Night services announced, but what about the other 48 weeks of the year?

Started by Buzz Killington, December 09, 2009, 09:10:56 PM

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Buzz Killington

Greens Transport spokesperson Amanda Bresnan MLA says that the launch of the Nightrider service today is marred by the Governments earlier announcement that it would abandon its Nightlink taxi service.

"It's disappointing to see that the Nightlink service was not a success when it is clear that the need for such a service remains," Ms Bresnan said today.

"The Government didn't ask itself the hard questions about how it could increase and sustain patronage"

"Nightlink needs to be better promoted and have time to develop a customer base knowledge of this valuable service in the community."

"There is a degree of hypocrisy in the Government celebrating a 'new' service that lasts for 4 weeks, whilst quietly cancelling a similar service that operated all year round"

"The ACT Greens are concerned that whilst the Government wants to 'consider road safety reforms' as part of their response to the Liberal Party's drug testing proposal, they've taken away one of the ways of getting  people under the influence home ."

"Without an option that's cheaper than normal taxis, there is a risk that people may attempt to drive home under the influence of drugs or alcohol," Ms Bresnan said


How much cheaper than regular taxis was Nightlink? IIRC from the sign on platform 3 it was still $50+ to get to the arse end of Tuggeranong.