Photo of the Month
Option 1: 689 - Robyn Boyd Cres
votes: 1
Option 2: 816 - Watson
votes: 2
Option 3: 382 - Launceston St layover
votes: 4
Option 4: 748 - Newman-Morris Cct
votes: 2
Option 5: 462 - Watson
votes: 0
Option 6: Tram 012 - Nullarbor Av
votes: 3
Same deal as last month - two days for photo submissions. Voting will open 29 October if there are 6 photos.
The rules:
● two* photographs may be submitted by each member, provided they have not been submitted before
◦ * a third photo may be submitted if it meets the criteria shown here (https://www.actbus.net/forum/index.php?topic=4685.0). However you may only submit a maximum of 2 photos of the same bus or of the same location.
● photos must be "owned" by the person submitting it (if not, you must have the permission of the photographer to submit the photo - and identify the photographer)
● photos must be have taken legally - ACT Bus does not encourage or condone trespassing
● submitted photographs must prominently feature:
◦ public transport infrastructure (such as bus stop, bus station, bus depot, Light Rail line, tram depot) within the ACT / Queanbeyan region (location must be specified)
◦ a bus, tram or support vehicle from the ACT or Queanbeyan (taken within the region or a former ACT/Queanbeyan bus) where -
▪ the vehicle is in focus
▪ the fleet or registration number is identifiable (or supplied by photographer if not visible in photograph)
● photos narrower than 640 pixels (for landscape aspect) will not be accepted
If possible, please supply date or month of photo.
Refer here (http://actbus.net/gallery-submissions) for full ACT Bus photo submission conditions.
Photos can be submitted by replying to this forum topic and attaching the image; to ensure consistency, photos must be displayed with a width of 640 (or height of 640 if a "portrait" aspect) - photos larger than 640 are required to use the option width=640 or height=640 in the image tag. For example: [img width=640] instead of [img].
To submit photos from Instagram, you must post a reply with a caption and paste the URL of the Instagram image. Photos not publicly visible cannot be submitted. We will not accept unhosted photos - they must be stored on a photo hosting site (such as Instagram, Flickr or Facebook).
Submissions close midnight 28 October, Australian Eastern standard time unless fewer than 6 photos have been submitted.
Voting will commence on 29 September (if there are 6 or more photos). Voting will take 3 days and close 1 November.
The winning photo will be loaded to the actbus.net website and posted to ACT Bus on Facebook and Instagram. The winner and runner(s)-up will also be included in the Photo of the Year vote. By submitting a photo, you are giving permission for it to be loaded onto the ACT Bus Gallery, and Facebook and Instagram pages.
BUS 689 on Robin Boyd Crescent in AOA
(https://i.postimg.cc/tTVKKJBT/IMG-1718.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Q9hY58GG)
BUS816 at Watson Terminus
BUS382 in the Launceston st Layover
BUS748 on Newman-Morris cct in Oxley
Bus 462 at Watson Terminus (Aspinall St)
Tram 012 approaching Nullarbor Av stop
Voting is now open and winner revealed on 1 November.