Network '08 Changes Released

Started by Bus 400, March 25, 2008, 05:28:57 PM

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Bus 400

All the changes & maps can be found at Theodore/Calwell have a few changes for the good & 37 reintroduced as 732 & 10 goes to Brand Depot &  10,28,737,757 & 786 now terminate at Fairbarn Park.

You MUST look at the route map for Route 4.

Buzz Killington

Well clap fu%@ing clap, ACTION. You've lost my patronage.

I was going to catch the bus once or twice a week to work, but now they've decided to reduce the number of new express services from Bonython from two, to zero. What the hell? 789 seems to be gone altogether, and now the 787 goes straight past Bonython.. how hard is it for it to divert around f^@cking hurtle or barr smith avenues??

And for some reason, the 66 now runs through Bonython.


*smacks head*


theodore (annnd casey cresent!) misses out on any expresso's all together now..dont see how that's a change for the good!

But hooray, i can now walk like 700 metres or so to get the 788, 66, 67, 267, 768, and 769, or get fucked with a stupid 111 loop service thing!

Pass me a bucket please..

Irisbus Rider

Not bad, as few improvements, but not what I was expecting....


What's with 19/319 and 66 each taking a slightly altered route in Bonython? ???

Nice loop on route 4.. hope it doesn't run every 2 hours in each way on weekends or something like that though.

Sir Pompously

Well they have turfed the 116 and 117 (Which are now just the 16 and 17). They still state the 111/11 is through Monash when it bypasses it. I like the idea of Fairbairn Park services, and the Brand depot extensions. Deanes is Totally screwed now (Before it was just BBP, that was alright, now Brand Depot is there its cactus). Although I like their drivers, I will be walking to BBP to get my bus home! I just noticed, it has 10 Terminating at FBP while 10 and 28 both Terminate at BBP according to the map. Someone needs to fix up the little mistakes on it. The confusing part is on the 10 it does not mention BD or FBP, only BBP (That is on the frequency guide). I am confuddled.

Buzz Killington

hahaha, i sent off a curt email to ACTION about them dropping the expresso's for Bonython

44 minutes later (at 6.48pm, no less) i get a reply "thanks for your email Ryan - i have forwarded this to network planning for response"

not bad!

Buzz Killington

wait.. so there's TWO route 4's??

was it so hard to allocate two numbers instead of this East/West business?

Jack Bauer

Who plans these stupid networks? Some of you guys would do a better job...


Quote from: ACTION_MAN on March 25, 2008, 07:40:04 PM
Who plans these stupid networks? Some of you guys would do a better job...
It's better than the fantasy network that used to be on ACTBUS!

Irisbus Rider

It's definately simplified the ACTION Bus system!

Buzz Killington

Quote from: O305 on March 25, 2008, 07:42:24 PM
Quote from: ACTION_MAN on March 25, 2008, 07:40:04 PM
Who plans these stupid networks? Some of you guys would do a better job...
It's better than the fantasy network that used to be on ACTBUS!

used to be? its still there!


That 'fantasy network' is still on there, and is much better as it has ideas from anyone who wants to contribute, not some guy in an office who has never even caught a bus in his life.

Some things are good about this new new network but some things are just stupid.

The removeal and redirection of xpressos, removing the 116, 117. now holt, latham, weetangera, hawker etc. residence cant get any further than belco without having to change.

Irisbus Rider

I said it once, and I'll say it again, people don't like changing buses. I certainly don't, thats for sure.....


Quote from: Renault Rider on March 25, 2008, 10:06:20 PM
I said it once, and I'll say it again, people don't like changing buses.
Wrong, people don't mind assuming:

- it's not long to wait for the next bus (like 5mins or less)
- the place where you have to change, is not a complete dump

Bus 400

The thing again is that I suggestd sending 66 & 67 through Bonython back for Network '06 suggestions. So it has taklen them 2 years to do. Drivers are going to hate Route 4, just think of the desto "4 Belconnen via Palmerston" "4 Belconnen via Harrison" taking off at the same time from Platform 8 in the City. When they could of just kept Route numbers 55 & 56 & kept Gungahlin as 50 series numbers.

To me an improved Network would mean the old Xpresso;s would replac the existing peakhour specials & keeping the same route number system with maybe a swap with digits (see North & South Canberra).

ACTION's new slogan can be "F****** Up The Bus Services" & that can be put on all new buses. Think of the publicity.

Barry Drive

Where to start? There are a few improvements over the draft plan, but a lot of the problems remain.

Even though I live on Route 16 and currently work in the City I understand why it has to terminate at Belconnen - I even suggested it. But 16 & 17 should no longer have their "Intertown" series route number - they should have been renumbered as 46 & 47.

Route 7 (previously 37, currently 80) travels via Dickson and Braddon along route 36. Bad luck if you want to travel from Northbourne Av to Belconnen - you now have to go through Kaleen on route 31.

But route 4 remains the big problem. The frequency chart lists it as 30 minutes daytime, 60 minutes evenings and weekend. But what does this actual refer to? Is it for both 'East' and 'West' arms or is this for the route as a whole leaving Palmerston residents (for example) with a 2 hour frequency? It would be better if this route was split so that each arm operates separately.

Now it's time for the real whingeing and moaning to begin.

Irisbus Rider

Quote from: O305 on March 25, 2008, 10:10:58 PM
Quote from: Renault Rider on March 25, 2008, 10:06:20 PM
I said it once, and I'll say it again, people don't like changing buses.
Wrong, people don't mind assuming:

- it's not long to wait for the next bus (like 5mins or less)
- the place where you have to change, is not a complete dump
Wrong, I can tell you from experience, there is a major difference between the 43 and the 243.
Passengers on the 243 can cruise right to work, whereas the 43 terminates at Belconnen Interchange, then passengers have to wait for 10 minutes in the rain/wet/cold for a crowded Intertown thats running late, and extremely uncomfortable. Thats why the 703 has boomed so greatly, and passengers are leaving the 43 in droves, and will continue to do so with the expelsion of the 243.

As for the 4, how stupid. One can only hope it will run every half hour through each way, but the Destos will be interesting, 4 EAST, 4 WEST.

Fairbairn Park has suprised me, whats out there?

And it's a real shame we've lost the National CCT service, it was absolutely delightful to commute through lovely leafy surrounds, but I think the 6 can be coined the "Posh Express", Red Hill, Forrest, Turner, then Lyneham, ha ha, lovely indeed :P

And why has the YHA on Dryandra been skipped?

And the Northbourne AV corridor looks quite extensive, there looks to be a service every 12 minutes if they manage to timetable it right.

But I see Gungahlin as quite an improvement to what it previously was, especially where it says that the 51, 52, and 59 will be extended to the City in peak times.

Oh, and the 111, what a stuff up, I can't wait to see it get so crowded, that it will be the new 333! Pfft.....

Barry Drive

Quote from: Renault Rider on March 26, 2008, 03:36:06 PMAnd why has the YHA on Dryandra been skipped?
The YHA is at Akuna St City. It has not operated from O'Connor for many years now. What is there now (which is not run by YHA) caters for private groups which don't have a need for route bus service. The suggestion to remove this diversion come from me!

Hopefully the new 710 will alleviate many of the crowded and late intertown problems between Belconnen and City. Imagine it - a frequent express service being run by artics travelling direct from Belconnen to City. All they need now is an on-platform ticket validator.

Quote from: Renault Rider on March 26, 2008, 03:36:06 PMFairbairn Park has suprised me, whats out there?
Not a lot. Some hangers and the airport's control tower. Maybe it was too hard to build a bus terminus at BBP.

Irisbus Rider

Quote from: Martin on March 26, 2008, 04:36:40 PM
Quote from: Renault Rider on March 26, 2008, 03:36:06 PMAnd why has the YHA on Dryandra been skipped?
The YHA is at Akuna St City. It has not operated from O'Connor for many years now. What is there now (which is not run by YHA) caters for private groups which don't have a need for route bus service. The suggestion to remove this diversion come from me!

Hopefully the new 710 will alleviate many of the crowded and late intertown problems between Belconnen and City. Imagine it - a frequent express service being run by artics travelling direct from Belconnen to City. All they need now is an on-platform ticket validator.

Quote from: Renault Rider on March 26, 2008, 03:36:06 PMFairbairn Park has suprised me, whats out there?
Not a lot. Some hangers and the airport's control tower. Maybe it was too hard to build a bus terminus at BBP.

Ah, thanks for the info on the YHA, thats fair enough then.

I think, unfortunately, the 710 will turn into the next 81, people have to be informed about it, otherwise they will completely miss it.

Ha ha, Fairbairn Pk, I recall going there a long time ago, and it was just full of old houses, and disused ACTION stops. Not disused anymore!

Buzz Killington

obviously enough people work at Fairbairn Park to warrant a bus service there

Buzz Killington

The Revised Network 08 Route Listing will be up on ACT BUS as soon as we can get it put together, but it is more than half done. We'll also keep the initial proposal online, and we'll also add a page outlining the changes, as well as the proposed frequencies.

The other pages will likely be removed.


Many Bad Things Ive Noticed:

No longer goes via bonython - people from gordon probably complained it went via tuggeranong but they are just greedy and could have kept it going to Bonython but not tuggeranong.

How stupid to remove it, if its one thing commuters hate its changing buses, this will not work.

Wont work..people dont want to wait around for it and everyone will just get the 3XX making them more full instead of staying on their 2xx route

why in hell did they remove these from the intertown, this is their stupidist move yet, who complained that they dont want their route to go to civic woden or erindale anyway? how was that a bad thing.. altough i agree with martin it should bee redone as the 46 47

The overall numbering is screwed and no longer makes sense!

768/769 starting at calwell now instead of theodore, again stupid. We all got a evening 769 once and about 6 people went to the terminus


Why does a bus from weston creek go to fairbairn?..all day

and i cant be bothered listing any more stuff  ;D

Bus 400

Fairbarn Park is starting to become an el cheapo BBP. When I was last out there the RFS, Police, Other Government Dept's & Cancer Council are out there. There are also alot of old houses & sheds. But it is stil expanding & it will be hilarious watching buses trying to get out of there in afternoon peak. As it is a continuous stream along Pialigo Ave.


Quote from: Renault Rider on March 26, 2008, 03:36:06 PM
Wrong, I can tell you from experience, there is a major difference between the 43 and the 243.
Passengers on the 243 can cruise right to work,
Not everybody on the bus is going to the City Interchange, hah

Quotewhereas the 43 terminates at Belconnen Interchange, then passengers have to wait for 10 minutes in the rain/wet/cold for a crowded Intertown thats running late
Intertowns don't that infrequently in the off-peak let alone peak. Average wait is 2mins to 2mins 30 seconds in peak.

Why should one area have special treatment and get a through bus anyway.

Bus 400

Quote from: O305 on March 26, 2008, 11:45:23 PM
Intertowns don't that infrequently in the off-peak let alone peak. Average wait is 2mins to 2mins 30 seconds in peak.

Also the Intertown system is going to be changed. With all of them starting/ending at an Interchange & not just in the suburbs.
Quote from: Renault Rider on March 26, 2008, 03:36:06 PM
...Thats why the 703 has boomed so greatly, and passengers are leaving the 43 in droves, and will continue to do so with the expelsion of the 243...
That is why ACTION should bring back Express Services.

Barry Drive

Quote from: Busnerd on March 26, 2008, 09:28:04 PM
How stupid to remove it, if its one thing commuters hate its changing buses, this will not work.

Wont work..people dont want to wait around for it and everyone will just get the 3XX making them more full instead of staying on their 2xx route

why in hell did they remove these from the intertown, this is their stupidist move yet, who complained that they dont want their route to go to civic woden or erindale anyway? how was that a bad thing.. altough i agree with martin it should bee redone as the 46 47

Why does a bus from weston creek go to fairbairn?..all day
243/244 (also 216/217) and 710: I don't think it's too bad to consolidate these services into a single Xpresso to/from Belconnen provided that (a) they are scheduled to ensure that all incoming services can transfer to a 710 with minimal waiting and (b) the 710 is operated by artics at least some of the time. There won't be any 2xx services left in Belconnen.

16/17: Think about it. The intertown frequency is every 5 minutes. There will be six intertown services (312, 313, 314, 315, 317 & 318) each operating every 30 minutes. So where is the need for 116 & 117?

28: I am assuming that the extension of 28 is during peak only like it is now (same as 63).

Quote from: Bus 400That is why ACTION should bring back Express Services.
What you talkin' bout? What do you think the Xpresso services are?

Buzz Killington

Final Network 08 has been added to ACT BUS.

Changes from Proposal to Final Network are in the Changes page.

Service Frequencies Added

Suggestions Page Removed

Irisbus Rider

Quote from: O305 on March 26, 2008, 11:45:23 PM
Quote from: Renault Rider on March 26, 2008, 03:36:06 PM
Wrong, I can tell you from experience, there is a major difference between the 43 and the 243.
Passengers on the 243 can cruise right to work,
Not everybody on the bus is going to the City Interchange, hah

Quotewhereas the 43 terminates at Belconnen Interchange, then passengers have to wait for 10 minutes in the rain/wet/cold for a crowded Intertown thats running late
Intertowns don't that infrequently in the off-peak let alone peak. Average wait is 2mins to 2mins 30 seconds in peak.

Why should one area have special treatment and get a through bus anyway.
The large majority of passengers do proceed to City, CiT, UC, Radford, Calvary Hospital or ANU.

And there's been more than one instance when I've been waiting for an Intertown after getting the 43 for over 10 minutes in peak hour. I know it's not supposed to be like that, but it is.....


Quote from: Renault Rider on March 27, 2008, 09:21:19 PM
And there's been more than one instance when I've been waiting for an Intertown after getting the 43 for over 10 minutes in peak hour. I know it's not supposed to be like that, but it is.....
Wow, twice, probably in 2005 or something, like that matters.

As I said: "Why should one area have special treatment and get a through bus anyway."

They still have the 703 if they are going to Civic, or the 43 if they are going to Belconnen or places near Belconnen.

Bus 400

Quote from: Martin on March 27, 2008, 09:52:22 AM
Quote from: Bus 400That is why ACTION should bring back Express Services.
What you talkin' bout? What do you think the Xpresso services are?

I mean for all suburbs.

Irisbus Rider

Quote from: O305 on March 27, 2008, 09:37:42 PM
Quote from: Renault Rider on March 27, 2008, 09:21:19 PM
And there's been more than one instance when I've been waiting for an Intertown after getting the 43 for over 10 minutes in peak hour. I know it's not supposed to be like that, but it is.....
Wow, twice, probably in 2005 or something, like that matters.

As I said: "Why should one area have special treatment and get a through bus anyway."

They still have the 703 if they are going to Civic, or the 43 if they are going to Belconnen or places near Belconnen.
Actually, just last week.
There are a lot of people that go to those places that I listed before, and this is a stupid cut. Anyway, what place are you to say whether this is a good move or not, I catch this service more or less daily, I see it happen, I can't help it if you're to busy wrapped up in your 34.
And as for the "special suburb treatment", I speak for all the axed Belconnen services, 216, 217, 243 and 244. As well as the long left behind 251, 252, 155, 156 and 256. I know that was a long time ago, but it's stil part of the same problem, just cut the service, not replace iot and cram the people onto already crowded intertowns. It's not logical.....


Its not special treatment...

They put the service there, if people use it. it stays, so obviously people use the 243, 244, 216, 217, 156 etc.

So they stayed, and obviously people who use the 66 dont get one..but every other 60 does, even the once a day in each direction 161..

but still stupid that action is again making already succesfull services this rate next network we will see the demise of the 160, 161, 162, (2)63, 265, 267!

Then they will have only the 300 and all suburban ends will be made into local loops.

Barry Drive

On Friday (28 March), I sent an email to ACTION asking for clarification of the route 4 frequencies and also whether it is route 6 or 7 which services Manuka, Red Hill to Woden (because the map and the description page disagree).

Wonder how long it will take to receive a reply.

Buzz Killington

i sent an email last monday at around 5pm, got a reply at 5.48 (!) from somebody saying she would forward it to network planning for a response. haven't received one yet.

Bus 400

I sent one at the begining of March & still waiting for a reply. Although I did send one to the ESA at the end of last year & got a reply last week clarrifying what I was asking.

Barry Drive

I have received an answer to my email. My questions are in blue and the answers are in red. The answers have been copied unedited - so any formatting errors are not mine.

(1) Route 4 is divided into East and West at the Gungahlin end, but is a single route from Mitchell onwards. The frequency table shows that route 4 will operate 20/30/60, but does not make it clear how this is to be interpreted considering that there are two distinct versions of route 4.

To use an example, if I wanted to travel from City Interchange to Palmerston on the weekend, how often will a bus operate - every hour or every two hours?

On Weekends it will operate every hour for the East and the West. Between Belconnen and Gungahlin. Mitchell to the City. The route will operate every half hour. Alternately to East and West. Only the West side will operate through to the south at nights and weekends. The East side will terminate in the City. It will create a 15 minute headway on Northbourne Avenue with the route 5 express from Gungahlin to the City.

If each 'arm' of route 4 is to run as listed, then does this mean that the southern tail of the route (Manuka, Narrabundah etc) runs twice as often as shown or will some services in the southern tail not operate at certain times? Only the West side will operate through to the south at nights and weekends. The East side will terminate in the City.

(2) The route descriptions state that Route 6 operates Dickson to City and Route 7 is extended to Parkes, Manuka, Red Hill and Woden. However the route map does not reflect this. Which one is correct - the map or the route descriptions? Route 6 operates through to the South. Route 7 operates between Belconnen to the City only.

(3) The description for Xpresso 720 says no change to route yet the map shows this service terminates at Farrer Terminus (Lambrigg St) rather than Farrer Shops as the current service does. Which is correct? Change to route. Now starts/terminates at Farrer Terminus.

(4) The Xpresso map shows services as terminating at City Interchange. Most Xpresso services currently terminate / depart from City West. Are Xpresso routes no longer going to service the City West terminus?      Xpresso services will continue to service City West as they do today except the approach and order to the City may change. For example in the AM peak many of the Southern xpresso's will service City West first, then Northbourne Avenue, then finish at ACTEW House. In the PM peak they will follow exactly the same pattern. City West, Northbourne Avenue, then London Crt to ACTEW House then continue.

So is this clear now? Unless I have misinterpreted the answer, this means that since 4 is scheduled to run every 30 minutes during weekday day-time, there will be a service to Geoscience Australia every 15 minutes from the City, but a service to Red Hill only every 60 minutes. This seems a little unbalanced.

Interesting to note that the Xpresso services will travel via Northbourne Ave rather than Alinga St - this is a good move as it will get rid of the congestion on platform 7 during peak periods.

Jack Bauer

Im lost - but barely seem to care now since I dont/or rarely catch buses anymore

Irisbus Rider

Wow, not bad, thanks for that Martin!

Barry Drive

Quote from: Martin on April 03, 2008, 04:02:53 PM
Unless I have misinterpreted the answer, this means that since 4 is scheduled to run every 30 minutes during weekday day-time, there will be a service to Geoscience Australia every 15 minutes from the City.
I have sought further clarification from ACTION about this and the answer has left me more confused:

Quote NO this is incorrect. Do not confuse the early question in regards to route 4. As stated below, the increase in frequency is the northbound direction from City.

A prize for the first person who can explain to me what this means. There was nothing stated in the previous reply from ACTION concerning "the increase in frequency is the northbound direction from City." But it's starting to sound like one of the versions of route 4 will always terminate in the City (although not confirmed). If this is true then USE A DIFFERENT F---ING ROUTE NUMBER!

I have also had confirmation that the Kingston shops routes will be unchanged:

QuoteBoth Eyre and Giles Streets will be serviced (by direction) as they are today. This will be fixed on the map - thank you.
(So thanks to Bus 400 for pointing this out.)

Bus 400

They only explained the timings on weekends/nights. But during the week it looks like each arm will run every 60 mins. So Route 4 East would run at 12:00 & Route 4 West would run at 12:30. Thus giving it a frequency of 30 minutes. Then on weekends Route 4 East & West would leave at 12:00, but Route 4 West would terminate at AGSO & Route 4 East will terminte in the City.

I hope that it clears it up. Although I could think like ACTION boses & say:
"Bus with 4 W stop at dirt place & 4 with E stop at drug place on sleep in day." (Or at times when E's are around that place).

Barry Drive

I have received a further answer from ACTION about the weekday peak & daytime frequencies of the various routes 4.

As before, my question in blue, ACTION's reply in red.

(1) what will be the frequency of route 4 East between Belconnen and City
(a) during weekday peak           
20 mins (approx)
(b) during weekday daytime        60 mins
(2) what will be the frequency of route 4 West between Belconnen and City
(a) during weekday peak             
20 mins (approx)
(b) during weekday daytime          60 mins
(3) what will be the frequency of route 4 between City and Geoscience Australia
(a) during weekday peak             
20 mins (approx)
(b) during weekday daytime          30 mins
(4) will both versions of route 4 (east/west) continue from City to Geoscience Australia (and vice versa) during weekday peak and daytime? If not, which services will terminate or commence from City Interchange (or elsewhere)?    Yes. They will be almost the same time as the current route 36 in the peak with a couple of additional trips during the peak. During the daytime, services will operate until 5.56pm from the City, and until 6.31pm from Geoscience Australia.

So this pretty much clears it up. The answer to question 4 seems to contradict the others because if 4E & 4W both run 20 minutes in peak and 4 (South) runs 20 minutes in peak then does this mean only one of the 4 varieties continue to the south? This seems to go against one of the 'features' of Network '08 to continue the Gungahlin services through to Russell, Barton, Kingston and Manuka. If this is the case then some passengers will still need to transfer at City to continue the journey.

But until the timetable comes out, we can't be completely sure. And I can't be bothered following this up any more.

Irisbus Rider

Are ACTION being tricky here? Since when did the 769 go through Theodore? Maybe since Theodore residents kicked up a stink about no Xpresso services for them? Whats going on here?


Quote from: Renault Rider on April 09, 2008, 10:51:32 PM
Are ACTION being tricky here? Since when did the 769 go through Theodore?
I thought it terminated there, same as the old 269 did.

Didn't 268 and 269 used to go to Lanyon Marketplace at one stage?

Irisbus Rider

From 13th May 2002, the 268 used to go: L Tharwa, R Knoke, L Woodcock, R Lewis Luxton, R Preddy, R Claire Dennis, R Woodcock, R Drakeford, L Tharwa, L Duggan, L Outtrim, C Ellerston, L Ashley, R Isabella, R Goldstien, L Hambidge, L Proctor, R Bentham, R Isabella....then onto the City.....

269 used to go: L Tharwa, L Pockett, R Box Hill, R Tom Roberts, R Box Hill, R Tharwa, R/C Tharwa, R Lawrence Wackett, R Louis Loder, Theodore Terminus, then basically the current 769 route now.

I believe these were the first "Express" buses in quite some time, after the dismantling of the "Commuter Express" services. And they were successful! After that, ACTION were sprawling for additional services.

Bus 400

Buses 768 & 769 do currently terminate at Theodore Terminus. When they were 268 & 269 they went to Lanyon Marketplace Terminus.


Quote from: TP 3000 on April 10, 2008, 01:33:45 PM
Buses 768 & 769 do currently terminate at Theodore Terminus. When they were 268 & 269 they went to Lanyon Marketplace Terminus.
They were cut back to Theodore before being renumbered to 768/769.

I think terminating them at Theodore was just an operational move as they didn't used to go in there before, ie they just went there as it is somewhere to terminate. Although some people from Theodore do catch them, and some drivers do the loop even though they don't have to (only 12/312 does it).

Bus 400

Everyone know how the 19/319 will service Centrelink Tuggeranong & the 66 wil service Bonython. I am just wondering if this is so that either can go into the Brindabella area of Bonython in the near future?

Also those stops in that new part of Dunlop still have no bus service.