ACT Government Releases 10 Year Infrastructure Plan

Started by Bus 400, June 01, 2010, 08:34:12 PM

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Bus 400

Quote from: ACT Chief Minister Media Release
ACT Govt releases 10-yr infrastructure plan
Released 01/06/2010
New schools in Molonglo and Eastlake, more CIT campuses, dedicated bus lanes, the redevelopment of ageing high-rise public housing developments, a new Supreme Court and a transformed public health system are among the infrastructure priorities contained in the ACT Government's first ever Infrastructure Plan, released today.
Released by Chief Minister Jon Stanhope, the 10-year document will be updated annually and includes not just short- and medium-term infrastructure priorities, but visionary long-term projects such as the VFT, and discusses the potential for new funding models for major infrastructure.
The plan was released in conjunction with the second edition of the Canberra Construction Snapshot, a biannual newsletter on the current and planned construction works, as reported by the ACT and Federal Governments and the private sector. The Snapshot details around $5.2 billion worth of construction activity currently underway in the region, supporting around 13,000 local jobs.
"Since coming to office in 2001, this Government has invested massively in the Territory's infrastructure," Mr Stanhope said, "particularly over the past few years.
"Our annual capital works expenditure almost tripled from around $110 million in 2001-02 to $296 million in 2008-09. Works-in-progress for 2009-10 are well on track and will eclipse last year's record spend. In our latest Budget, $394 million has been allocated to new projects, with a cash allocation of around $2 billion towards capital projects over the next four years.
"The ACT Government knows the importance of high quality infrastructure to the economic prosperity of our community and the effective delivery of services. Investment in infrastructure is an investment in our future."
The ACT Government Infrastructure Plan has been informed by the views of the community and industry, through the Government's budget consultation strategy, and also through a series of high-level roundtables. It will provide a vehicle for reporting to the community and business sector on delivering major capital works through the Canberra Construction Snapshot.
It also provides an important link between the infrastructure priorities detailed in the annual budget and the Government's long term vision for the city, as set out in The Canberra Plan: Towards Our Second Century.
"While this is an ACT Government Infrastructure Plan, it also recognises that infrastructure is a national priority and national responsibility," Mr Stanhope said.
"Large and very costly projects, such as the Majura Parkway and Light Rail, along with projects of national significance, such as a VFT, warrant Commonwealth co-investment and the ACT will continue to advocate for these investments at a national level."
The Plan details the key drivers of demand for infrastructure investment over the next ten years, including:the changing demographics of the Territory and region;the need to maintain existing infrastructure as it ages;climate change; andthe need to sustain a strong and dynamic economy.The Plan also itemises infrastructure priorities over the next ten years in the following sectors.HealthEducation and TrainingTransportHousing and Community ServicesJustice and Community SafetyMunicipal ServicesLand Development and PlanningWaterEnergyCulture and the Arts"It must be stressed that this is a 'living document' that will be updated each year, allowing the Government to respond to emerging issues and ensure that its priorities remain relevant," Mr Stanhope said. "The prioritisation of investments will also allow the Government to ensure that its own infrastructure investments and investments by the private sector are sensibly scheduled, to avoid peaks and troughs of construction activity."
Future revisions of the Plan will be informed by six-monthly industry and community roundtables.
The Infrastructure Plan is available online at
The Snapshot is available at
At the moment the spelling errors are being fixed in the plan, so it is currently not online.

But from what I remember of the plan, it mentions:
-An expansion of the ACTION fleet
-New bus stations at Gungahlin, Erindale, Barton, City West 1 other
-Park & Ride at Fyshwick

& a few other points.

Barry Drive

The plan mentions items that have already been announced in the recent budget (so they don't need to be repeated here). Of more interest are the 5- and 10-year expectations (for transport), which are:

In the next five years, the Government expects to:

• undertake strategic road investments to support growing suburbs, manage congestion and improve road safety, including a third lane on Parkes Way from the Glenloch Interchange to the Acton tunnel, duplication of William Slim Drive and Horse Park Drive, upgrading Cotter Road, upgrading the Barry Drive and Clunies Ross Street intersection, upgrading Ashley Drive and undertaking airport road improvements;
• continue to build trunk road, public transport and cycle and pedestrian routes for new developments at Gungahlin, Molonglo and East Lake;
• implement bus priority measures and transit ways at key locations, including Canberra Avenue, Barry Drive (ANU), Northbourne Avenue and Flemington Road;
• continue to expand the network of 'Park and Ride' and 'Bike and Ride' facilities aligned with public transport corridors;
• invest in Intelligent Transport Systems such as a Real Time Passenger Information System to provide reliable information on bus arrival and to make public transport a more reliable and attractive mode of transport;
• expand the bus feet and upgrade bus depots to deliver enhanced public transport service to a growing population and a growing number of public transport commuters and customers;
• investigate and deliver new transport technology, including smarter parking infrastructure and infrastructure to support new vehicle technology like EV [Electric Vehicles];
• improve bus shelters and bus stops, community paths and on and of road cycle connections and street lighting;
• progress the relocation of the terminal site and railway facilities as part of the urban renewal project in East Lake; and
• continue to invest in smart road safety technology, including variable message signs and point to point cameras, and construct a trafifc management centre for the Territory.

In the next ten years, the Government will explore:

• increasing the size of the city's bus feet to deliver enhanced public transport service to a growing population and a growing number of public transport commuters and customers;
• expanding the network of high frequency public transport corridors with bus priority and transitways on key corridors of Belconnen to City, Gungahlin to the City, Woden to the City, Woden to Tuggeranong, Molonglo to Woden and Belconnen, and Queanbeyan to Canberra;
• building new public transport stations at Molonglo and Fyshwick, and expanding stops, shelters and bike racks on the bus network;
• completing the network of 'Park and Ride' and 'Bike and Ride' facilities aligned with public transport corridors;
• building strategic road infrastructure for parkways, arterials and new suburban access, including the east–west corridor (between Molonglo in the west and Queanbeyan in the east), the two north–south arterials of Gungahlin Drive and Majura Parkway/Monaro Highway, and the trunk road, public transport and cycle and pedestrian routes through new developments at Gungahlin, Molonglo and East Lake and the eastern corridor;
• modernising parking infrastructure to support integrated use of smartcard system;
• completing and continuing to maintain Canberra's network of community paths and on- and off road cycling infrastructure, and improve bus shelters and bus stops and street lighting; and
• coordinating traffic and transport, and continuing to invest in smart technology and better roads to improve road safety.