Wiki: Bus Advertising List (Beta)

Started by Buzz Killington, August 29, 2011, 10:17:03 PM

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Buzz Killington

Trying out something new with the Wiki - the ACTION Advertising List.

This page lists each bus in the fleet, and what external advertising they feature. Three columns - left, right and rear. Given the relatively low number of ads doing the rounds these days, together with almost 200 new(er) buses which only carry rear adverts, this is a bit more achievable than it was a few years back.

Changes can be tweeted @actbusfleetwiki, or you can use the contact form located on the Wiki sidebar.

We'll need a bit of help to initially populate the form, but once it's all set it should hopefully be minimal upkeep.

As I mentioned, it is a beta. Feedback, suggestions and whatnot are all welcomed.

The page can be found here: