With ACTION constantly fine-tuning their timetables and often releasing small changes (http://www.action.act.gov.au/recent_routes_change.html) on Mondays, I figured one thread is best to keep it all together.
From Monday 17 August:
Route 2 departing Woden at 7:38am, 7:53am and 8:38am - these services will depart between one and twelve minutes later along the route.
Route 701 Afternoon service) Service departing Sydney Avenue at 4:42pm will depart between two and six minutes later from Civic onwards.
There are a few school service changes for Term 4. There is likely to be a lot of school service change for Term 1 2010. Currently ACTION Supervisors are profiling every school route, they have around 30-40 to go.
Apparently this sort of thing hasn't been doe for quite a while. So ACTION will easily alter a service to cater for some students, but nobody notices when students no longer catch the school route (moved on). This means a lot of pointless running, I know of some drivers who know where the students do & don't get off & just alter the route to cater for that.
If you download the Intertown timetable, southbound 318/319 services have had a timetable change. But this update hasn't been listed on the ACTION timetable updates.
Quote from: Bus 400 on October 08, 2009, 10:26:03 PM
If you download the Intertown timetable, southbound 318/319 services have had a timetable change. But this update hasn't been listed on the ACTION timetable updates.
That is because it is not an update, just a correction. And the HTML version of the timetable is still incorrect, despite me emailing ACTION about it several times (maybe I should try again).
From today the 13:49 Route 5 ex Woden Interchange will arrive 3 minutes earlier at each timing point before City Interchange. Here are the timing points as ACTION put them:
Calvary Hospital Narrabundah College Manuka, Captain Cook Kingston Kings Ave/ National Crt Russell Offices
Calvary hospital?, you mean canberra hospital or as i call it woden valley hospital
I haven't even seen this update on the ACTION Timetable Update page & I only found out after checking out what the piece of paper around the Fairbairn Park stops was.
From Monday 21 December 2009, the 16:19 28 service will now leave at 16:29. No other timing point changes.
Some minor changes to one service each on Routes 5 and 80:
Route 5 departing Woden at 6:17am Service will depart up to 9 minutes earlier along the route.
Route 80 departing the City at 8:24am Service will depart up to 4 minutes later along the route.
Hope this was publicised along the route, because it wasn't on the site until today - the day it took effect.
This one is just a bit strange...
Change to Route 939, Saturdays only, 10:46am service from the City only, will depart up to 10 minutes later along the route.
Timetable (http://www.action.act.gov.au/Routes_25_May/Route_939wkend.html#Saturdays)
From Monday 17 May 2010:
There will be a slight change to the route ACTION Buses take through Brindabella Business Park, with more area now covered. The notice can be found at http://www.action.act.gov.au/recent_routes_change.html (http://www.action.act.gov.au/recent_routes_change.html) a pdf of the route can also be found here.
There will also be a few changes to school services, these include the usual change to start finish times & a few route changes. This infiormation can be found at http://www.action.act.gov.au/recent_school_bus_changes.html (http://www.action.act.gov.au/recent_school_bus_changes.html)
The route directions for affected School Routes have been updated on ACT Bus. Changes to Brindabella Park Routes will be updated soon.
Update 14/5 - Brindabella Routes have been updated.
Hopefully when the new terminal opens up they might see the light and create a Inbound/Outbound stop route structure (Stops either side of the road), which would stop the 'Does this bus go to.....' when they don't read the destination. However, the Airliner is partly to blame with their desto's which do not clearly show its destination, instead opting for a scrolling Airport - CITY Airliner A1 etc which just confuses people.
This is on the frontpage of the ACTION site at present:
Urgent Notice to Passengers
Diversions to Route 30 and 31
Passengers of the route 30 and 31 are advised that, due to an emergency incident on Ellenborough Avenue (between Daintree Cresent, Kaleen and the Barton Highway), services are now being diverted away from the area.
The route 30 and 31 will divert via Baldwin Drive and Ginninderra Drive before resuming normal running. The route 6 is not affected.
Due to these diversions, services may be delayed and therefore passengers should allow for additional time to get to their destination. These diversions are expected to remain in place for several hours.
ACTION thanks passengers for their patience. Please contact ACTION on 13 17 10 for further information.
Mistake "Ellenborough Avenue" its not an avenue the correct name is Ellenborough Street.
If only they had a twitter account to relay that type of information.
Same thing was done for the Northbourne Avenue closure for a recent murder in Braddon.
The ESA report that the ACT Fire Brigade should depart by 22:00
8:54pm Monday 29 August 2011 - Update four on gas leak at Kaleen.
Gas leak has been isolated.
Repairs are continuing with ACT Fire Brigade crews due to depart by 10pm.
Gas leak was apparently the cause of this evening's diversion...
For those who were unaware, selected school services were altered on the 12th March 2012. Changes included rerouting some routes through the top end of Forde Z& down David Walshe Avenue. More information can be found at https://www.action.act.gov.au/recent_school_bus_changes.html
Route change rather than timetable change: in a move which will set a dangerous precedent, route 967 & 968 have been altered to actually service the weekday bus stops. A screen grab of the new route map:
The new map is now on the ACTION website, even an updated weekend network map is uploaded.
As of today, only Routes 3,4,5,7 & City West terminating routes use the northbound stop on Alinga Street. All other services use the new stop on Marcus Clarke Street.
The temporary stop on Marcus Clarke Street has also been closed.
And 934 from Saturday - so long as drivers remember that the route has changed.
Quote from: Bus 400 on September 17, 2012, 06:01:07 PM
As of today, only Routes 3,4,5,7 & City West terminating routes use the northbound stop on Alinga Street. All other services use the new stop on Marcus Clarke Street.
The temporary stop on Marcus Clarke Street has also been closed.
I think there are some Xpressos and 200 Links which still use the Alinga St stop as well. In fact, any service which turns LEFT into Marcus Clarke from Alinga will continue to service the Alinga St stop.
Been a while since there were any changes: effective Monday 3 February, Route 11 which previously departed Woden at 16:40 will now depart at 16:43. And that's all.
New Google Transit feed file is available.
They were putting new weekend timetables up at Westfield last night. Unsure what the changes were.
Can't find any recent weekend changes. I think they were for last year's revised 958 timetable.
A change to only 1 out of 3 AM 732s...
At least it's only drop off...
Interesting. The PDF timetable (https://www.action.act.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/817441/network14_2-732.pdf) indicates that it terminates at the Sydney Building.
The HTML timetable (https://www.action.act.gov.au/routes-network-14-improvements/732_city) says it continues to London/Akuna, but uses a Melbourne Building timing point beforehand - there's no stop at the Melbourne Building, though!
From the Transport Canberra website (http://www.transport.act.gov.au/service-updates/service-updates/city/tourist-loop-route-81981-changes-from-saturday-7-january-2017):
QuoteThe Tourist Loop Route 81/981 will change route direction as a result of the reopening of Constitution Avenue.
Route 81/981 will travel from ANZAC Parade then right onto Constitution Avenue, left onto London Circuit and then onto Commonwealth Avenue.
This change will also allow the route to service the National Convention Centre.
The timetable will not be affected by this service change.
New PDF files available at the above link.
I'm still disappointed that it still can't go the Telstra Tower
Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on January 04, 2017, 12:40:31 PM
I'm still disappointed that it still can't go the Telstra Tower
You still can, catch a Blue Rapid to "ANU Barry Dr" & walk 3.6k's to the peak. Or walk 2.5k's from the Botanical Gardens stop.
Hope this is the right place to ask this, anyway though.
I didn't know that the multicultural festival was on (cause I didn't read the latest email alert until just now), so when the 300 to the City that I caught yesterday took the alternate detour, that's when I realized.
It got me thinking about something though, because the 300s aren't suppose to or are required to not stop at the west side bus stops whilst taking the detour, why do they go that way then? Cause the southbound routes exit the interchange taking a right, then go left onto Vernon Circle, and continue on with the route - nice and easy and quick.
But the northbound take the full other London Circuit trip, and cause they don't stop why can't they just change lanes after bus 8889, and go around Vernon Circle the other way - at least if they go that way, they would only need to wait at the London Circuit/Northbourne Ave intersection, whereas going the west detour passes through an extra set of lights + the Northbourne crossing lights don't last as long as the North/South sides, which means they're having to wait longer esp during peak.
Can someone clear this up for me please, cause it just doesn't seem all that logical to me.
Or if you think that this would be a good suggestion for ACTION to use, I will do so.
Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on February 18, 2017, 04:46:46 PM
Hope this is the right place to ask this, anyway though.
I didn't know that the multicultural festival was on (cause I didn't read the latest email alert until just now), so when the 300 to the City that I caught yesterday took the alternate detour, that's when I realized.
It got me thinking about something though, because the 300s aren't suppose to or are required to not stop at the west side bus stops whilst taking the detour, why do they go that way then? Cause the southbound routes exit the interchange taking a right, then go left onto Vernon Circle, and continue on with the route - nice and easy and quick.
But the northbound take the full other London Circuit trip, and cause they don't stop why can't they just change lanes after bus 8889, and go around Vernon Circle the other way - at least if they go that way, they would only need to wait at the London Circuit/Northbourne Ave intersection, whereas going the west detour passes through an extra set of lights + the Northbourne crossing lights don't last as long as the North/South sides, which means they're having to wait longer esp during peak.
Can someone clear this up for me please, cause it just doesn't seem all that logical to me.
Or if you think that this would be a good suggestion for ACTION to use, I will do so.
Northbound services travel via London Cct West instead of Vernon Circle because to turn right onto London Cct after Vernon Circle is painful because you can only get one bus through each light cycle (because when you get the first green light, you turn onto London Cct and get stuck at the Northbourne Ave/London Cct southbound lights and yeah...). London Cct West does not have this same issue as you can get a number of buses through each cycle. Southbound services also don't have this issue.
I was actually on a northbound 900 today that tried using Vernon Circle - it was beaten to the City Bus Station by the following two 900 services (which left Woden up to five minutes after this service!) because of the delay.
Ok yeah, I suppose that makes sense.
Route 200 Red Rapid - Use of rear bus door.
Perhaps I have missed a forum reference to this but I can't find any, so here goes.
Transport Canberra has notices at the Gungahlin Terminus stop inbound to City and leaflets at the Civic office advising:
Commencing Monday 13th Feb 2017 customers will be able to exit the bus using both front and rear doors on all Red Rapid services at all stops, as part of a one month trial.
Customers are encouraged to use the rear door to exit so as to speed boarding up and so reduce dwell time.
But there's more,
Boarding through the rear door for MyWay patrons is allowed at Gungahlin, Civic, Barton and Canberra Outlet Centre.
Quite a development. 'As part of a one month trial', so what is the rest of the trial? Presumably the month is up, but the notice is still displayed. It will be interesting what the trial outcome will deliver.
Quote from: triumph on March 16, 2017, 10:28:06 PM
Route 200 Red Rapid - Use of rear bus door.
Perhaps I have missed a forum reference to this but I can't find any, so here goes.
Transport Canberra has notices at the Gungahlin Terminus stop inbound to City and leaflets at the Civic office advising:
Commencing Monday 13th Feb 2017 customers will be able to exit the bus using both front and rear doors on all Red Rapid services at all stops, as part of a one month trial.
Customers are encouraged to use the rear door to exit so as to speed boarding up and so reduce dwell time.
But there's more,
Boarding through the rear door for MyWay patrons is allowed at Gungahlin, Civic, Barton and Canberra Outlet Centre.
Quite a development. 'As part of a one month trial', so what is the rest of the trial? Presumably the month is up, but the notice is still displayed. It will be interesting what the trial outcome will deliver.
In the end, I don't thinks its particularly significant. From comments made on TC Facebook, many drivers were not opening rear doors for boarding during the trial period at those locations. I don't think many passengers were aware of the trial despite how many ways action tried to get the word out. On the other hand, I have seen drivers allow for rear door boarding at other stops such as Narrabundah College on route 4/5.
In the end, I think it comes down to driver discretion. Rear door boarding (and disembarking) should be allowed if the driver sees fit, but it wouldn't be a great move to set up an expectation for drivers to always open the rear door at selected stops for boarding or disembarking. And I doubt any conclusion reached will change much except perhaps the boarding of rapid services from interchanges at peak
A straw blowing in the wind......
Reference Canberra Times, today, pages 8-9, item 'Denman Shopping Precinct Aired'.
Mr Stephen Byron (Capital Airport Group managing director) is reported to have said '...with Action Buses to commence services to the suburb in the near future.'
That has been mentioned. It will happen.
The only question is when? October? December? Next year?
Quote from: triumph on June 14, 2017, 01:18:32 PM
A straw blowing in the wind......
Reference Canberra Times, today, pages 8-9, item 'Denman Shopping Precinct Aired'.
Mr Stephen Byron (Capital Airport Group managing director) is reported to have said '...with Action Buses to commence services to the suburb in the near future.'
Services to Denman Prospect are to commence with the next network (as mentioned in the "Network the Next" thread and quoted below).
Quote from: King of Buses on May 30, 2017, 07:42:45 PM
In my boredom last night I came across this video where TCCS director gives a presentation about Public Transport in the Molonglo Valley.
https://www.facebook.com/MolongloValleyMingle/videos/658916987632119/ (https://www.facebook.com/MolongloValleyMingle/videos/658916987632119/)
It mentions that the next network (whenever that may be) will feature an extension to the 182 to serve Denman Prospect. The route seems to take a one way loop from John Gorton Dr onto Coaldrake Ave, Bielski St and Wyndham Ave, before returning to John Gorton Dr. To be honest that could easily be added now given the timing on the 182 being quite loose.
The roads in the section of Denman Prospect where the shopping precinct is to be built are not yet complete and buses will not likely service that area of the suburb until late next year around when the shopping centre is due to open.
If the fact that Mitchell isn't getting a lightrail stop wasn't bad enough, just trying to get around on foot in Mitchell is hell as it is.
I was doing an errand for my mum today going from icon to Magnet Mart, but cause of how stupidly the networks are designed now, both the 56 and 57 go the EXACT same way through Mitchell, yet on my way to Magnet Mart, the number of once upon a time used bus stop islands I saw, I couldn't believe how many there were and yet nothing has been done to alter this stupidity since like network 2006 or whatever when it was all screwed up...
After carrying a rather heavy and very awkward container, my arm was in a lot of pain (and still is) after walking pretty much the distance of the perimeter of the industrial part of Mitchell cause of getting lost and going back on myself when I approached the lightrail crap which is inaccessible due to the restriction of pedestrian access in the area, when there's so many stops that could used, people like myself wouldn't have to go through such bull.
I've been working on a modified network design like the rest of you have shown in the past, and one such improvement that I would make I will share now just to show what I believe should be done, and even with this change, it would only affect the routes by 2-3 minutes, replacing 1 stop with 6.
Knowing me, I prefer convenience over streamlined, but with this minor convenient change, it would still be somewhat streamlined anyway...
Note: The placements of the stops are off a little cause I was tired drawing this up and don't really know the area fully (although checked google maps later for the remaining stops on Vicars street I didn't see).
Well at least they're keeping the route numbers the same way for now. Although I'm hoping there will be a hard copy timetable for this, I probably shouldn't keep my hopes up....
I have noticed that route 60/160 is very frequent for a short period during the afternoon; there are two southbound services departing Woden Bus Station within the space of five minutes. These two services are at 6:03pm and 6:08pm; the first trip is a 60 commencing at Woden Bus Station, the following is a 160 commencing from City West Bus Station at 5:45pm.
I am proposing that in the new network, that whilst I am aware that the route will start at Woden Bus Station, the 6:03pm should be removed; the 6:08pm trip should be increased to an articulated bus, this will help meet capacity requirements.
That is just the tip of the iceberg of the horrific planning that went into the timings of the past few networks. If you ever ride those buses regularly you'd notice that one bus will pretty much always be empty and the other sometimes full - and that's not just for these two routes. Even if the 60 were removed, I still don't feel it would need an artic, maybe a higher capacity bus like a 2, 3 or a Volgren, cause like most of the routes like it, most of the patronage is 300 users going between the City and Woden.
Although not quite as often, but pretty frequent at that time of the afternoon are the 62/162s. I've been getting the alter-ego of that 160 (162) and it gets maybe 10 people on it at any one time on any day. Most of the patronage is for Kambah, and not 300 users mostly probably due to the fact the the 160 picked them all up as there's only like 6 minutes between both of them leaving City West.
Have noticed that the route 163 has a lot of trips that are not marked as wheelchair accessible. Through the morning, 7/8 trips are non-wheelchair accessible and in the evening, 5/8 trips are non-wheelchair accessible. Needless to say, this is bad scheduling that affects anyone with bad physical mobility.
It's the same with the 171.
Diversion from Hospital Rd Garran 11th to 20th June due road works.
TC Service Alerts advises R6 will not service the Canberra Hospital stop in Hospital Rd or the nearby stop in Gilmore Cresc. It seems the service will use Bateson Rd.
The 'secret' AMC Shuttle also uses Hospital Rd but is not mentioned in the Service Alert. Fits.
Not exactly sure where the best place is to post this, but can anyone confirm the current bus allocations that appear on a driver's shift card? (e.g. EURO, STAG, IRIS etc.)
On this topic, I'm curious whether the shift cards differentiate between EURO 5 or EURO 6, and whether articulated bus shifts are marked as ARTIC or ARTW (not sure which one).
Also, might be a long shot, but I'm wondering if anyone could post/PM me a shift card from the last 10 years (not from the current network, of course). I've always wanted to know exactly what is on a shift card.
Also not sure where this should go.
TC has issued a notice that Hospital Rd is closing for a period. Details of impact on R6 are given BUT as previously nothing has been said about the (secret) AMC Shuttle which also travels via Hospital Rd..
Quote from: triumph on December 13, 2019, 09:35:00 PMQuote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on December 13, 2019, 08:48:49 PM982 (R6W) - weird how some drivers were still taking the Hospital detour
The TC Alert says avoiding Hospital Rd in effect till 24th Dec. If this is the detour you refer to, then not taking the detour might be weird.
Well I thought I had read somewhere the closure finished yesterday. About half of the R6s and both AMCs I saw went the diversion way, the others the normal way. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anytrip hasn't been showing me buses for the past couple of days, anyone else who uses it having the same issue?
Quote from: triumph on June 06, 2019, 11:02:05 PMDiversion from Hospital Rd Garran 11th to 20th June due road works.
TC Service Alerts advises R6 will not service the Canberra Hospital stop in Hospital Rd or the nearby stop in Gilmore Cresc. It seems the service will use Bateson Rd.
The 'secret' AMC Shuttle also uses Hospital Rd but is not mentioned in the Service Alert. Fits.
Quote from: triumph on December 05, 2019, 11:21:12 PMTC has issued a notice that Hospital Rd is closing for a period. Details of impact on R6 are given BUT as previously nothing has been said about the (secret) AMC Shuttle which also travels via Hospital Rd..
Hospital Road is closed yet again for 'roadworks'. (Actual road works I wonder or the use of road to support off road adjacent works?).
The stop closure/diversion notice issued by TC 19/5/20 mentions both R6 and, at last, the AMC Shuttle.
Route R3 has changed to by=pass Brindabella Business area until further notice. Reason given was traffic congestion,
It might be inferred that the Covid Testing site there is the cause of the congestion.
TC alerts advised of expected disruption to services last Fri afternoon but did not indicate why. Anyone know more?
One would assume possibly something to do with the Gold Creek School exposure site covering parents of children attending the school. You would think that some drivers, possibly (given the size of the school) may be affected by this.
Quote from: Snorzac on August 15, 2021, 11:28:35 PMOne would assume possibly something to do with the Gold Creek School exposure site covering parents of children attending the school. You would think that some drivers, possibly (given the size of the school) may be affected by this.
It would be interesting to see what happens with the services when (or if) more drivers have to isolate due to being "involved" with an exposure site. That is, with the growing list of exposure sites, you could almost guarantee that some drivers would've been to at least 1 or 2 of those sites - so those drivers would have to test and isolate during the incubation period. That will take drivers off the road.
Compounding this, if one driver tests positive and has been in the depot, then all drivers within contact would have to do the same - then a large swag of drivers would also have to come off the road.
I know there are many casuals and part-timers, but if this continues for a period of time, and considering the relative small size of Canberra's population (and the low level of degrees of separation in Canberra) then it is a risk for transport Canberra that they may not have enough drivers to service all the runs.
That's besides depot office staff, mechanics, refullers & transport officers. Practically all TC - Bus staff, atleast CDC/TC can fill in if LR has a COVID shut down. It'll be a long trip pushing a LRV along Adelaide Ave.
But as TfNSW has had to do now, there would now be a contingency plan in case this happens. I'd assume calling in Keirs/CDC/Murray's to run special rapids. But I'm fully speculating based off what Sydney has had to do.
To the best of your knowledge, have any of the following been used on local/school services in the past, and if yes where the bus stops were/are located?
-Jim Pike Ave between Woodcock Dr and Callaway Cres (Gordon)
-Jackie Howe Cres/Carson St (MacArthur)
Quote from: Sylvan Loves Buses on August 25, 2021, 06:32:35 PMTo the best of your knowledge, have any of the following been used on local/school services in the past, and if yes where the bus stops were/are located?
-Jim Pike Ave between Woodcock Dr and Callaway Cres (Gordon)
-Jackie Howe Cres/Carson St (MacArthur)
So, was this planned to be a stop/terminus at some point but forgotten about when they didn't finish the road?
Terminus? No. Erindale, Chisholm and Richardson were always used as termini in that area, even for the interim services during construction. Potential stop though? Possibly, but not necessarily. From what I can gather, the version of Macarthur that was built was never meant to get a bus service - and that's due to the final design of Jackie Howe Cres, not because Carson St didn't continue through to Isabella Dr, so would think it unlikely they'd build a bay that's intended to be a bus stop, unless it had been given a new purpose. The houses there also don't seem to have driveways onto Carson St, so may also have something to do with that.
Looking at a 1989 version of a suburb plan, the part of Carson Street is planned to be shops.
Originally, the only access to Pine Island was via the old Monaro Highway alignment. Which was a day trip even from Woden.
But I wonder if what became Carson St was the planned aligned for Isabella Drive/Pine Island Road?
Similar to why Boddington Crescent in Kambah has a section like a dual carriageway. Either Drakeford Drive or Tuggeranong Parkway was planned to go that way. But that involves troving through Trove, sometimes for those stuck in lockdown......
But Government's change & plans change. Especially considering the planned route would of carved through what we know as Fadden Pines.
Quote from: Bus 400 on August 26, 2021, 05:56:15 PMOriginally, the only access to Pine Island was via the old Monaro Highway alignment. Which was a day trip even from Woden.
My mistake, Pine Island Road ran from Tharwa Road behind the now South Tuggeranong Fire Station.
Found a 1987 map, Carson St was originally called Kambah Road. Kambah Road continued to what's now an access road to a substation off Isabella Drive.
Have noticed a change in Strathnairn route 903.
Originally route doubled back via Arriotti, Havard, and Fairbrother Streets. It now continues on along and to the end (?) of Pro Hart Avenue, approximately a further 1/2km beyond Fairbrother, before doubling back at that point with a new stop there. (The street where Pro Hart currently ends seems yet to be name posted but may be Sally Ross Way.)
This change seems to have happened sometime since the July 18th 2020 printed TT booklet. Never noticed any TC announcement in Service Alerts ( perhaps buried in News) - can anyone enlighten?
That should because the construction work of Pro Hart Ave was not finished at that time.
Quote from: triumph on December 02, 2021, 12:18:20 PMThis change seems to have happened sometime since the July 18th 2020 printed TT booklet. Never noticed any TC announcement in Service Alerts ( perhaps buried in News) - can anyone enlighten?
Not sure if there was any announcement. The first I was aware of it was from the timetable change in August.
The Interim Time Table from 31/1/22 still has services departing from 'City West'. There seems to be no indication of adjustments yet to suit the new Turner Layover. Or is the 'City West' stop to be retained even when the new layover is in use?
Denman Prospect shops stops discrepancies,.
How does route 10 serve Denman Prospect at weekends? The TC on-line TT shows it as a round trip at weekends, but the version which comes up with the map shows it as separate outbound and inbound services. There is no indication that the actual route followed varies at weekends, with Denman Prospect Shops consistently shown as the timing point, and the map showing one way only along Felstead Vista.
But on site, the normal weekday stop (2831) opposite Denman Prospect shops seems not to be used at weekends. The posted at the stop timetable only shows R10 for weekdays, but at weekends does not show R10, just routes 47 (so the displayed timetable is bang up to date) and 66.
There is no timetable displayed at the Denman Shops stop adjacent to the shops which is used by route 66 (and 2 route 47s on schooldays?).
That brings us to route 47. The map shows it travels only one way round Felstead Vista, but the on-line time tables imply that the two schoolday extension services do, in fact use Felstead Vista in both directions. (There is also a discrepancy between the on-line time table and the version associated with the on-line map, the former showing all services including the school day extensions as round trips, but the latter shows the school day extension services as outbound and inbound relevant to Denman Prospect shops only.)
So what actually happens? Not clear either. The afternoon school extension service I travelled on did not divert to Denman Shops outbound. But last Wed I observed the same service letting a passenger off at the outbound Shops stop.
I have not observed an R10 weekend service.
For the brains trust.
Is/has Giralang been the only suburb that has (for most of it's life) had 2 different bus routes going to 3 or more termini?
Giralang use to have separated buses from both City & Belconnen. With the City bus terminating at Kaleen. Now buses come from Gungahlin & Dickson going to Belconnen.
Quote from: Bus 400 on May 06, 2022, 06:42:14 PMFor the brains trust.
Is/has Giralang been the only suburb that has (for most of it's life) had 2 different bus routes going to 3 or more termini?
Giralang use to have separated buses from both City & Belconnen. With the City bus terminating at Kaleen. Now buses come from Gungahlin & Dickson going to Belconnen.
Narrabundah has 2 different bus routes and 3 different termini (4 if you you could the 56 evening services that terminates at NarrBundah Terminus).
There is City, Woden and Fyshwick.
Denman Prospect has 2 routes, heading to City, Woden and Weston Creek
Quote from: Northside on May 07, 2022, 07:47:35 PMDenman Prospect has 2 routes, heading to City, Woden and Weston Creek
Denman Prospect has three routes
Quote from: Bus 400 on May 06, 2022, 06:42:14 PMFor the brains trust.
Is/has Giralang been the only suburb that has (for most of it's life) had 2 different bus routes going to 3 or more termini?
Giralang use to have separated buses from both City & Belconnen. With the City bus terminating at Kaleen. Now buses come from Gungahlin & Dickson going to Belconnen.
Very minor aspect. Though not relevant to Giralang there is still one service (rte 31) on school days originating at St Michaels Kaleen and proceeding to Belconnen. This is the only scheduled public service now using Kaleen as a starting/terminating location.
Quote from: Snorzac on May 08, 2022, 01:02:42 AM❌
Denman Prospect had three routes
Oh yeah. I forget the 47. Probably because I don't know anyone that's ever used it! Add Belconnen to the destination list.
Quote from: triumph on May 09, 2022, 09:28:15 PMWaiting for a TT change is highly desirable but not compulsory.
A timetable change would definetely influence my vote for the next election. Having to carry and go between 4 different timetables depending on what day of the week it is can be quite annoying - especially as I often don't know when the school terms end while I have my brain wrapped around the ANU schedual.
Instead of:
1 - School Interum Timetable - Renault bliss (which includes 47)
2 - Network 19 timetables for Sundays and to view the maps cuz the there's no new timetables
3 - School Holiday Interum Timetable aka the 2020/2021 Christmas Timetable - thank god I kept several copies
4 - and the Saturday Timetable I don't have cuz it's online or at interchanges only.
It should just be one ffs, or weekday/weekend like it was before.
They should also make one that's perminant for at least half<full decade. The biggest gripe I've noticed people always complaining about is how often it changes.
Whilst I agree that interim timetable is frustrating, with an ever evolving and changing city it is impossible and unrealistic to have the same timetable/network for 5-10 years...
I mean generally, like what we use to have. Keep the same network for a few years and add routes to new areas where/when necessary.
That's what they do? Major changes happened in 1998, 2008 and 2019....the timetable itself needs to change every time the network does otherwise you gain too many in-efficiencies and have buses dead running all over the place.
Likewise with an evolving city you need ti be open yo adjusting routes to accommodate changes, you can't add a new run for every new suburb, so existing runs need to be adjusted over time...
The Fairbairn 3 month trial service rte 904 introduced in July was to be re-evaluated in October (3 months up) and was re-announced in TC News in December. But seems to no longer feature in the 30/1/23 Time Table and Journey Planner says 'walk'. Contradictory. So what is the Fairbairn shuttle status now? Can anybody clarify?
Quote from: triumph on February 11, 2023, 09:35:09 PMThe Fairbairn 3 month trial service rte 904 introduced in July was to be re-evaluated in October (3 months up) and was re-announced in TC News in December. But seems to no longer feature in the 30/1/23 Time Table and Journey Planner says 'walk'. Contradictory. So what is the Fairbairn shuttle status now? Can anybody clarify?
Currently the 904 is still operating. It never has shown up on NXTBUS or the Trip Planner but has not been operated by 217 499 as it is currently having some issues. I am unaware of what is currently operating it but the 904 is still on going and I believe the timetable thing is an oversight on TCs end
Quote from: Bus 524 on February 12, 2023, 03:11:00 PMCurrently the 904 is still operating. It never has shown up on NXTBUS or the Trip Planner but has not been operated by 217 499 as it is currently having some issues. I am unaware of what is currently operating it but the 904 is still on going and I believe the timetable thing is an oversight on TCs end
Turns out, despite the re-announcement well after the three month trial was up, that the route 904 Fairbairn shuttle service has not been used enough and will cease after the last service on the 28th February.
Given the part time nature and general lack of promotion (as noted by Bus 524 concerning NXTBUS and Trip Planner), this trial was probably destined to end in failure.
The impending cessation explains the absence of 904 from the current TC website TTs.
Noticed a subtle difference between on-line and printed TTs. On school days Rtes 41, 44, and 45 as printed are shown commencing from Radford College in the afternoon. That detail is no longer in the on-line TT for those routes. These services still operate.
Looking further, the same seems to apply generally to school diversions.
Quote from: triumph on July 24, 2023, 10:50:36 PMNoticed a subtle difference between on-line and printed TTs. On school days Rtes 41, 44, and 45 as printed are shown commencing from Radford College in the afternoon. That detail is no longer in the on-line TT for those routes. These services still operate.
Looking further, the same seems to apply generally to school diversions.
It looks like the HTML (live website) timetables have not been changed back to School Term after they were put to Holiday for the recent school break.
Quote from: 743 on July 25, 2023, 01:29:57 PMIt looks like the HTML (live website) timetables have not been changed back to School Term after they were put to Holiday for the recent school break.
But they do show the Renault trips which mostly disappear during the holidays.
Having just checked, I've also noticed the loop routes don't display on a mobile browser.
But can confirm it is showing the School Holidays timetable. (Compare the accessible services with AnyTrip - they are not correct).
Please pass on your feedback to Transport Canberra.
"Permanent diversions" to some Chisholm services commence on Monday. No bus stops are affected. https://www.transport.act.gov.au/news/service-alerts-and-updates/service-updates/woden-valley/changes-to-school-services-and-morning-route-182
New permanent diversion at the Newcastle/Isa roundabout. I happened to pass that stop the other day before this change, was wondering why the street the buses were taking didn't feel right.
It's about time they moved the stop though, I remember that stop being particularly bad back in the day. Kind of like the stop on Duggan Street (after Tharwa Dr) being obstructed by low hanging trees - probably isn't that bad anymore though. I remember on a couple occasions the bus flying out of Isa and the driver skipping the stop. >:(
There are changes to NSW timetables tomorrow. Of note:
Quote from: https://transportnsw.info/news/2024/2024-train-timetable-changesUnder the new rail timetable, the midday Sydney to Canberra NSW TrainLink train service will operate approximately 10 minutes later and the evening Sydney to Canberra service will operate approximately 25 minutes earlier
Using weekdays as an example, the midday train arrives at Canberra at 16:09, with a connecting R2 towards Belconnen diverting via Burke Cres at 16:28. The evening train arrives at 22:05 with an R2 on Burke Cres at 22:19.
The new timetable has trains arriving at Canberra at 16:20 (shortening the R2 Burke Cres connection to 8 minutes) and 21:43 (increasing the R2 Burke Cres connection to 36 minutes, although there is one from Wentworth Ave at 21:50).
Of course, whether the trains and buses run to time is another matter, but given these Burke Cres diversions are designed for the train specifically, I wonder if the R2 will be adjusted in due course (or whether TfNSW had any discussions with TC about the matter).
Click here for image (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kIGplM8PDqgsnpha-L4OLsEva3Leu65x/view?usp=sharing)
A few weeks ago I was driving down Cohen Street when I noticed a Steertag displaying 'Uriarra Village' on its desto. I have no idea why it's even programmed in there let alone displaying it? I mean it's way out down past the Cotter and I highly doubt it's steertag approved. Anyone got any ideas?
(A) off-topic, but can't find anywhere else suitable for it
(B) I modified the post because "[img]" can only be used for images hosted on a website with .jpg extensions -- such as postimages.org
(C) as to why it exists - just like the old roller blind signs, the digital destination file contains a selection of localities in case they are needed for special event services.
The driver of this bus must be amused by using inappropriate signs.
A few weeks ago - school holidays? Time of day? (Can't find meta data.) A very slight possibility it was for a holiday childrens' activity returning them to Uriarra. Most of these specials seen however seem to be CDC/Deans operated.
The image does highlight the discrimination in public transport for places like Uriarra Village, Tharwa, Hall, Botanical Gardens, National Museum, Arboretum, Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, etc. (Noting limited private services to Hall and rather expensively some attractions, and the arrangement with CDC for Oaks Estate.)
I've also seen a bus which goes down Baldwin Drive most mornings with Corin Forrest or Uriarra Village on the desto. Not sure what the point of doing it is, apart from amusement and confusing people.
Also while I remember, does anyone know if/when there will be a network revision? It's been nearly 2 years since there's been any major changes. Bus stop markings have been in the new section of Jacka for months now, with residencies going up quickly it might be a good idea to instate a bus service sooner rather than later.
Quote from: L94UBbusfan on December 14, 2024, 05:03:56 PMdoes anyone know if/when there will be a network revision?
The next network/timetable change will occur when Woden Depot opens next year.
The details of what will change haven't been announced, but there was no mention in last year's budget of any new services to Jacka (or anywhere else). In the past, new services do get included in the budget as they require additional resources.
Quote from: Barry Drive on December 16, 2024, 09:03:45 AMthere was no mention in last year's budget of any new services to Jacka (or anywhere else). In the past, new services do get included in the budget as they require additional resources.
I'm curious what exactly a "new service" means. Does it mean a completely new route (eg: 53 for Moncreiff back in 2018) or does it mean a diversion from a current route (eg: 31 extension to Lawson). If it means the latter, it shouldn't require too many, if any, additional resources in order to operate, since current routes could just be modified. Perhaps TC is waiting for a certain population milestone before instating any new services.