Perth Excursion-January 2011

Started by Bus 400, January 27, 2011, 08:47:41 PM

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Bus 400

Here is a selection of TransPerth buses from my excursion to Perth for a bus tour. More information on these buses can be found by searching the fleet number on

On the morning of said tour, 2 MAN articulated buses turned up to our starting point at Barrack Street Jetty with half naked men & women. Most of us being bus enthusiasts, crossed the road to photograph the buses as this would be like the second time these buses have been to this stop.

Bus 35

Bus 37

Bus 1440 @ Midland Station on driver training.
This was Perth's first OC500LE diesel bus.

Bus 1444 @ Ellenbrook North Terminus

Bus 1636 @ Cockburn Central Station on trial route 529 which covers a area of Perth not well covered by public transport between Cockburn & Armadale.

Bus 1655 @ Armadale Station

Bus 1968 @ Rockingham Station

More photos can be found at

Tour Photos to come in the coming days.

Buzz Killington

This must be one of the first interstate threads where I actually recognised the location without looking at the caption! I picked the Barrack St Jetty straight away.

Very nice photos. Transperth seem to take a lot of pride in how their fleet is presented.


Yeah for the most part they arent too bad, although the presentation is handled by the relative operators on behalf of the PTA, being sWAn Transit, Southern Coast Transit and Path transit.

Big shake up of the entire TP fleet, with operator changes occurring in May with sWAn and Southern Coast taking over 1 Path Contract each.