Daily Cooma to Canberra Services?

Started by Bus 400, December 08, 2010, 09:26:13 PM

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Bus 400

Park and ride to the capital
02 Dec, 2010 09:46 AM
THERE has been a new and positive development in ongoing efforts to establish a reliable daily commuter bus service between Cooma and Canberra.
A public meeting in Canberra last week heard of proposals to expand a "park and ride" facility at the Calwell shops.

In addition to helping Canberra commuters, it would also act as an interstate dropoff site for services to and from Cooma, the coast and Snowy Mountains.

The drop-off site would be supported by peak hour express bus services to other parts of Canberra.

Those calling for a regular Cooma-Canberra commuter bus service have long-recognised a major drawback - finding a suitable system for travellers to reach their ultimate destination once they reach Canberra.

Cooma councillor Martin Hughes, who attended the public meeting at Calwell, said a park and ride service at Calwell would help to solve this problem. It would be affordable, convenient, and - importantly - provide connectivity to other locations in Canberra.

There are already several park and ride services in Canberra centred on Belconnen, Woden, Tuggeranong and Mawson. Commuters are able to drive from home to the facility, park their vehicles and then catch express buses to their work destination.

There is already a small facility at Calwell shops and local businesses and residents argue there is potential for expansion involving increased parking spaces.

The ACT government is currently developing a citywide park and ride policy which would help to ease parking congestion in Canberra's major centres.

Cr Hughes believes there are dozens of daily Cooma-Canberra commuters who could potentially use such a service.

The public meeting and the response of the ACT government showed that progress was being made.

An important next step would be to open discussions with Deane's Buslines about a trial service between Cooma and Canberra.

All aboard or not?
Have your say. Do you think commuters travelling from Cooma to Canberra for work need help? Write a letter or comment to the editor. Email editor. cmexpress@ruralpress or post it to PO Box 2, Cooma NSW.

I am aware of one Nimmitabel resident (another 30 minutes south east of Cooma) who does the daily drive from Nimmitabel to Canberra for work. Worse thing is they do shift work.


I think we all know where Nimmitabel is


in theory, yes, could work.
in reality? I highly doubt it.


If they live that far away, and a shift worker, I dont think a bus service is going to be suitable really.