Transport For Canberra Gungahlin Town Centre Layover Study

Started by Bus 400, August 20, 2011, 11:41:09 PM

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Bus 400

Transport For Canberra wish to alter the bus layovers in the Gungahlin Town Centre. The study can be found at

Now I like how the current Eastern Layover on Kate Crace has been selected to be kept, with the other option being next to homes as far away from Gungahlin Shops as possible. Surely past experiences should suggest this idea isn't popular when locals move in after a bus layover has been in for years should be a lesson (cough, cough Theodore Terminus).

But I don't see why the Western Layover needs to either be on Gundaroo Drive or out near Magnet Mart on Anthony Rolfe Drive? Unless layover times are changed, a driver could loose 5-10 minutes in driving out there & back to start a run.

I do wonder whether ACTION drivers were consulted as a part of the public consultation?


Im firmly of the belief that many that make public transport policy, plan public transport timetables or design public transport infrastructure (including selecting the vehicles used) NEVER actually USE public transport.

Which is why so much goes wrong, doesn't work, is never on time or leads to falling patronage.

I find more out from talking to drivers and people like Ian Cooper than i do from poring over government public transport documents.

Bus 400

The plans are out for comment on the Western Layover ( Now from what I've read, the bus facilities building is the new style that places like an upgraded Erindale will receive & more then likely any termini in Molonglo. I don't know what you call the building style for the Fraser West/Spence or Kippax/Narrabundah, but this new style will be the style of this decade.

Bus 400

A tender has gone out for construction of said facilities.

Barry Drive

Two pre-fabricated drivers amenities blocks were delivered today to Kate Crace St.

Barry Drive

The new Kate Crace St amenities block was opened this week and the demountable block was taken away - along with its fridge, microwave oven and table & chairs!

Buzz Killington

Quote from: ACTbusspotter on March 12, 2014, 02:54:33 PM
the demountable block was taken away - along with its fridge, microwave oven and table & chairs!

bah, luxuries!


I guess the other new Ticketek Outlet Centre (= driver layover box) at Gungahlin (near Magnet Mart) doesn't need to be commissioned until the new network commences.

Barry Drive

It may not need to be, but I think it is also in use (steps have been installed and fencing removed). I didn't get the opportunity to layover there last week, but when I do I will report.


It seems a bit out of the way in the light of current operating patterns...which is why I wondered whether it will have more usefulness under Network 14.

The Love Guru

I'd guess that terminating 57/200 routes will use it in the new network as part of the far side terminus plan. It will mean that those services will go 1 stop further to Antony Rolfe and then terminate

Barry Drive

The Bus zone markings on Gribble St have already been removed in anticipation.

The new amenities block on Anthony Rolfe, while it may be complete, has not had the locks changed, so it's not in use.

Barry Drive

With 3 months (at least) until Network 14, the Anthony Rolfe layover amenities block has been opened and Gribble St closed.