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Bus 800

Started by Bus 400, May 06, 2009, 07:37:28 PM

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Bus 400

I found out that a plate was never released for Bus 800, such that Bus 800 has never existed.

Irisbus Rider

800? What? Renault 100.2? Please define your post a little bit, as there was an evaluation bus (UTA MkV) with the fleet number of 800.

Bus 400

I think it would be with the PR100.2's. But I was talking with a real old bus driver & he started talking about a rego plate never being issued for Bus 800

Irisbus Rider

I hate to rain on his parade, but there was a "BUS-800", and it did indeed have plates for it IIRC.
He could have been talking about 800, which was the UTA evaluation bus, and remained in NSW plates in it's time here.


There was a BUS 800, it now serves with Veolia as number 652.
Refer to the following link:

The morale of this is, research before posting

Bus 400

That means that I'll have to tell one of the longer serving drivers that they are wrong.

Buzz Killington

he could have been referring to the eveluation bus John mentioned above, but yeah, there was most definitely a Renault Mk1 registered as Bus 800. Unfortunately its one of the buses i dont have a single photo of.


Here you go...800

Note: Attachment has expired.

Buzz Killington

thanks. i'm sure a photo of it in action livery will surface eventually.

Bus 400

It looks a bit weird in that livery