Timetables: Bus Book or Individual TT's?

Started by Buzz Killington, May 14, 2009, 08:10:37 PM

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What do you prefer?

Individual Timetables
3 (25%)
Bus Book
5 (41.7%)
4 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Buzz Killington

What do you prefer?

I think both options have their merits - the Bus Book is handy because you have all the routes in the one book. Sure there's plenty of routes that you'd never catch, but every now and then people have to get buses to places that they rarely go to. It is a lot bigger to carry round, but most people have a bag of some sort to keep it in.

Individual pamphlets seem to just be for people who catch the one route all the time. And frankly, they probably catch the bus at the same time each day.

It would be nice to see ACTION develop mobile timetable access to a higher standard, including a site optimised for mobile phones, and iPhone applications, but that might be for another topic..

Irisbus Rider

Would have to be both, because usually, people will only catch one bus route.

But then again, with a bus book, it may encourage people to utilise the full ACTION Network, because with the bus book, they become aware of how many routes there really are in Canberra.

Sir Pompously

I don't really think it would encourage people, but more give people the option. As Snrub has mentioned, if you don't catch a certain route often, or at all, but you find yourself oneday needing that route it is there in the Bus Book. I would be happy to pay the $2 they used to charge for it, the convenience is good.


Quote from: Breakdown Van Rider on May 14, 2009, 09:10:10 PM
Would have to be both, because usually, people will only catch one bus route.

But then again, with a bus book, it may encourage people to utilise the full ACTION Network, because with the bus book, they become aware of how many routes there really are in Canberra.

I understand some in ACTION management believe that increased weekend patronage since last year's Weekend Bus Book became available is partly due to patrons getting more aware of the full network beyond their own local route.