6 bloody 22

Started by Murray, February 01, 2017, 10:37:22 PM

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Sylvan Loves Buses

Yep, and the Trams will be red, boring innit


But they will go together.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Still pretty boring imo though. I do like the bus, but the livery could've had a bit more effort put into it if you know what I mean - take the new Dart livery for example


I wish they did something like that as well, have you noticed how the branding is unnecessarily cramped up in the corners as well?

Sylvan Loves Buses

Yeah.. I started drawing it today, that was one of the things I noticed. I think it's like some new thing as of the ACTION/TC combine or whatever
they're starting to make them look not-ACTION now, that's how it seems - using them in a way


The TC logo only works in full effect in only two of the picture's in the album http://imgur.com/aT3bFaP.

You can see in how they were fitted that ACTION is not in the picture as much as they have went for something completely different like when they introduced the green ones in 2004 and since they did that I have noticed that all green busses from 300 to 620 have progressed from the Iris's but I was mainly talking about the interior.

622 was so different from 620 it was almost a shock but I have experienced this before with the free city loop bus as when I took my first step in I was so shocked to learn it was a fucking Dart. The interior of 622 has some design elements as a Dart as well like the next stop light and the hand rail in the wheelchair area.

The reason why I like PR100.2's so much is because they feel inviting and warm (hot if you sit on the back seat) with earthy tones. The Iris's even have this as well with its blue plastic marble and aluminium poles that don't jump out at you and stab you in the arse like the first green MAN's. It was brought back with 506 with double seat which were comfier than ones fitted previous but the white marble wasn't as warm if you know what I mean.

In the sense of warm 622 has next to none because it looks like if hotwheels had busses. I don't know how to feel about these because since the back door is a bit closer to the front (compared to 620) the overall feel is a bit more comforting because it provides a sense of closeness in general. Another thing is where they would usually put the plastic marble crap which set the feel, they have replaced it with the most un-inviting material they could of used but the literal feel and warmth is pretty good and comforting.

It dose look like a hotwheels "vehicle" which really puts me off, it's the front of the bus that puts me off because the luggage racks/front seat have not been done properly at all which is something I thought "they" were past.

They have set the example of what busses are going to be based off for the next 15 years and in my opinion they have not started well. It is now that it's not ACTION anymore because light rail and busses need to be one brand with the busses being blue and light rail being red. Quite a fair few people that got on that bus were quite excited that it was a brand new bus and that's what their probeby aiming for, to build excitement. When I went on 620 a week after it was put in no one was exited that it was new because the changes were that gradual.

Sylvan Loves Buses

Well, half of what you've said I agree with, and the other half my mum says to me lol

oh and it's Matchbox who make diecast buses :P - now that I think of it, yeah, they kinda do look like them :o


Quoteoh and it's Matchbox who make diecast buses
I ment it's if they made busses because 622 looks like it was designed by a 12 year old.


I think it looks sleek and modern - each to their own, I suppose.

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I'm just so split on it.

Sylvan Loves Buses


Pig dog ugly is the best way to describe the livery.

Way too bland, for such a bland solid colour they should have something (other than black windows) to break it up. And don't get me started on the grey skirt.

Hopefully the trams will not have the same grey skirt and by then they learn to break the livery. Maybe much like the current Sydney light rail livery. In fact the blue on the buses might have looked good broken up like the Sydney tram livery.

Sylvan Loves Buses

You know what, I hadn't noticed this till the week after I had ridden it, but my bike has the exact same livery, just flipped ;D - a line of dark grey on top, and blue on the rest lol.