539-620 Scania K320UB deliveries

Started by Barry Drive, May 24, 2014, 01:55:32 PM

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Barry Drive

Two at once! That's rare.

Only 4 more needed by end of June to get back to the original delivery schedule.

Bus 503

Saw 567 today on Adelaide Ave - nothing was on the desto but it was registered and had a bike rack so I'm guessing it was in service for the first time.

King of Buses

Quote from: Bus 503 on May 13, 2015, 08:58:47 PM
Saw 567 today on Adelaide Ave - nothing was on the desto but it was registered and had a bike rack so I'm guessing it was in service for the first time.

Dead Running?

The Love Guru

With a blank desto it wasn't logged into the Nxtbus system so was more likely a workshop test run. Pretty sure it only left B this morning as 568, 569 & 570 were in attendance at B this morning

King of Buses

Quote from: The Love Guru on May 13, 2015, 09:41:35 PM
With a blank desto it wasn't logged into the Nxtbus system so was more likely a workshop test run. Pretty sure it only left B this morning as 568, 569 & 570 were in attendance at B this morning

I thought you could still manually turn the desto off or set it as blank...

Buzz Killington

You can, but given its a Tuggers bus that just left Belco that morning, the chances of it being in service yesterday are slim,

Barry Drive

Bus 503, when did you see it on Adelaide Av?

567 was in service last night on a PM shift.

Bus 503

Quote from: Barry Drive on May 14, 2015, 10:35:35 AM
Bus 503, when did you see it on Adelaide Av?

567 was in service last night on a PM shift.

8:20am Wednesday.

King of Buses

568 is in service. Was doing a 62 (as shown above) out of Tuggeranong about 1725ish tonight. She looked pretty shiny too :p

The Love Guru

568 was sighted in Gungahlin last night (Wednesday) laying over at the Anthony Rolfe facility.

King of Buses

Should've mentioned this yesterday morning, but 571 is at Tuggeranong workshops.


can confirm 569 entered service today  :D

King of Buses

572 and 573 at Tuggeranong. I believe they were delivered yesterday.


Passed 572 on Coulter Dr Belconnen bound about 9am

Barry Drive

With 573 delivered, they've now caught up with the original schedule (573 was due today).

574 is due in two weeks, then it's 2 per month until November with 585 in December.

King of Buses

Quote from: Barry Drive on June 05, 2015, 04:56:16 PM
574 is due in two weeks...

That's why it's at Tuggeranong behind 866 and 884 then...

Barry Drive

Don't think that's actually why!

King of Buses

I've just received word that 575, 576 and 577 are now at Tuggeranong Depot

Barry Drive

Arrival of 577 at Tuggeranong confirmed - ACTION even tweeted a photo:

But there have been no sightings of 575 or 576.

King of Buses

Quote from: Barry Drive on June 21, 2015, 10:35:48 AM
But there have been no sightings of 575 or 576.

Hmm...this source supposedly delivers the buses...I'll have to check this... 

572 is in service too now. According to a certain driver/board member, it has only done something like 800km's and smells really really new...he couldn't fault it from appearance though  ;D

King of Buses

575 and 576 were sent back to o Sydney apparently.

Also, according to TransitTimes, 573 is in service on a 163 right now

The Love Guru

573 has already been reported in service yesterday

Barry Drive

575 & 576 returned / arrived (pick one) at Tuggeranong Depot yesterday.

King of Buses

King of Buses

I believe 578 may be parked out the back of Tuggeranong workshops...not quite certain though as it may be 576 (I can't read 6's and 8's very well when in a moving bus especially through the trees between Athllon Dr and the workshop area).

Barry Drive

578 is due for delivery this month, so quite possible.

King of Buses

Whether or not it was 578 last week doesn't matter now as I can confirm it is at Tuggeranong Depot (behind 876).

King of Buses

My sources tell me 578 is in service. I am personally yet to sight it though.

Barry Drive

King of Buses

Quote from: Barry Drive on September 06, 2015, 05:57:30 PM
Your source is mistaken.

Not a first. Hence the second sentence of my post...that is when I will believe it.

Barry Drive

Having said that though, very high likelihood 578 will be in service this week.

Bus 400

Quote from: Barry Drive on September 06, 2015, 06:43:52 PM
Having said that though, very high likelihood 578 will be in service this week.
Bus 578 spotted in service this afternoon.

Bus 503

Talking about new Scanias, 567 has an artwork done by Newcastle Productions.

Artwork picture below: Link to artwork here: http://newcastleproductions.bigcartel.com/product/action-bus-567

King of Buses

579 and 580 were delivered (it was mentioned elsewhere but not here) to Tuggeranong Depot in the past few days. I thought the rumour was Tuggers would only get 560 to 579 at this stage?

Barry Drive

You mean like all those buses currently operating out of Woden Depot? (After all, that was where they were first delivered.)

King of Buses

Haven't the ones delivered to Tuggeranong or Belconnen generally stayed there for route service? (559 is one exception that comes to mind...)

The Love Guru

Bus 503

580 seen operating a Belconnen S/R (485) today with its Veloporter rack.

Bus 400

Bus 583 has been delivered to Tuggeranong.

Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk

King of Buses

According to my source on the network, 581 is in service.

King of Buses

Saw 584 at Tuggers Depot too about 45 minutes ago


Quote from: King of Buses on October 28, 2015, 05:43:54 PM
According to my source on the network, 581 is in service.
Your source is probably correct, it was in service at least by this morning operating a 10

King of Buses

Quote from: Busfanatic101 on October 29, 2015, 04:30:20 PM
Your source is probably correct, it was in service at least by this morning operating a 10

And fitted with WiFi too...

Bus 503

Quote from: King of Buses on October 28, 2015, 05:43:54 PM
According to my source on the network, 581 is in service.

Buses 572-581 have not showed on NEXTTHERE. You can still track them but when you press the info button, they don't show the bus type or fleet number. Is there any reason for this and are other people using TRANSIT TIMES having the same issue?

King of Buses

Quote from: Bus 503 on October 29, 2015, 08:26:33 PM
Buses 572-581 have not showed on NEXTTHERE. You can still track them but when you press the info button, they don't show the bus type or fleet number. Is there any reason for this and are other people using TRANSIT TIMES having the same issue?

Fine in transit times. Maybe it is operator error?

Buzz Killington

585 has arrived.

Quote from: Bus 503 on October 29, 2015, 08:26:33 PM
Buses 572-581 have not showed on NEXTTHERE. You can still track them but when you press the info button, they don't show the bus type or fleet number. Is there any reason for this and are other people using TRANSIT TIMES having the same issue?

We're working with NextThere to rectify this (and the issue with bus images not displaying)

Bus 503

Quote from: Buzz Killington on November 04, 2015, 08:54:09 PM
585 has arrived.

We're working with NextThere to rectify this (and the issue with bus images not displaying)

Much appreciated!

Bus 582 was in service this morning with that new bus smell. I got on its first shift!

Barry Drive

Quote from: Bus 503 on November 04, 2015, 08:56:57 PM
Bus 582 was in service this morning with that new bus smell. I got on its first shift!
I hate to burst your bubble*, but that wasn't its first shift.

(* not really)

Bus 503

King of Buses

Quote from: Bus 503 on November 06, 2015, 08:49:04 PM
It didn't work this morning. Any ideas why?

Like all 'good' things with ACTION, it broke.

585 was delivered recently and 586 yesterday (ACTION posted about the latter on facebook - #shiny... apparently). Both to T Depot