Network 18 Ideas

Started by Northside, December 29, 2017, 07:36:13 PM

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Well, as others have done before me, I thought I'd put forward my ideas for how Network 18 might look once the Light Rail Stage 1 is complete. My philosophy has been to retain both the advantages of an extensive rapid network, with the current flexibility that the red and blue rapids have in that they continue into the suburbs after they have completed the rapid portion of the route. My suspicions with the current plans is this may not be case, with greater transfers required. So each of the rapid routes are in effect rapid corridors of high frequency, rather than stand alone routes. I have also pushed the network out into the already advanced suburbs of Gungahlin.

I have had a go at providing frequencies for these routes and have combined a number of routes down south to aim for a bus every 30 mins during interpeak instead of the current 60 min. I'm not sure if this is achievable, but with the surplus of buses and drivers once the light rail is operational, I think it is not far off. Frequencies per hour are provided in the form [Peak/Interpeak/Nights] (and weekends if possible to have a 7 day network), ie [4/2/1] means the route has a bus every 15 min in peak, 30 min between peaks and 60 min at night.

I've adjusted the route numbering with letter prefixes to help readily identify xpresso and rapid routes. Obviously the proposal of having rapid routes 1-9 won't work when you have multiple routes making up a rapid corridor. You will also note that most rapid routes change number from one end to the next - ie a K11 between Charnwood and Belconnen may then become a K18 from Lanyon to Tuggeranong. So while the C rapid corridor has routes C43, C44, C47 and C48 operating at half hour frequency each during interpeak, there will only be a frequency of 15 mins on the line as the southern routes become northern routes and vice versa at the start of each corridor. This adds flexibility into the system and ensures buses can feed both ends of rapid corridors.

I've also done away with xpresso routes that still require the need for a local route - ie as the 18,318,718 and 775 all currently traverse the same route each peak hour. You will notice that in most cases, xpresso routes will replace local routes in peak, with routes either still stopping at major town centres, or connections provided.

Anyway, the route maps and details are provided next. All comments and suggestions welcome. Hopefully we can influence some thought into the next network redesign for the better!


Network maps:



Central Canberra:




Route Descriptions:

Frequency: [Peak/Interpeak/Night](/hr)

Rapid Routes:

Route #   Freq.      Route

L1      [10/4/4]   CANBERRA INTERCHANGE, Northbourne Ave, Dickson Interchange, Flemington Rd, GUNGAHLIN

K10, K11, K13, K17, K18   [8/4/2]      KIPPAX, Belconnen, University of Canberra, ANU, Canberra Interchange, Albert Hall, Woden, Mawson PnR, Wanniassa PnR, Tuggeranong, LANYON MARKETPLACE
K10      [4/0/0]      K Rapid Short Workings
K11      [0/2/1]      CHARNWOOD, Dunlop Shops, West Macgregor, Holt, KIPPAX then K Rapid to LANYON MARKETPLACE
--X11   [4/0/0]      Xpresso. Route K14 to Belconnen, then Express to ANU, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
K13      [4/2/1]      CHARNWOOD, Macgregor, Holt, KIPPAX then K Rapid to LANYON MARKETPLACE
K18      [0/2/1]      TUGGERANONG, Bonython, Gordon, Banks, Lanyon Marketplace then K Rapid to KIPPAX
--X18   [4/0/0]      Xpresso. Route K18 from Lanyon to Tuggeranong then Drakeford Dr, New Acton, CANBERRA INT.
--X78   [3/0/0]      Xpresso. Route K18 from Tuggeranong to Lanyon then Calwell PnR, Monaro Hwy, Kingston, Barton, Russell, CANBERRA INT
K19      [0/2/1]      LANYON MARKETPLACE, Banks, Conder, Lanyon Marketplace then K Rapid to KIPPAX
--X19   [4/0/0]      Xpresso. Route K19 from Lanyon to Tuggeranong then Drakeford Dr, New Acton, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
K Rapid routes K11 and K13 change to route K18 or K19 at Kippax/Lanyon
C43, C44, C47, C48   [6/4/2]      CHARNWOOD, Florey Shops, Belconnen, University of Canberra, ANU, Canberra Interchange, Russell, Barton, Kingston, Canberra Railway Station, FYSHWICK DFO
C43      [0/2/1]      FRASER, Dunlop, Charnwood Shops, then C Rapid to FYSHWICK DFO
--X43   [3/0/0]      Xpresso. Route C43 to Belconnen then Express to ANU, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
C44      [4/2/1]      FRASER, FRASER EAST*, Charnwood, Charnwood Shops, then C Rapid to FYSHWICK DFO
            *Some services terminate at Fraser East when returning/commencing from depot
C47      [3/2/1]      WODEN, Symonston West, Fyshwick DFO then C Rapid to CHARNWOOD
C48      [3/2/1]      FYSHWICK TERM. (Begin trip Barrier St, Terminate at Newcastle St), Fyshwick, Fyshwick DFO then C Rapid to CHARNWOOD
C Rapid routes C43 and C44 change to Route C47 or C48 at Charnwood/Fyshwick

KIPPAX & CHARNWOOD Rapids and peak extensions of local routes combine to provide extra high frequency between Belconnen and Canberra Interchange
K/C/B Series   [12/8/4]

A70, A71, A72, A76, A77   [6/4/2]      CALWELL SHOPS, Erindale, Wanniassa, Mawson PnR, Woden, Albert Hall, Canberra Interchange, Canberra Centre, Russell, CANBERRA AIRPORT
A70      [0/0/2]      A Rapid Short Workings to Canberra Airport
A71      [3/2/0]      MAJURA PARK, Canberra Airport then A Rapid to CALWELL SHOPS
A72      [3/2/0]      FAIRBAIRN PARK, Brindabella Park, Canberra Airport then A Rapid to CALWELL SHOPS
A76      [3/2/1]      TUGGERANONG, Isabella Plains, Calwell, Calwell Shops, then A Rapid to CANBERRA AIRPORT
A77      [3/2/1]      TUGGERANONG, Calwell, Theodore, Calwell Shops, then A Rapid to CANBERRA AIRPORT
A Rapid routes A70, A71 and A72 change to Route A76 or A77 at Airport/Calwell

K & A Rapids and peak extensions of local routes from Woden combine to provide extra high frequency between Mawson, Woden and Canberra Interchange
K/A/W Series   [12/8/4]

D32, D33, D35, D36   [4/4/2]      DEAKIN, John James Hospital, Deakin Shops, Forrest, Barton, Parkes, Canberra Interchange, BRADDON
D32      [2/2/1]      DICKSON SHOPS, Hackett, Ainslie, Ainslie Shops, Braddon then D Rapid to DEAKIN
--32      [2/0/0]      DICKSON SHOPS, Hackett, Ainslie, Ainslie Shops, Braddon, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
D33      [2/2/1]      WATSON, Watson Shops, Downer, Dickson Shops, Ainslie, Braddon, then D Rapid to DEAKIN
--33      [2/0/0]      WATSON, Watson Shops, Downer, Dickson Shops, Ainslie, Braddon, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
D35      [4/2/1]      WODEN, Hughes, Deakin then D Rapid to BRADDON
D36      [0/2/1]      WODEN, Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin then D Rapid to BRADDON
--X36      [3/0/0]      WODEN, Canberra Hospital, Garran, Hughes, Deakin, John James Hospital, Albert Hall, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
D Rapid routes D32 and D33 change to Route D35 or D36 at Deakin/Braddon

S20      [4/4/2]      CITY WEST, Canberra Interchange, Parkes, Barton, Kingston Shops, Manuka, Griffith, Narrabundah, Canberra Hospital, WODEN

M82, M83   [6/4/2]      WODEN, Cooleman Ct, John Gorton Dr, Weston PnR, Albert Hall, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
M82      [3/2/1]      WODEN, M Rapid to Cooleman Ct, Denman Prospect (to route further into DP as it expands), then M Rapid to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
M83      [3/2/1]      WODEN, M Rapid to Cooleman Ct, Holder, Duffy, Wright, Coombs, then M Rapid to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE

G50      [4/4/2]      GUNGAHLIN, UC Hospital, BELCONNEN COHEN ST

EAST-WEST RAPID (Belconnen-Watson) Limited Stops
E37, E39   [6/4/2]      BELCONNEN COHEN ST, University of Canberra, Bruce, Lyneham, Dickson Interchange, ACU, CANBERRA TECH. PARK
E37      [3/2/1]      BELCONNEN COHEN ST, Grey Rapid via Bruce (north) to CANBERRA TECH PARK, EPIC PnR, (Limited services stop at BYJC), Mitchell, Franklin, GUNGAHLIN
E39      [3/2/1]      BELCONNEN COHEN ST, Grey Rapid via Bruce (south and AIS) to CANBERRA TECH PARK, Watson Shops, WATSON

Other routes:

Route #   Freq.      Route

F1      [6/6/0]      Free City Loop

12      [0/2/1]      SPENCE, Evatt, Florey, Belconnen, BELCONNEN COHEN ST
--X12   [3/0/0]      Xpresso. Route 12 to Belconnen Community Station, ANU, Canberra Interchange, Parkes, BARTON
14      [0/2/1]      FRASER, Charnwood, Flynn, Melba, Evatt, McKellar, UC Hospital, BELCONNEN COHEN ST
--X14   [4/0/0]       Xpresso. Route 14 to Belconnen Community Station, ANU, Canberra Interchange, Parkes, BARTON
15      [0/2/1]      SPENCE, Melba, Scullin, Page, BELCONNEN COMMUNITY STATION
--B15   [4/0/0]      Route 15 peak extension via K/C Rapids from Belconnen to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
16      [0/2/1]      KIPPAX, Higgins, Latham, Florey, BELCONNEN COMMUNITY STATION
--B16   [3/0/0]      Route 16 peak extension via K/C Rapids from Belconnen to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE

21      [0/2/1]      WODEN, Lyons, Chifley, Pearce, Torrens, Athllon Dr, SOUTHLANDS MAWSON (Return via Mawson not Athllon Dr)
--W21   [3/0/0]      Route 21 peak extension via K/A Rapids from Woden to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
23      [0/2/1]      WODEN, Canberra Hospital, O'Malley, Isaacs, Farrer, Mawson, SOUTHLANDS MAWSON (Return via Mawson PnR not Mawson)
--W23   [3/0/0]      Route 23 peak extension via K/A Rapids from Woden to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
24      [3/2/1]      BELCONNEN COHEN ST, University of Canberra, CIT Bruce, Calvary Hospital, O'Connor, Turner, ANU Campus, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE, Albert Hall, Parliament House, Barton, Forrest, Manuka Shops, Griffith, Red Hill, NARRABUNDAH TERMINUS
25      [3/2/1]      NATIONAL MUSEUM, Canberra Interchange, Parkes, Kingston, Canberra Railway Station, Narrabundah, NARRABUNDAH TERM.
28      [0,4*/2/1]   DICKSON SHOPS, Dickson Interchange, North Lyneham, Lyneham Shops, O'Conner, Turner, ANU, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE, Albert Hall, Parliament House (sides), Forrest, Yarralumla, Deakin, Curtin, WODEN
            * 0AM Northbound, 4 AM Southbound – 2 term. at Canberra Interchange. Vice versa PM
--X28      [3/0/0]      Xpresso. WODEN, Curtin, Deakin, Albert Hall, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
--29      [3/0/0]      WODEN, Hughes, Yarralumla, Forrest, Parliament House (sides), Albert Hall, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE, ANU, Turner, O'Conner, Lyneham Shops, North Lyneham, Dickson Interchange, DICKSON SHOPS,

30      [4/2/1]      BELCONNEN COHEN ST, University of Canberra, Giralang, Kaleen, Lyneham, Dickson Interchange, DICKSON SHOPS
31      [4/2/1]      BELCONNEN COHEN ST, UC Hospital, Lawson, Kaleen, Lyneham Shops, O'Connor, Turner, ANU, CANBERRA INT.

40      [4/2/1]      BELCONNEN COHEN ST, Belconnen, Jamison Shops, Macquarie, Cook, Aranda, ANU, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
41      [4/2/1]      BELCONNEN COMM. STATION, Belconnen, Higgins, Hawker, Weetangera, Macquarie, Jamison Shops, ANU, CANBERRA INT.
49      [3*/2/1^]   GUNGAHLIN, Moncrieff, Casey, CASEY MARKETPLACE, Spence, Flynn, Charnwood Shops, KIPPAX

--K49      [3/0/0]      CASEY MARKETPLACE, Spence, Flynn, Charnwood Shops, KIPPAX then K Rapid to TUGGERANONG
--X49      [3/0/0]      Xpresso. GUNGAHLIN then Route 49 to Casey Marketplace, Nicholls, Gold Creek, ANU, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
            * 3AM to Gungahlin, 0 AM to KIPPAX. Vice versa PM
            ^Terminates at Casey Marketplace at nights

51      [4/2/1]      GUNGAHLIN, Ngunnawall, Casey Marketplace, Nicholls, Gold Creek, McKellar, UC Hospital, BELCONNEN COHEN ST
52      [3/2/1]      GUNGAHLIN, Ngunnawall, Moncrieff, Amaroo, GUNGAHLIN (Clockwise Loop)
53      [3/2/1]      GUNGAHLIN, Amaroo, Moncrieff, Ngunnawall, GUNGAHLIN (Anti-Clockwise Loop)
54      [3/2/1]      GUNGAHLIN, Palmerston, Crace, Baldwin Dr, University of Canberra, BELCONNEN COHEN ST
55      [4PM*,3AM/2/1]   GUNGAHLIN, Forde, Bonner, Amaroo, GUNGAHLIN (Anti-Clockwise Loop)
56      [4AM*,3PM/2/1]   GUNGAHLIN, Amaroo, Bonner, Forde, GUNGAHLIN (Clockwise Loop)
            * Every second peak route starts/finishes at Mabo Blvd
58      [3/2/1]      GUNGAHLIN, Throsby, Harrison, WELL STATION PnR, Palmerston, GUNGAHLIN (Clockwise Loop)
59      [3/2/1]      GUNGAHLIN, Palmerston, WELL STATION PnR, Harrison, Throsby, GUNGAHLIN (Anti-Clockwise Loop)

60      [0/2/1]      WODEN, Kambah Village, Kambah East, TUGGERANONG
--W60   [3/0/0]      Route 60 peak extension via K/A Rapids from Woden to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
62      [0/2/1]      WODEN, Kambah West, Greenway, TUGGERANONG
--W62   [3/0/0]    Route 62 peak extension via K/A Rapids from Woden to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
64      [0/2/1]      WODEN, Phillip, Pearce, Mawson PnR, Kambah, Wanniassa, Erindale, Monash, Oxley, TUGGERANONG
--W64   [3/0/0]      Route 64 peak extension via K/A Rapids from Woden to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
65      [0/2/1]      WODEN, Phillip, Mawson, Mawson PnR, Wanniassa, Erindale, Monash, TUGGERANONG
--W65   [3/0/0]      Route 65 peak extension via K/A Rapids from Woden to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
66^      [3*/2/1]   TUGGERANONG, Erindale, Gowrie, Macarthur, CHISHOLM SHOPS, Chisholm, Richardson, Calwell Shops, Calwell, LANYON MKTPL
--X66   [3/0/0]      Xpresso, Route 65 LANYON to Chisholm Shops then Canberra Railway Station, Kingston, Barton, Russell, CANBERRA INT
            * Peak Route 66 terminates at Chisholm Shops
C67^   [3/2/0]      CANBERRA INTERCHANGE, Russell, Barton, Kingston, Canberra Railway Station, (Limited services stop at AMC and/or Hume), Chisholm Shops, Gilmore, Richardson, Isabella Plains, Bonython, TUGGERANONG
--67   [0/0/1]      WODEN, Canberra Hospital, Erindale, Fadden, Macarthur, Chisholm Shops then via C67 to TUGGERANONG
68^      [0/2/0]      WODEN, Canberra Hospital, Erindale, Fadden, Macarthur, Chisholm Shops, Chisholm, Monash, TUGGERANONG
--W68   [3/0/0]      Route 68 peak extension from Woden via K/A Rapids from Woden to CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
            ^ Note: C67, 66, 68 timed to depart Chisholm shops to allow for transfers across services

81      [1/1/0]      CANBERRA INTERCHANGE, Canberra Centre, War Memorial, Commonwealth Park, Parkes, Parliament House, Acton Park, National Museum, Arboretum, Zoo, ATSI Centre, Zoo, Botanic Gardens, ANU, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE (Clockwise Loop)
86      [3*/2/1]   WODEN, Weston, Holder, Duffy, Rivett, COOLEMAN CT
--X86   [3/0/0]      Xpresso. WODEN. Route 86 to COOLEMAN CT then Weston PnR, Albert Hall, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
87      [3*/2/1]   WODEN, Waramanga, Fisher, Chapman, Stirling, Weston, COOLEMAN CT
--X87   [3/0/0]      Xpresso. WODEN. Route 87 to COOLEMAN CT then Weston PnR, Albert Hall, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE
         * In opposite direction to Xpresso routes (ie 3 to Woden in AM, 0 from Woden. Vice versa in PM)   
88      [3/2/1]      CANBERRA INTERCHANGE, Canberra Centre, War Memorial, Campbell Park, Duntroon, ACT Hospice, Russell, Campbell, Reid, Canberra Centre, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE (Clockwise Loop)
89      [3/2/1]      CANBERRA INTERCHANGE, Canberra Centre, Reid, Campbell, Russell, ACT Hospice, Duntroon, Campbell Park, War Memorial, Canberra Centre, CANBERRA INTERCHANGE (Anti-Clockwise Loop)

X80      [4,2*/0/0]   Xpresso. BELCONNEN COHEN ST, Weston PnR, Cooleman Ct, Kambah, TUGGERANONG
            * 4 services South, 2 North AM. Reverse in PM.
X90      [3/0/0]      Xpresso. GUNGAHLIN, Express to Well Station PnR, Express to Deakin Office Park^, Hughes, WODEN
            ^ Investigate location for convenient transfer point between X90 and X80 – ie u-turn facility at Weston PnR or stops at Cotter Rd On/Off ramps – negates need for X94 route
X91      [3/0/0]      Xpresso. MAJURA PARK, Campbell Park, ADFA, Russell, Barton, WODEN
X92      [3/0/0]      Xpresso. FAIRBAIRN PARK, Brindabella Park, Russell, Barton, WODEN
X94      [2/0/0]      Xpresso. BELCONNEN COHEN ST, WODEN
X95      [3/0/0]      Xpresso. GUNGAHLIN, Harrison, Airport, Russell, BARTON


And because I can, the updated Rapid Network:

Sylvan Loves Buses

Well for starters, there's a couple of routes that use two numbers and go the exact same way, usually just the one number (and I don't mean the ones with a letter in front) for a route is enough. Unless there's more to see that these maps can't show, the ones I'm talking about are; 52/53, 55/56, 28/29 and 88/89.

The problems/suggestions I would have just by looking here (just my opinion of course):
  • Nothing looks too long which is always good.
  • It feels just a little too 'bus'y around the Belconnen suburbs. I love how you've incorporated the use of pretty much every bus stop that the past 20 years of bus networks have used, but what has happened in real life and that would probably need to happen to this too would be a slight cut off of some routes that run too close to each other esp. if they have rather high frequencies.
  • Unless it was unintentional, but the two routes going both sides of Watson have one-way-only arrows against them. This doesn't quite make sense, esp as they both terminate. I will imagine you didn't mean to leave those arrows in, but I will mention that there is actually a terminus outside the Network 10 studio close to where the E39 goes towards the round-a-bout with the other route near to where they terminate, but instead they could both terminate at the location where there already is a terminus located on the map. Otherwise, bi-directional routes along Watson would be great.
  • Is it me, or does everyone who doesn't catch buses, or creates bus networks or have anything to do with Canberra buses seem to hate Fyshwick? Well the answer is probably yes, I hate it too, but for a person who can only ride the bus to access a highly industrial location where many stores that are found there have the stuff you need more than anywhere else in Canberra, this place is rather hard to get around without the support of a convenient bus route. Now I'm not going off at you in particular about this, but I have noticed this a lot over time that the frequency and convenience of trying to get around Fyshwick by bus has been very much unappreciated over the years, and by looking at your idea, it makes me uncomfortable. Although I can see you have some frequency on it, there is quite the disadvantage of convenience of when it comes to getting around the place there, esp more as it's once again the only route.
  • Obviously you can't see it cause of the congestion, but I will guess that the 64 from Woden comes from Callam Street, and not Corrina Street. Just thinking that a bus from Corrina that goes via Phillip and Chifley would be a good idea again.
  • I can see you had a similar idea as I did with a bus passing John James Hospital and taking Dudley Street as what I think the 182 we have now should do. It's a good idea, cause there actually is a bus stop there that hasn't been used in many years and would be great access for Yarralumla patrons to use to get to Gungahlin.
  • I would still like the idea of a Tuggeranong to Gungahlin Xpresso route.
  • A little inconvenience with Wanniassa once again, you favour many routes through the Belconnen suburbs, but Wanniassa gets the cut off I was talking about instead.

That's about it, nothing else pops out at me. It would take a little getting use to with all the route numbers but this could work as a network. All the X, C, K, A, D, M, E routes would have to be refined, but I could see something like this working out.


Your on the money with a good network but route 49 looks to long.. too much congestion in charnwood and maybe put 54 through Lawson instead of 31 cause miller street has lots of people catching the bus.
But it is pretty good. Runs look good and not long 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Routes 24 and 25 would terminate at Red Hill terminus not Narrabundah terminus. I

On the other hand I would prefer 24/25 be a bi-directional loop as well so Narrabundah would have access to Manuka Shops running via the old route 4/5 via Barton Bus Station and Constitution Avenue. The Green Rapid then by pass Griffith Shops and go down Captain Cook Crescent maybe Kingston Shops as well by going up Canberra Avenue and National Circuit.


Some good points raised. A few clarifications:

  • My bad, the route descriptions are needed to make my point. Routes 52/53, 55/56, 58/59, 88/89 are loop routes. Each have both an anti clockwise and clockwise route. 29 is the peak-only replacement for 28. Ie in peak, the X28 serves Curtin and the 29 serves Yarrallumla, then runs direct to Woden where the X28 takes over.
  • Really, the only addition to Belconnen is the 49 and maybe that doesn't need to be half hourly, other than that, I've just split the current 343 and 313 to provide more direct routes to Belco and better coverage through West MacGregor. The main reason Belconnen gets better coverage than Tuggeranong is the greater patronage it already provides, primarily due to higher density (relative to each other). Belco already justifies half hourly routes during the day, whereas Tuggeranong barely gets a dozen on a number of its hourly routes. I think Wanniassa is still well covered with a rapid corridor and two half-hourly routes.
  • Yes, the two routes in Watson are bi-directional. That was just a left over from the original map. The reason they terminate where they do is actually to take advantage of the still yet-to-be-used bus stop on Antill St, north of Aspinal St to better serve the Ibis and new development east of Antil St.
  • Yes, I agree with you Fyshwick is a difficult one. I'm all up for suggestions for improving it. Maybe an increase in frequency is a start.
  • Yes, the 64 could run via Corrina, it would be a huge detour, although it would then probably miss Botany st travelling south as a result.
  • Yes to the Tuggeranong-Belco rapid route. But probably won't happen until John Gorton Drive is completed. Maybe an hourly X80 could be a start.
  • Yes, the 49 could be split at Casey shops, I had considered that. And I think Lawson having a direct bus to the city would be more advantageous. The 8 is only hourly now, so would justify an increase to half-hourly, but I see your point.
  • Yes, you're correct. I didn't realise if if was Red Hill or Narrabundah, being on the border. I chose to terminate them there rather than make them connect as a loop so they still kept the convenient transfer to the green rapid. I agree with your point about retaining access to Manuka shops though.