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Current ACTION Buses
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Fyshwick Depot
Tuggeranong Depot
Woden Depot
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Fleet Articles
Visit ACT Bus Fleet Wiki for encyclopedic information regarding the ACTION Buses Fleet – past and present! Our Fleet Information section covers the specifics of the buses that have served in the ACTION Fleet.
Current Fleet Summary
Current Fleet List
Disposals Summary
Disposals List
Our Articles section contains an archive of news stories regarding Canberra Buses dating back to the 1920s
Bus Restoration and Preservation
A number of ex-ACTION Buses are have been purchased for restoration or preservation by community members.
Fares and Ticketing
News, information and updates on ACTION’s new smartcard ticketing system, MyWay. Please see below for our range of MyWay topics.
Featured Bus
Since 2010, we have selected one bus per month to become the ACT Bus Featured Bus, which means that vehicle is profiled on the main page of our website. Whilst there is no firm criteria for selection, generally buses with unique attributes are chosen.
Historic Timetables
View and download historic Canberra bus timetables
Take a closer look at the bus network infrastructure
Read the latest in news relating to Bus and public transport in Canberra. We welcome all article submissions – please contact us to submit or obtain further details.
Media Releases
ACT Bus publishes Media Releases in relation to the Canberra Public Transport network as issued by the Government of the day (and other parties as noted). We publish these to present a record of changes to Canberra’s transport system over the years, and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of their content, or of the relevant political party.
Photo of the Month
Each month the members of the ACT Bus Forum are invited to submit their photographs for consideration by fellow members to win Photo of the Month. You can view all the winners here. Photos can be submitted on our Facebook page, or our forums.
Routes and Services
The route networks operated by ACTION and its predecessors have evolved somewhat over the years. The articles in this section detail the bus routes that operated under these networks.
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