Idiot Car Driver Causes Accident With Bus

Started by Busnerd, August 21, 2008, 11:41:08 AM

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I know the driver of this bus, but I don't know who put the video online...but this which proves how stupid car drivers are...

First of all, there is a ute in the bus lane trying to do a left turn out of a straight ahead bus lane, secondly, the bus goes during the B light, and the car in the next lane thinks that they now have right of way and start driving as the bus is merging into the lane ahead, the bus driver blows the horn so the car speeds up and slams on the brakes, repeadedly changes lanes as the bus driver tries to get around them, then they slam the brakes on and get rear ended by a scania and then have the nerve to say "what the fuck are you doing" to the driver...

Sir Pompously

lol, What a fuck wit. People don't seem to know the part of the law which says that buses have right of way, but they drive like idiots (Even though it is dual carriageway and they can easily pass the bus at a later time). And you could tell it was a Scania as soon as the brake went on with the 'Beep'.

Irisbus Rider

Wheres that from? Brissie possibly?

Ha ha, revenge of the bus driver!!! It's fantastic!


CDC John...and it is a scania, one you can hear it, two, you can see the fleet number on the side camera, plus the horn...the hand brake beep is the last thing you hear.

Buzz Killington

lol @ the moron on there claiming it was the fault of the bus driver and should "loose" his job..

Irisbus Rider

Quote from: Busnerd on August 21, 2008, 12:35:41 PM
CDC John...and it is a scania, one you can hear it, two, you can see the fleet number on the side camera, plus the horn...the hand brake beep is the last thing you hear.
I knew it was a Scania as Todd mentioned. Lol, Hillsbus/Westbus, classic!!! Employ more drivers like that!

Oh, is it on ATDB? It just has to be!


It would have been funnier if the bus hadn't braked when he rear ended the bastard.

Admin: Inappropriate comment removed.


Yes, this driver has had quite a few accidents, and this guy is hilarious and has so many stories :P

Jack Bauer

I've tried searching for the thread on the ATDB - would someone be so kind as to provide the hyperlink if possible...