Territory Plan-Public Transport (Part 4-Flemington Road Corridor)

Started by Bus 400, July 11, 2009, 11:30:20 PM

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Bus 400

Fleminton Road Corridor
• To implement the Objectives of the Sustainable Transport Plan including shifting
the balance of travel from private vehicles towards greater use of walking, cycling,
'Park and Ride' facilities and public transport
• Transit stops will be easily accessible from commercial frontages by providing kerb
side indented bus bays on the departure side of intersections;
• Transit stops will facilitate a range of activities including bus travel, window
shopping and outdoor eating in comfortable and convenient circumstances;
• In the long term, the Intertown Public Transport (IPT) route will be provided with
appropriate transit stops
• Provide a temporary park and ride facility at the Well Station Drive transit node that
caters for a minimum of 20 car parking spaces and provides an appropriately
scaled station with undercover protection for commuters
2.4.2 Sustainable Transport Planning
The Flemington Road Concept Plan embraces the Objectives and Principles
encompassed within the Sustainable Transport Plan. A number of design elements within
the Concept Plan have been included to encourage the use of public transport, cyclist
facilities and pedestrian facilities. These include:
• A series of highly accessible transit stops on the departure side of major transit nodes.
These stops will be convenient for users to access and are located near commercial
facilities and areas of high residential densities;
• A continuous dedicated cycle lane running along the entire study corridor;
• Precincts of higher residential densities adjacent to major transit lines and stops to
encourage a greater modal split using public transport options;
• Accommodation for pedestrian refuges to facilitate safe and convenient road crossing
• A "Park n' Ride" facility adjacent to Well Station Drive to allow commuters to take
advantage of public transport facilities linked to the Gungahlin Town Centre core
commercial and employment areas.
• An overall road reserve width of 65.1 metres (reducing to 62.3 metres at the transit
nodes) to accommodate the requisite median, verge, carriageway and cycle lane
widths. Detailed arrangements are shown on section drawings contained at Sheets 5-
• The use of a 6 metre wide minor median to accommodate large street tree plantings,
and a 2.4 metre wide verge containing appropriate services and pedestrian movement
networks. The 18.1 metre wide central median accommodates a future Inter-town
Public Transport (IPT) mode if desired allowing a busway or light rail system.
Provision has been made for IPT stations adjacent to major transit nodes to
encourage efficient use of public transport facilities;
• An 11.1 metre wide paved curtilage (3 metres on-block and 8.1 metre verge)
immediately adjacent to commercial and mixed-use buildings at major transit nodes to
facilitate safe and convenient access from bus stops directly to commercial tenancies,
and provide pedestrian amenity;
•The inclusion of a bus stop on the departure side of each intersection at major transit
The road design shown in the Concept Plan includes a number of departures from earlier
schemes prepared by Maunsell McIntyre Pty Ltd (2000) and Parsons Brinkerhoff Pty Ltd
(2004). The departures are:
• The Maunsell McIntyre scheme proposed a 66m wide road reserve – the Concept
Plan proposes a 65.1m wide road reserve reducing to 62.3m at transit nodes;
• The Maunsell McIntyre scheme proposed 5.0m wide minor medians with no tree
plantings – the Concept Plan proposes a 6.0m wide minor median with a large
Category 1 type tree plantings;
• The Maunsell McIntyre scheme proposed on-road transit lanes that entered the
central median only at major IPT stations – the Concept Plan includes continuous
dedicated IPT lanes within the central median;
• The Maunsell McIntyre scheme included service lanes between indented bus bays
and commercial frontages – the Concept Plan removes the service road between the
indented bus bay and the commercial frontages to allow direct interface between the
bus stop and commercial areas;
• The Maunsell McIntyre scheme generally comprised single lane carriageways northbound
and south bound outside of major intersections – the Concept Plan proposes
continuous dual carriageways both north-bound and south-bound;
• The Parsons Brinkerhoff scheme proposed a 72m wide road reserve that stepped at
major transit nodes – the Concept Plan proposes a 65.1m wide road reserve that
reduces in width at transit nodes and adjacent to open space areas;
• The Parsons Brinkerhoff scheme comprised single lane carriageways north-bound
and south bound outside of major intersections – the Concept Plan proposes
continuous dual carriageways both north-bound and south-bound;
• The Parsons Brinkerhoff scheme included service lanes adjacent to major transit
stops – the Concept Plan removes the service road between the indented bus bay
and the commercial frontages to allow direct interface between the bus stop and
commercial areas.