Featured Bus
Featured Bus – Bus 620 (Scania K320UB 4×2)
[July/August 2017]
Bus 620 is a Scania K320UB 4×2, with Custom “CB80” body, which commenced service in December 2016.
Featured Bus
Featured Bus – Bus 539 (Scania K320UB 4×2)
[July/August 2015]
Bus 539 is a Scania K320UB 4×2 which entered service on 15 July 2014.
Photo of the Month
Photos of the Month – 2014
Bus 716
J Tokaji
Feb: Bus 716 | Mar: ZIB-589 | Apr: Bus 447 | May: Bus 508 | Jun: Bus 537 | Jul: Bus 348 | Aug: ex-Bus 494 | Sep: Bus 835 | Oct: Bus 673 | Nov: Buses 556 & 544 | Dec: Bus 553