Redex Trial Hailed a Success

Started by Buzz Killington, May 24, 2010, 04:42:01 PM

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Buzz Killington

More Canberrans are catching a bus as a direct result of the ACT Government's REDEX bus service, which runs every 15 minutes between Gungahlin and Kingston, Chief Minister and Minister for Transport Jon Stanhope said today.

ACTION surveys have revealed that 61 per cent of passengers are catching buses more often because of the high frequency service and 77 per cent of bus users prefer REDEX over ACTION's regular services.

The surveys were based on passenger feedback at the start of the REDEX trial last November and again in February and March this year using online and telephones survey and on-bus surveys.

Mr Stanhope said the trial service, which was originally funded to 30 June 2010, would be extended and incorporated into ACTION's 2010 timetable.
"REDEX has been enormously successful with more than 2200 commuters using the service every weekday compared to 1500 when the service commenced last November," Mr Stanhope said. "Passengers have responded well to the frequency and reliability of the service and the comfort of the buses, which are air-conditioned and fitted with on-bus information screens.

"Based on its success, the Government will continue REDEX and extend the service from the Kingston Railway to Fyshwick, stopping at the Direct Factory Outlet.

"We know Canberrans want a bus network that is frequent, reliable and comfortable and that's exactly what REDEX delivers."

Mr Stanhope said the Government was committed to providing Canberrans with better public transport options.

"The ACT Government is investing significantly in a more reliable, more frequent and more sustainable transport system through a comprehensive $97 million funding package for transport in the 2010-11 Budget," Mr Stanhope said. "This investment represents the first down-payment on a new vision for transport – where bus services are closer to home and work, buses are more rapid and frequent, and more Canberrans choose to leave their cars at home."

REDEX was launched as a trial service on 16 November 2009 in a bid to lure more people into public transport. The service runs from 7am to 7pm between Gungahlin Market Place and Canberra Railway Station in Kingston.

Bus 400

Someone must be getting ahead of themselves as an ACT Government gateway ad thing on 104.7 suggest that Canberran's catch the Redex service that runs from Gungahlin to Fyshwick from 7am to 7pm.


Had probably my busiest Redex run ever this morning on a southbound peak hour service - loading of 120 passengers. Heaviest loading between GMP and Civic, but after taking on a big load at City Interchange, most seats were taken between there and CIT. Good load off at Barton Interchange as well.

Severe congestion on Northbourne and resulting late running meant I was collecting punters who would otherwise have joined the following service.