General Discussion

Started by Buzz Killington, April 02, 2008, 06:08:21 PM

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Sir Pompously

It is a Customs front (And looks spiffy to say the least) and AFAIK still an Express Body.

Irisbus Rider

AFAIK? It definately is an Express body, just a CC refront.

Buzz Killington

As Far As I Know

Get with the times, tokaji

Barry Drive

Quote from: TP 3000 on March 12, 2009, 03:56:47 PM
Tuggeranong Depot must of been tight on busses
Repeat after me:
must HAVE, should HAVE, would HAVE, could HAVE

Bus 400

Sir Pompously

No, 'have' is proper grammar.

Bus 400

Another driver stole 389 this afternoon.

At Tuggeranong Depot does anyone know if all the green buses fit undercover? As I always see quite a few parked over near the service waiting area.


Quote from: TP 3000 on March 16, 2009, 08:25:37 PM
Another driver stole 389 this afternoon.

At Tuggeranong Depot does anyone know if all the green buses fit undercover? As I always see quite a few parked over near the service waiting area.
Yep, my timing of arrival @ work was wrong today so I got a Scania instead (347 'Doris'). I had no-name 385 yesterday. The Scanias and MANs parked 'on the bricks' (ie near the workshops) are awaiting servicing attention.

Bus 400

I don't mean to bring up history but the 15:53 62 from Woden (which your 16:02 service has replaced) use to always be Bus 347.


Quote from: TP 3000 on March 16, 2009, 08:34:12 PM
I don't mean to bring up history but the 15:53 62 from Woden (which your 16:02 service has replaced) use to always be Bus 347.
That was when drivers could keep their shift gas buses with them all day; that's no longer the case. It's a lottery which gas bus you'll get in the afternoons now....just depends on what's available at the time you're about to start your afternoon runs.

Bus 400

That's not very good as I would always get 148 on a 62 from Kambah to Tuggeranong then 357 on a 313 from Tuggeranong to City, 308 on a 314 from City to Woden & 347 to Kambah. Of course the gap was a few hours between 148, 357 & 308.

Bus 400

I was right with Tuggeranong having fewer buses as on ATBD 369 is at Scania being fixed as those rough Tuggeranong drivers broke the gas system


Quote from: TP 3000 on March 16, 2009, 09:29:55 PM
I was right with Tuggeranong having fewer buses as on ATBD 369 is at Scania being fixed as those rough Tuggeranong drivers broke the gas system

You really are an idiot...

Blaming the drivers for the gas system 'breaking'....Im not even going to say anymore.

Bus 400

This afternoon the driver of Bus 361 received a complaint by a passenger about him going into the Platform in too fast. The passenger was told to go to the info counter & the driver followed.

I snuck over & had a listen in. The passenger claims that the driver came into the platform at 30, 40 or 50 k's & hit the back of his foot (the driver denied this). The thing was the the front of the bus was at an angle, but was on the road side of the yellow line.

While waiting for my next bus, I had a word with the young lass at the portable ticket machine. She didn't think that he was coming into that fast & most people exaggerate the facts when then complain. But also he was probably running late & was in the rush of things. I was on the bus & I think he came in slower then most drivers. I did forget to tell that lass that 95% of the time I am on the drivers side-even the ones that I despise.


I doubt anyone has pulled up at those platforms at 40km/h, it would have been 20 if he was going fast, and if you are standing on the kerb or on the wrong side of the yellow line, don't try and blame the driver, thats like standing in the middle of the road and complaining of being hit by a bus!

Buzz Killington

where was the guy who claimed the bus hit his foot standing?

Bus 400

All I saw was he walked in as I was getting out & was complaining. So I followed him over (but made it look as if I was waiting for the bus) to hear his side fully & just to clear it up I'm not blaming the driver, they have their spot to park & as per railway stations, you are suppose to stay behind the yellow line & should be in a line behind others getting ready to board the bus.

Bus 400

To add to today's events, a passenger on Bus 832 had a medical emergency & was first attended by ACT Ambulance 4WD A9 which parked just mm from the fron of Bus 832 & an ambulance was then called to take the passenger to Calvary Hospital. I am not sure what happened as I arrived there as it was all finishing up. But the Bus was undamaged & was then driven back to Belconnen Depot (I think another drive may of taken on his shift but 100% sure).

Just to clear things up this all occurred at City Interchange Platform 3.

The 361 incident occurred at Woden Interchange Platform 6.


Does anyone out there regularly see the new artic 300 service City-Belconnen due out of Civic Interchange at 1710?
If so, I'd be interested to know what passenger loadings are like...and does it frequently run late due to heavy loadings?

Bus 400

I last saw that run 2 weeks ago & the bus was almost empty & it was an artic.


Quote from: TP 3000 on March 17, 2009, 09:38:39 PM
I last saw that run 2 weeks ago & the bus was almost empty & it was an artic.
Thanks TP: Can you recall if it was on time? Have you seen it almost empty other times as well?

Bus 400

The driver was waiting at City West for ages. But he did a bit late. I think that maybe they altered the wrong shift as some other Xpresso's could use artics. The 710's usually have quite a few out of City (most of the time).

I have noticed that there are alot less people using Intertown to Belconnen from City (that is compared to the southbound intertown). It appears as if more people gets on at the other stops. More people do use the Xpresso's though.


That would be because it has more interchanges to service on the southbound, and the 710 gets good loadings, which would take off the northbound intertown, meaning less pax.

Bus 400

But south-side has 19 special peak services. While north-side only has 6 of these. This is on top of quite frequent intertown services.


A lot of people  park near an interchange. There are no services connecting interchanges like the 710 from the city to Woden and Tuggeranong therefore heavier loadings on Southbound

Bus 400

Quote from: Renault PR100.3 on March 17, 2009, 10:43:46 PM
A lot of people use park near an interchange.

Should say: "A lot of people do park near an interchange.

Bus routes 111, 160-162 & Intertown connect City & Woden. To connect to Tuggeranong you catch a 785 or 787 & get off in Kambah to transfer to a 705 (which usually comes around 5-10 minutes later).


why the hell would they do that, when they can just get one bus. Most people don't catch buses for the sake of it, they use it to get from a to b.

This whole debate is about bigger loadings on intertown south. what I am saying as that T and W interchanges don't have a service like the 710. 111- 160-162 are intertown services between city and woden hence they depart from the intertown platform.


I love it when you lot get all bitchy.

I see lots of people use ..say, the 111 as a intertown, they clearly get on at civic, and get off at woden/southlands/athlon drive in general..

Bus 400

I don't get bitchy 8)
Same thing happens with the 265. I even heard of passengers getting off on Athllon Dr & dashing across for the 21-24 services as if they miss it from Woden they can make it at Southlands.


Quote from: Busnerd on March 17, 2009, 05:22:04 PM
I doubt anyone has pulled up at those platforms at 40km/h, it would have been 20 if he was going fast, and if you are standing on the kerb or on the wrong side of the yellow line, don't try and blame the driver, thats like standing in the middle of the road and complaining of being hit by a bus!

I've come pretty close to giving a few people a bump on the head with the left mirror when they've been standing right on the edge. None of them ever dared to complain though. I think below about 5'9" you're safe from the 2s and Irises, not sure about the other models.

One of the funniest things I've seen while driving was a guy put his bike on the front of my bus, hit his head on the mirror while walking towards the door then hit his head again when getting off.

Bus 400

Does anyone know how ACTION Bus Services were different when the Federal Government ran ACTION?


Quote from: belcodriver on March 18, 2009, 09:32:51 AM
One of the funniest things I've seen while driving was a guy put his bike on the front of my bus, hit his head on the mirror while walking towards the door then hit his head again when getting off.

It wasn't JOHN was it

Bus 400

The Belconnen Intertown Platform at City Interchange has a few weird things. Firstly it has a bus stop sign on a pole at the back end & the front end has the old logo spray painted on in yellow near the top end of the platform. I'll post the pic of the logo later.


i noticed that when i got off there yesterday whilst looking for a certin DVD in impact comics

The Love Guru

There are the same 2 regular style bus stops on Platform 1 in the city as well, almost looks like they want to make it so there are 2 'bus stops' and buses can stop at either. Probably due to complaints about buses behind another one pulling out of the stop whilst they were waiting at the front of the stop.

Bus 400

At Platform 1 you would think they would just the the shelter from the old stand 1.

But I guess that they don't want what happened in Perth to happen (


I am guessing there will be artics out in force tonight, great photo opportunities around Lake Burley Griffin.

Edited: To fix spelling of our glorious lake. SP

Bus 400

There was an Ulladulla Coach out on Uriarra Road for the Open Garden thing out at Huntly.

Bus 400

Quote from: TP 3000 on March 18, 2009, 08:57:17 PM
Does anyone know how ACTION Bus Services were different when the Federal Government ran ACTION?
Yes. Quite a lot of people do. Thanks for asking. [/quote]

I was asking at the Federal Senators for the ACT were putting down the current service in the Parliamentary Triangle & I was wondering if it was any better back then.

Barry Drive

Quote from: TP 3000 on March 21, 2009, 05:57:31 PMI was asking at the Federal Senators for the ACT were putting down the current service in the Parliamentary Triangle & I was wondering if it was any better back then.
I think it was only Gary Humphries (Lib) who was being critical. To answer your question I have started a new topic in History.


For some time after the 'new' Parliament House opened, ACTION ran a frequent shuttle from the front underground car park bus stop of Parliament House to Civic. It was very frequent, (perhaps every 10 minutes or so?).
It got the axe as patronage was pretty light; I think a lot of Parliament House staff didn't even know the service existed.

Bus 400

This is that ACTION logo on the Northbourne Ave side of Platform 5.


Quote from: smitho on March 21, 2009, 09:19:09 PM
For some time after the 'new' Parliament House opened, ACTION ran a frequent shuttle from the front underground car park bus stop of Parliament House to Civic. It was very frequent, (perhaps every 10 minutes or so?).
It got the axe as patronage was pretty light; I think a lot of Parliament House staff didn't even know the service existed.
wasn't the service number 777, i think it is on this site under network 88, Monday to Friday

Route 777 Parliament House Loop
City Bay 13
City Interchange (L) London (U) Commonwealth (U) Parliament (L) Parliament (L) Parliament (C) Commonwealth (D) London (R) East to City Interchange

Buzz Killington

Quote from: TP 3000 on March 21, 2009, 10:25:28 PM
This is that ACTION logo on the Northbourne Ave side of Platform 5.

That just means that a bus stop pole needs to be put there.


365 was parked in a weird place


Spotted 919 on a 90? yesterday on Lathalain st.


Yes, the 777 would be that route. I think it only last a year or two, if that.


i have seen a picture somewhere of a bus at parliament house with 777 on the desto and the bus was a .2

Bus 400

702 Xpresso always starts/ends at Fraser East

Bus 400

Quote from: lukeo25 on March 23, 2009, 05:15:23 PM
i have seen a picture somewhere of a bus at parliament house with 777 on the desto and the bus was a .2

it may not be a .2, but in the ACT Bus Gallery is a Merc 

Also it was stated before that College Street was being fully duplicated. This is however wrong, onky the intersection of College Street & Cooinda Street-possibly for a roundabout.

Also it looks as if demolition work has been done at Farrer Terminus. As there is an old door that is open but leads to outside (just over side of wall to seating area.