a very promising sign.”

The procurement is progressing to the final stage, with a short list of successful respondents from the first stage being invited to participate in a Request for Proposal activity.

This stage of the procurement process will be open until April.

Public transport users will be kept informed through the Transport Canberra website at

This page was last updated on 7 March 2024

Categories: Media Releases