New bus fares - discussion

Started by Barry Drive, July 01, 2009, 03:08:48 PM

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Barry Drive

If my recent (unscientific) survey is any guide, most cash-paying bus passengers are unaware of the fare rise. Also, yesterday, I had fun (not) trying to explain to two African women that they can't use a School Faresaver as from tomorrow (i.e. 1 July). She tried to tell me something, but I didn't know what - all I could do was say yes you can use it today (30 June), but you are not allowed to use it tomorrow (1 July).

So far there's been no mention about new fares on RiotACT, but I'm sure it won't be long before the whingers come out of the woodwork.

Bus 400

I did see quite a few less bike racks in use today. But the new driver I was with took barely any money as they have either school runs or normla runs in the afternoon. But surprisingly, there were a lot more Adult/Concession Daily tickets being validated & those that did pay cash gave $5/$10 notes anyway.

Irisbus Rider

Amazing, I saw three cyclists in seperate locations put their bikes on the rack, get on the bus, then get off the bus a few seconds later and take their bike and simply ride away! Just crazy....!

And, just in line for the 52 today, took 5 minutes to load about 18-20 people, all confused commuters; unsure about the new fares. Definately would've been a stressful day for the drivers.

Bus 400

Apparently a few did come down with the flu

Irisbus Rider

Quote from: TP 3000 on July 01, 2009, 09:26:50 PM
Apparently a few did come down with the flu
A few who? Please clarify your post.....

Bus 400

woops, but a few bus drivers came down with "the flu" today.

Irisbus Rider

Ha ha, yes, I've heard that the Flu can be quite bad, only natural to take today off.......... :P

Buzz Killington

Quote from: Martin on July 01, 2009, 03:08:48 PM
So far there's been no mention about new fares on RiotACT, but I'm sure it won't be long before the whingers come out of the woodwork.

Barry Drive

Those whingers came out quickly. But a few do have a fair point - there wasn't very good publicity of the fare changes. ACTION could have put notices in all of the buses weeks before it happened - they didn't. The only sign that did go up concerned the bike racks and the school tickets without any actual mention of the new fares.

One poster complained about having to pay $3.70 for an all-day child pass while his/her pensioner off-peak ticket is $1.60; which is a fair complaint. There should be an equivalent concession/child off-peak ticket even if it is only valid on weekends and school holidays.

The other whingers are more the usual - services are indirect and infrequent, why should I pay to catch the bus, why doesn't ACTION have a e-tag (sic) system and a zone fare system.

And what about the suggestion that having a free bus service would be safer for drivers? One small problem: the crazies who at the moment don't get on buses because they can't afford it would no longer have that problem.

Irisbus Rider

S-E-C-T-I-O-N-S! That's the only way I see certain issues brought forward solved.


We're not starting this again john.

Sections will NEVER work in Canberra.

Heck, they hardly work anywhere else.

I think we can all agree that a melbourne like zone system would work better, and not zones as in north, central, south and shared. But an orbital 2 or 3 zone system.

SECTIONS are stupid, confusing, a waste of time and money to implement and are prehistoric to say the least.

Buzz Killington

Irisbus Rider

Quote from: MaxiZac on July 03, 2009, 06:17:38 PM
I think we can all agree that a melbourne like zone system would work better, and not zones as in north, central, south and shared. But an orbital 2 or 3 zone system.
Sections, Zones, call them what you want, but 'One Fare Anywhere' isn't the best option for the general commuter.

Just 2 Sections are necessary, anyway, with an increase in pre purchased tickets, and most people paying in cash hardly ever paying in exact change, it wouldn't even make a difference.

Bus 400

Hopefully we just copy TransPerth's fare system with the Smartrider (

But maybe one good option for those with a few kids in tow, could be a ticket called the Family Rider. TransPerth has this & upto 8 people can ride on the one ticket (max 2 adult fares) for $8.80. Now a normal Adult Daily costs $8.80, so this is a huge saving. It also saves bus drivers having to calculate 3 different fares.

The thing I find annoying with the fares is the amount of 10c & 20c pieces drivers will now give away. Why couldn't the Adult one way rise to $4 & Concession $2, with a few other fares being rounded up or down to the nearest 50c or 00c.

Bus 400

I am wondering how are drivers coping with the 10c & 20c pieces that are being given out as change? I know of a few drivers that are just doing special fares & by the end of the day are doing $1.50/$3.50 fares as they run out of 10c & 20c pieces. While others are just cashing in notes for silver coins at any bank.


It's nothing new to whinge about...

Before you were on the scene, you may remember concession fares used to be $1.20 and adult fares $2.50 which is basically the same change required as they would need nowadays.

I hardly think drivers are running into any bank they can find on their breaks desperately begging for coins...

What about the fare structure in sydney that John is so in love with?

1 - 2 Sections is $1.90 for adults and $0.90 for concession and then as following for each additional section amounts
$3.20 & $1.60
$4.20 & $2.10
$5.00 & $2.50
$6.10 & $3.00

So you can't make it out to be a major issue when most bus companies in Australia have fares which require 10 and 20c as change.

The only thing ACTION needs to keep in mind when raising fares is to give drivers more of the change their require in their floats, so more 10 and 20c pieces need to be ordered and given to drivers.

The Love Guru

Quote from: MaxiZac on July 07, 2009, 09:04:18 PM
It's nothing new to whinge about...

Before you were on the scene, you may remember concession fares used to be $1.20 and adult fares $2.50 which is basically the same change required as they would need nowadays.

I hardly think drivers are running into any bank they can find on their breaks desperately begging for coins...

What about the fare structure in sydney that John is so in love with?

1 - 2 Sections is $1.90 for adults and $0.90 for concession and then as following for each additional section amounts
$3.20 & $1.60
$4.20 & $2.10
$5.00 & $2.50
$6.10 & $3.00

So you can't make it out to be a major issue when most bus companies in Australia have fares which require 10 and 20c as change.

The only thing ACTION needs to keep in mind when raising fares is to give drivers more of the change their require in their floats, so more 10 and 20c pieces need to be ordered and given to drivers.

LMAO!!!!!! If you want $1 coins for change you are in luck, apart from that there is no change available at the depots, you have to do your best to scrounge off the other drivers.

TO answer TP3000, I personally haven't had an issue with running out of change yet, but i have heard it has been an issue for other drivers.

The Love Guru

Quote from: MaxiZac on July 08, 2009, 05:03:25 PM
Firstly Todd, they are Saydair seats...Vogel seats can be found in things like Forest and Veolia buses and in a fair few bustech's.

As I said, ACTION management need to be made aware that this is and issue and order extra 10c pieces when they order change rolls for the drivers.

Drivers are not provided with change rolls. There is a $1 coin dispenser at the depot and that is it.

Buzz Killington

Bus 400

I don't know about Belconnen Depot, but 10c rolls are going to be ordered for Tuggeranong drivers, drivers will then be able to swap notes/gold coins for these rolls.

I ended up raiding money jars at home & collected $10 in 10c & 20c pieces, so one driver has quite a lot of them.

Buzz Killington

Posts regarding the seating types on the .3a's has been split out into its own topic.


Quote from: Chris_Guru on July 08, 2009, 06:52:55 PM
Drivers are not provided with change rolls. There is a $1 coin dispenser at the depot and that is it.
Tuggy Depot provides an over the counter change service to drivers, at least on weekdays. The 10c 20c and $1 coins have been in very hot demand this week, partly I think due to school hols...a lot more $1.90 cash fares especially.

I've noticed the travelling public have been offering $5 notes more (rather than exact coins) since the fare rise; I think many punters can't remember what the new fares are, so they offer a note to cover themselves from potential embarassment.