Where is it #67?

Started by bubzie, January 17, 2010, 12:23:30 AM

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Go nuts. :)


Irisbus Rider

Gosh that's a hard 'Where is it?' To me, it looks like it's somewhere in NSW, but the ACT Parks sign in the background states otherwise.

So, I'll hazard a guess of Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve?

Sir Pompously

Certainly onto something there, John. Ed, Cotter is still dirt, no tar where the bus used to pull up. The sign in the background is certainly an ACT parks sign, however it is different from others around the ACT which are Black and Green, this has orange. And there is a road sign with what looks to be 'No Stopping or Turning'. I am going to do some Google searching....


Yep. John's correct, tis tidbinbilla.

Sir Pompously

And I will go with the same conclusion as John. Tidbinbilla Ring Road, one of the many carparks (Cannot pinpoint as to which as have never been in). The Nature Reserve uses orange Parks signage. Which begs me to ask, why was Bubzie in a Nature Reserve? Satanic Rituals? Brand Depot was closed?

Irisbus Rider

Sorry for letting it slip so quickly Bubzie, studying Environmental Science involves many visits to Tidbinbilla, so I know the area relatively well.

Still, a good one Bubzie!
