Which Terminus is it #18

Started by Sylvan Loves Buses, March 28, 2017, 03:56:57 AM

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Sylvan Loves Buses

Welcome to the 18th 'Which Terminus is it?' game.

Ugh, you know it all already...

Which one does this look like? (dealers choice this round - I usually get my mum to pick them while blindfolded :P)

Clue no. 1: should be pretty easy

Sylvan Loves Buses

Round 18 has been cancelled

I feel that this one is not only too easy, but as there was too much activity during the posting of this round, it had been bumped down and not noticed. I will be cancelling all entries in this round, and conducting the drawing myself as an idea came to mind the other day that I think will look awesome on this one.

Obviously, this is the City West Terminus/City West Bus Interchange - or whatever it's called now days...

Round 19 will continue as normal, and all future rounds may be cancelled early if I feel the same as I do for this.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Here it is.

The idea I had this time around was to put all the bus model designs/liveries that I have been drawing recently and combine them as one. A bit of a show of history so to speak - inspired by the comments from the Kippax Fair drawing.
The liveries consist of, Z-type, Mk1, Mk2, Green/Orange/White, 490 NSW trial bus (green/NSW combination), and the new TC livery on the Darts, and new Euro 6.

And of course, if you wish to see the development stages, feel free to check them out here.