Privatising ACTION Runs Is Again Brought Up.....

Started by Bus 400, June 09, 2010, 08:48:01 PM

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Bus 400

Private firm may win school business
Plans to improve public transport links between Canberra and Queanbeyan could open the way for Deane's Buslines to operate Canberra school services.
The ACT Government proposes to extend its 15-minute Redex service to the Direct Factory Outlet at Fyshwick and to provide a park-and-ride connection there for Queanbeyan commuters. This would seriously challenge Deane's services to Canberra.

Unlike ACTION, which enjoys an annual government subsidy of about $80 million, Deane's has a limited subsidy for its route services. Its cash fare to Canberra is $7.20. ACTION's standard cash fare is only $3.80.

I wonder how Deanes would do with ACTION's school services, especially what buses ACTION uses. That could mean Deanes purchasing some of ACTION's old artics.....

Barry Drive

It's not just a question of buses and drivers but also ticket system integration. The ACT Government can't offer a School Term ticket and then turn around and say "your school bus is being operated by a private company so you have to pay cash to use it"; and I doubt they'd make it free.

Same thing goes for Deane's operating Redex, or any other Canberra bus route.

It's all a scare campaign to coincide with EBA negotiations.


What Martin said.

Privatisation probably wouldn't save the govt any money but it would cost ACTIONs drivers and other workers plenty.


Buzz Killington

It won't happen..

But just imagine the amount of buses Deanes would need to acquire to run Canberra's school routes..

Bus 400


I'd love to know how NSWTI or TNSW or MoT (or whatever they are now) would treat Deane's taking over ACT school runs. I'm sure there would be different laws regarding school service provision between the State and Territory. You just have to look at how DDA compliance of bus stops (e.g. the placement of TGSI's) is completely different. I think it's probably best to leave things as they are!

Sir Pompously

They wouldn't really have anything to do with it (AFAIK), as Deanes is an accredited operator in the ACT. They already do ACT-NSW school runs, operating inside the ACT would be no different aslong as they followed the rules. The only time they would be able to kick up a stink is if they purchased a bus for Deanes to use, and Deanes went and placed it on an ACT interior run.

seat cover

Quote from: belcodriver on June 10, 2010, 11:10:47 AM
What Martin said.

Privatisation probably wouldn't save the govt any money but it would cost ACTIONs drivers and other workers plenty.

This is new just before every wage negation. Do you think a labour govt will do this and keep office. What do the greens think

Bus 400

Quote from: MyWay on June 10, 2010, 10:51:47 AM
The ACT Government can't offer a School Term ticket and then turn around and say "your school bus is being operated by a private company so you have to pay cash to use it"; and I doubt they'd make it free.

Actually the below quote comes off the bottom of the Transborder website:

ACTION fares:
Term Ticket - $60.00
10 ride ticket - $9.00
Single Ride cash - $1.90
Apply for ACT students boarding buses in Hall. Fares effective 02/02/10.

Please phone Transborder School Buses on 6241 0033, facsimile on 6241 0044 or e-mail to receive more information