[Photos] Operation: Suburban Focus

Started by Sir Pompously, January 11, 2008, 10:23:59 PM

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Sir Pompously

Here is my attempt to photograph suburban scenes from Various suburbs across the ACT. My first look was at my own suburb, Monash. Here are the photos

More can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/kommissar_todd06/sets/72157603691950055/


I really love the B & W pic of the power-pole. My eldest brother would love that pic, he's a retired electrical engineer and avid collector of power-pole pix! Do you mind if I send it to him, Todd? Let me know by P/M if you like. Thanks, Carrie


Quote from: Carrie on January 12, 2008, 01:32:08 PM
I really love the B & W pic of the power-pole. My eldest brother would love that pic, he's a retired electrical engineer and avid collector of power-pole pix! Do you mind if I send it to him, Todd? Let me know by P/M if you like. Thanks, Carrie

??? You have an older brother?

Irisbus Rider

Very good photos, nice touch, quite artistic! I like them!



Yerh very good and very handy for me. I like seeing photos of normal suburbs because everyone else takes photos of the most exciting things... Everyone forgets about where most people actually live.

Buzz Killington

Sir Pompously, i for one demand an update on Operation: Suburban Focus by 0900

Sir Pompously

Sir, yes Sir! lol, If you click the link above it should come up with the Suburban Focus page that I have placed some photos in every now and then.

Buzz Killington

Sir Pompously

In time my son, in time. I am working on it slowly, but they will crop up every now and then.

Buzz Killington

lol, good

i may try to get some pics from around my local area

Buzz Killington

Has operation: suburban focus covered the Corlette Cr sign that says "Corlette Rd" ?

Sir Pompously

Ah now, I may go for a Bike Ride and check that puppy out.

Buzz Killington

roundabout with hebblewhite, one of the green signs.

Sir Pompously

Sir Pompously

I will have to look at getting a few photos of Signs. One is on Tavener Street where there is a sign with the roundabout, with the Entry to Monash on it (Harricks Cres). It has 'Tavener Street' on it instead. All other signs have Harricks. Also looking at trying to get some photos of 'Department of the Capital Territory' Federal Government signage in an old woden suburb. 

Sir Pompously

Here are some more additions. Although the Police Jetty is in the Town Centre, I just really cannot be assed making up a new thread :P They will be in both the Suburban Focus folder on Flickr and also in there own eventual folder.

Autumn leaves in Lake Ginninderra Parkland

Police Jetty C of A Trespassing signage

A view of the signage and building

A View of Lake Ginninderra near to Sunset


Very nice todd!
You managed to make Belconnen look good, and not like the concrete jungle it actually is!

Sir Pompously

A few more from the Belconnen Town Centre, which will be placed in their own album called "Belconnen Town Centre". All photos are in medium size as the thread is getting pretty full up with photos.

Belconnen Town Centre Black and White's

A View of the sign at 6 Chan Street of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship

A view of the modern building found at 5 Chan Street

A View of the Parking Ticket machine at 5 Chan Street

For larger versions see http://www.flickr.com/photos/kommissar_todd06/sets/72157619034002628/

Fairbairn Park

Fairbairn Ave with it's beautiful treelined medium during Autumn

Sir Pompously

Ryan would be happy with an update of Operation: Suburban Focus. John and I took a walk through Curtin yesterday, so I took the opportunity to add to my collection. As I said to John, walking is the best way to find photos of suburban life, driving or riding a bus is too fast paced to be able to find that spot that can make or break a photo. Apart from one old lady who asked why I was taking photos of an underpass, the day was uneventful.

A View of an Underpass looking through to the local oval

A view of an Urban open space, one of many found throughout all suburbs in the ACT

A Rare view of power lines found infront of housing, and a divided road

A View up a laneway

A wooden information sign, not only are these getting rarer in the suburbs, but this sign predates the current self Government's Urban Services (Department of the Capital Territory).

Buzz Killington

love that last one, very nice!

driving thru curtin the other day, i note they still have a wooden suburb sign on McCullock St (probably spelt that wrong, but what are ya gunna do)

Sir Pompously

A view down Dunrossil Drive, looking towards Cotter Road

Another Department of the Capital Territory sign, found in excellent condition for it's age in Curtin

And although not in Suburbia, here are three which I got while out today.

A View of Vernon Circle, with the Brindabella's in the background

Although taken in the City, I thought I would share this photo of one part of the new Bike Path signage

A view from Black Mountain of Lake Burley Griffin

Sir Pompously

This time Myself and partner in crime Robert-John Tokaji travelled into the Gungahlin Area. There are plenty of places I have now seen, and would like to go back to as unfortunently we were on a timetable and did not have time to change lenses!

This first is my favourite of the day, Reflections of the water overflow and dam wall in the rain puddle left from a recent downpour

The rest will be at a reduced size, however will larger sizes can be found at http://www.flickr.com/photos/kommissar_todd06/sets/72157603691950055/

These were taken within the community parkland in Gungahlin surrounding Yerrabi Pond.


Quote from: Sir Pompously on April 04, 2009, 11:36:23 AM
Also looking at trying to get some photos of 'Department of the Capital Territory' Federal Government signage in an old woden suburb.

There are a few of the DCT signs around Curtin which I know of - at least one of them is the timber type with white lettering but it has been a bit vandalised in recent years.

The Department of the Capital Territory (DCT) and Department of Northern Australia got the chop when the Fraser Government got rid of many of the Whitlam Government portfolio names. DCT and DNA were absorbed into aTerritories or Home Affairs portfolio as I recall.

Prior to Whitlam, the role of the DCT was within the Department of the Interior - finding any of their signs around Canberra in 2009 would not be easy.

Sir Pompously

Thanks for the info! As above, in some of the photos, I was able to track a few down in Curtin. Good to get some photos before they all disappear.

Sir Pompously

While in Isabella I passed a School Corssing with good light. So I grabbed some photos of the signs that seem to be unique to the ACT. Most other states (Especially Queensland) have Lolipop Ladies who guard a crossing with the Stop Signs (On approaches to schools and crossings around the school perimeter).


Todd, Victoria also has the signs and The lollipop ladies


I read somewhere that the red and white poles used for ACT school crossings are a transplant from Victoria which came here during the years when a major source of Commonwealth public servants in the ACT were transferees from Melbourne (such as Defence, Supply and Civil Aviation).

The term 'nature strip' which we take for granted as 'local' in the ACT is another direct transpant from Victoria.