Should the ACT Government sell street signs?

Started by Sir Pompously, June 20, 2009, 11:53:26 PM

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Should the ACT Government sell street signs?

4 (44.4%)
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My mum found a street sign in my car boot, I was later grounded
5 (55.6%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Sir Pompously

To Curb signage theft, I have often wondered why the ACT Government do not sell made to order street signage at the Government Shopfronts? Surely this would in some way curb theft of signage, for those who want a sign of their last name or childhood street! To not confuse any stolen signage with made signage, all that would be required would be a small notation in the corner of the sign.

I was going to have a poll however I cannot find the button to do so (I think Ryan would have that power!).

Irisbus Rider

Oh, definately, it would help me sleep better at night if that system was in place.

Buzz Killington

Well there's definitely a way to do it. There was a place in Calwell that had a street sign on the lightpole out front of their house, pointing down their driveway, with no street nearby that it could/should have been pointed at.

I ran the name on the sign on and sure enough, there were people by that name at that address.

Oh and poll added.

Bus 400

I've been told that the street sign at Holden Crescent, Wanniassa was being stolen so much that they ended up painting/engraving the street name onto/into the cement.

Buzz Killington

Thats true - there was an article in the Chronicle years ago. They spraypainted the name on the kerb at each end. The same for Bogan Pl in Kaleen.

Since then they've developed stronger brackets and/or welded the signs to the poles.

Bus 400

Also in some areas the signs are put up higher. The same goes for all those bus fans that haven't come out about it yet, as some bus stop signs are put up higher so they can't be stolen.


an other st sign which is stolen is Dookie St Farrer (green day fans will know why)

Buzz Killington

we could go on all day really. Toohey Pl in Wanniassa, Hussey Cv in Bonython, and pretty much any street that is a popular name or reference is an easy target.



Quote from: Virusbus Rider on June 20, 2009, 11:54:57 PM
Oh, definately, it would help me sleep better at night if that system was in place.

Is that so you dont have to go cruising around Belco looking for stray street signs?  ;D

Irisbus Rider

Quote from: Trolleybusracer on June 21, 2009, 09:37:26 PM
Is that so you dont have to go cruising around Belco looking for stray street signs?  ;D
Ha ha, yes! It would make my life a whole lot easier!

Barry Drive

Quote from: lukeo25 on June 21, 2009, 07:31:31 PM
James T Kirk st in gungahlin :D
"James Kirk", no T. It's named after James Frank Kirk (1920-1997) - Chief Executive of Esso and Australian Bicentennial Authority. Kirk was made a Companion of the Order of Australia, awarded an honorary DSc from Newcastle University and became a champion of the environment as chairman of the Landcare Australia Limited. [From ACT Government website]


QuoteJames T Kirk st in gungahlin

It ain't Star Trek buddy.