Adelaide Metro - Gripes about buses

Started by smitho, February 01, 2010, 03:28:31 PM

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This grumpy griper / bus rider entry below has appeared on Facebook - although the Adelaide bus system has seen better days, I don't agree with the writer's opposition to train and tram upgrades in that city.

The big weakness of the Adelaide Metro system is that the Metro bus network is run independently of the Metro train and tram network so that they duplicate and compete with each other - even though the state government finances and controls both networks. Crazy stuff.

They could learn a lesson from Perth - where for years, buses feed the rail sysytem rather than compete with it.

    Organizations - Political Organizations
Any Adelaide resident who routinely catches buses will have no doubt noticed or heard about the recent investment in the rail network. Fantastic. Let's put more trains and trams in a city that doesn't have room for them.

Those same residents will have also noticed that the buses, run by Adelaide Metro, suck balls. There's no other way of describing the bus system here in Adelaide. It's horrible. The buses are regularly late or don't show at all, the adelaide metro website is absolutely useless, and the timetables at any given stop are usually wrong, vandalised beyond recognition, for the wrong direction, or not present at all.

The simple solution: Instead of investing millions to add more trains and trams to a city that wasn't designed for them, fix the bus system! Thousands of people rely on it every day, surely that money could be better spent helping them.

I'm sick of it, and I've no doubt there are plenty of others who are sick of it as well. I'm going to start by sending letters to various parties, such as Patrick Conlon (MP for Transport), the Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure, Mike Rann (SA Premier), and any other random important South Australian political figures. I'm also going to be making note of any time a bus is late or some other rubbish happens. If you're as pissed off as I am, you'll do the same. Let's organise the masses and make Adelaide Metro accountable.

At some point a website will be set up to promote this message and organise further action, but for now this Facebook group will do. Spread the word: WE'RE BLOODY SICK OF IT! (read less)
Any Adelaide resident who routinely catches buses will have no doubt noticed or heard about the recent investment in the rail network. Fantastic. Let's put more trains and trams in a city that doesn't have room for them.

Those same residents will have also noticed that the buses, run by Adelaide Metro, suck balls. There's no other way of describing the bus system here in Adelaide. It's horrible. The buses are regularly late or don't show at all, the adelaide metro website is absolutely... (read more)

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