Network 08 General Dicussion

Started by Irisbus Rider, January 11, 2008, 09:51:42 AM

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The Love Guru

I'm 99% sure the .2 i was in had just 4 and not 4E or 4W, will check it out when i'm next in one

Irisbus Rider

Ha, then it'll end up like the 905, Page / Scullin / Higgins / Kippax / Macgregor / Dunlop / Fraser West.

There are people standing in front of the bus for at least 30 secs just reading it, lol.

Buzz Killington

more information would be better than just a final destination

Sir Pompously

Quote from: Renault Rider on May 28, 2008, 07:31:54 PM
Ha ha!

Apparently, from memory, there are old stops (shelter sort too) somewhere behind the airport. Not much help, I know, but somewhere, behind the airport, with the crappy 50's houses, it has old ACTION stops. Isn't it Fairbairn?

Couldn't see any, and I went past the 50's Barrack's housing in there aswell, only the new Pole style stops with the Yellow sign. If you get a chance, take a look in there as it is open to everyone. Just remember John, the speed limit is 40km/h and no more. :P

Buzz Killington

last time i was in fairbairn there were some old stops there

Sir Pompously

A Black and Yellow bus stop peg has been installed outside Quamby Detention Centre for the 8 service City bound. I did not sight one for the Woden bound services, but one would assume there would be a stop there. Interesting they used a Peg stop, instead of the newer signs. The peg however was well used.

Majura Business Park has a stop built not at Brand Depot but where the concrete walkway ends on the leadup to Brand Depot. No signs are found at the Brand Depot stop.I will get the name of the street when I can be bothered.


Isnt it Spitfire Ave or something

The Love Guru

Gungahlin town centre stop out the front of Woolies (not the current Raiders club stop) now has 2 fancy new 'totem poles' out the front.

Also not sure if anyone else is aware, but according to the new route directions (i have been told, yet to confirm for myself) certain services will be running through city west as part of their route, i believe the route 2 is one of them. I'll confirm this later on once i've had a read through the new routes.

Buzz Killington

there's a "totem pole" on northbourne avenue too, where platform 10 is.

Sir Pompously

Quote from: Busnerd on May 31, 2008, 01:37:06 PM
Isnt it Spitfire Ave or something

Just looking at it looks to be on Dakota Drive or Catalina Drive. I love their Aircraft Themed roads!!

I must get to see these totem poles whenever I get off my sore butt, however I only used to go out there for Hungry Jacks and Maccas Out Gunners way with Mathew (And the odd time John), however Mat is kinda not here...... Sigh. I spose I could head into 'City'.


Sir Pompously

I noticed today the Totem Poles that were up (They look nice) and it seems all interchange signage has been changed over (Civic was being done when I passed through). Some stupid IF's were looking at the Maps and Timetables for a route today when it clearly stated 'Commencing Monday 2 June' or 'From 2 June 2008'. Erindale had the timetables changed over, which was interesting even though most tiems are the same, however it is still a day before they launch phase one into 'Action' and people do seem to travel on weekends!


Southlands mawson was done on at least saturday morning or something, because i tried to read the timetable on there on saturday afternoon, and was like "..wait. these arent right?? ahh!"

Barry Drive

Quote from: Chris_Guru on May 28, 2008, 08:00:10 PM
I'm 99% sure the .2 i was in had just 4 and not 4E or 4W, will check it out when i'm next in one
It's true. I had a .2 yesterday and had a look at some of the destos. They also have not programmed a 4 that terminates in City, despite many of them doing so. Also the desto for 10 only goes to Campbell Park - not Fairbairn Park.
Quote from: Chris_Guru on May 31, 2008, 02:27:35 PM

Also not sure if anyone else is aware, but according to the new route directions (i have been told, yet to confirm for myself) certain services will be running through city west as part of their route, i believe the route 2 is one of them. I'll confirm this later on once i've had a read through the new routes.
Route 3 (former route 34) will travel through City West/Marcus Clarke St on the way to/from the Museum.

The Love Guru

The route 2 does go through the City West interchange, comes off Commonwealth av, London ct, (L) University Av, (R) City West Interchange, Cont Marcus Clarke, (R) Alinga St, (R) Northbourne Av to platform 10


i've already done all of the 11 today, and jesus crist..i was in a dart for half of it, and oh my god, it would of been interesting listening to it go up the hills in theodore! (it struggled in calwell!)


i've done the 21 from woden and thats it for 2day

Buzz Killington


My "4 West" bus had the number of "44".

I heard one of the operators at the Belco bus interchange mention that it may have been a programming error.
This happened to both my morning and afternoon bus.

Buzz Killington

i saw one or two Mk2's doing the 4 and both just had 4

Irisbus Rider

Yep, buses with the 4 will have 4 on the desto, ha ha.

On a serious note, it won't be 4E or 4W, there's no need, just read the desto.


The scania destos have been stuffed up, so get used to seeing things like

3152 OUT OF SERVICE as it has displayed the previous desto number with the next desto..

seriously these new destos suck, i sent action a file, they didn'`t use it, which is bad news for them because they've really stuffed up these ones.

Jack Bauer

Regarding Destos - I noticed the otehr day a 4 in Griffith (a .3 was doing it) that had like 5 or 6 scrolls... and noticed a MkI going through 'bundah the other day ona 5 with Gungahlin which made me laugh, but Ive noticed most of the MkIIs just put up City Interchange and obviously change it at the City.


i saw a desto on friday sayin "I AM OUT OF SERVICE" at drakeford dr

Barry Drive

With the Scanias they have changed the panel and you can enter a route number which will appear with any of the un-numbered desto signs. You can enter up to 4 characters - numbers and text - which will appear with the sign. This of course can lead to more desto shenanigans (see Multimedia).


well i also expect you to use this for good as well as evil, for example you can now do..


but also evil like


and so on..

Irisbus Rider

Yay, ha ha. At least it'll make the destos more interesting.

Time for my rant about City Interchange.

Firstly, the 2. Is i supposed to go through City West? I have been on a few 2s, nortthbound and southbound, when a passenger will press the bell approching City West, the driver will go straight past it, and drop off either in front of Subway and the construction site (Northbound 2), similarly with the 3, it will drop off in front of the Police Station after City West. WTF???

Also, the 2 southbound goes via London CCT (intertown route), opposed to the Northbound 2 going via London CCT West and City West. The same run shouldn't go two different directions! alternatively, it might take a few extra minutes, but the southbound 2 should go via London CCT West, Left onto Edinburgh Ave, Left onto Parkes Way, then onto Commonwealth Av. It might take an extra 5 mins, but it would provide consistency for the City West area.

With the 3 and City Interchange, it is just stupid! It comes off Alinga St, turns right onto Northbourne Av, passing platform 10. Left onto London, Left into the Interchange, then stops at the platform, then left on Alinga again, left onto Northbourne, passes Platform 10 AGAIN! Then onto London to continue the route. It loops over itself! The smart thing to do would be to change the service so the southbound service arrives/departs on platform 10. Then the southbound 3 can roll straight through. As well as avoiding the confusion of the 3 departing on platforms side by side. Some poor elderly lady ended up at Belconnen, as she got on the 3 in the wrong direction!

I think thats all, so far.......

Buzz Killington

your ideas intrigue me and i wish to subscribe to your newsletter

Barry Drive

Quote from: Busnerd on June 13, 2008, 06:44:22 PM
well i also expect you to use this for good as well as evil, for example you can now do..

You can only use it on un-numbered destos so the 4 can't be changed.

Quote from: Renault Rider on June 13, 2008, 07:26:52 PM
Time for my rant about City Interchange.

Firstly, the 2. Is i supposed to go through City West? I have been on a few 2s, nortthbound and southbound, when a passenger will press the bell approching City West, the driver will go straight past it, and drop off either in front of Subway and the construction site (Northbound 2), similarly with the 3, it will drop off in front of the Police Station after City West. WTF???
John, there is much confusion about Route 2 (at least from me). The southbound route does travel along London Circuit as you say but the northbound route goes along University Ave / Marcus Clarke St. There is a sign at City West which states that routes 2 and 3 do not stop there (even though it is shown as a stop on the route 3 timetable). There was an update at the depot which stated that route 2 does not travel 'through' City West - but it still travels along M-C St.

As for platform 3 - it makes some sense. Both routes 2 and 3 southbound travel the same way until they get to Deakin Shops. It does make sense to have both routes depart from the same platform to prevent confusion.

My much larger concern with City Interchange is platform 10. It should not be used for regular route services. There should be a way to fit its routes into the normal interchange, even if it means that Deane's services have to be moved.

Irisbus Rider

Yeah, I have just been informed that CityWest is not even serviced by the 2 or the 3! Wasteful, in my opinion.

As for City Interchange, I now see why the 2 and the 3 depart from the same place, thats understandable, but the "loop the loop" of City Interchange is so time consuming!

As for Deanes, do they even have any right to be using that platform? If they don't, they should be oved to Northbourne Av. City Bus Interchange is layed out over such a large area, it's riduculous. If I'm coming from Fysnwick and heading to Braddon, I have to walk from Platform 8 to 10, which is a long way, even for a normal person, not to mention the elderly.


the 720 also goes through city west in the mornings but don't know about evenings