O405s in Cairns

Started by Irisbus Rider, July 05, 2009, 07:15:32 PM

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Irisbus Rider

Quote from: Mini Mat on July 05, 2009, 04:29:38 PM
Sunbus Cairns Xdi (can't remember fleet number)
""            ""    Merc O405?? Bustech (fleetnumber??)
Enjoy those sweet O405NHs while you can, they're great buses.

Bus 400

They're the really old Mercs after the 0305's aren't they? I just get confused with the different types of 0405's that Perth have.

Irisbus Rider

Really old Mercs after the O305s? WTF? Firstly, O405s are newer than O305s, secnodly, they are a far superior vehicle, and anyway, they only have three types of O405s in Perth, O405s (High floor), O405NHs (Low floor, half of an O405 and an O405N) and O405NH CNGs (Gas powered O405NHs).


Transperth only have 3 diffrent types of 0405.
High floor 0405
low floor 0405NH Diesle's
And Low floor 0405NH gassies.
Bunbury City tranit have 4 O405N buit by PMCSA and their fully low floor. Bunbury is located 160KMS away from perth.