Started by CNG, January 11, 2011, 12:59:46 PM

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as you all aware I am really obsessed with shift cards and I am trying to start out a collection of them I was interested if anyone had any old ones on them which they could send to me via my email (sdrolfe@hotmail.com). I would particularly like shifts from networks 06,08 and 09. However any will do.

The Love Guru

You missed out Sam, we were able to have almost a full set of shifts from network 08 on the artic tour.

Buzz Killington

I've never seen so many shift cards before or since that artic tour. That room was PACKED with them.


I hope I am not sounding too rude but dose any one have some that they can send, if i was their I would have been grabbing them by the handfuls


action have sent me a copy of all the belco sunday details from network 09.



I hear comic sans is a totally awesome font..


there are no stamps on them. By the way I was looking at one old sunday detail (931) and it has a 927 on it that comes into woden at 1226p and then shift requires the driver to complete another 927 departing woden at 120p that is aprox 50 mins in layover so in this shift the driver would almost get two meals. I was also laughing at the CNG stamps on belco shifts.


second post I know but I got some more shifts, the whole lot of belco sat details and holiday shifts from network 09

Sir Pompously

Quote from: p_stampy on January 13, 2011, 08:24:04 AM
I hear comic sans is a totally awesome font..
Personally I find Helvetica more orgasmic.

I too was also cacking my dacks over CNG stamps on Belconnen Shifts. Laugh of the century.