ACT Bus Forum

Off Topic => Off Topic => Topic started by: Snorzac on May 12, 2009, 07:00:32 PM

Question: Pick your side
Option 1: Northside votes: 19
Option 2: Southside votes: 11
Title: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 12, 2009, 07:00:32 PM
Yeah shut up about Belconnen. Tuggeranong has a weird smell and the interchange smells like piss.

Split from some other thread. This is now a full-on debate thread. Pick your side and defend it. Feel free to get a bit defensive but we'll remove posts if people get too nasty.

Note: Attachment has expired.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 12, 2009, 07:03:36 PM
Belconnen is a hole. End of story.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 12, 2009, 07:16:04 PM
TUGGERANONG smells like piss...?

Did you ever go to Belconnen interchange?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 12, 2009, 07:23:31 PM
Yep, every day, doesn't smell as bad as Tuggeranong.

In the words of Chris_Guru "Tuggeranong is Canberra's answer to Queanbeyan"

I mean last week when I was walking out of the Hyperdome there was some guy taking a leak in the corner of the interchange...yuck!!

The only place in Belconnen that would happen is Charnwood.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on May 12, 2009, 07:37:55 PM
Ah, no. That would happen in Belconnen Interchange and anywhere else that has a concrete wall. Whether Belconnen, Tuggeranong, Woden or Civic. Tuggeranong has a nice open interchange, better than the closed in state of Belconnen and Woden. The whole town centre is designed to have the feel of a country town, Red colourbond or Brick roofing, and open parkland. Tuggeranong College does not have as many people that would roll you, unlike Lake Ginninderra full sick yulleh college. Infact Tuggeranong College students are quite bareable. The housing in the region is very 1980's and 1990's, unlike Belconnen which is mostly 1960's, 1970's white or grey brick housing which looks completly dated, cheap and tacky. We don't have house after house of broken EA falcons on the lawn with southern cross stickers and the owners having a pissup on their lawn due to their recent insertion of Kev Kash into their accounts. We don't have Charnwood. And I think we can all agree, nothing is worse than Woden.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 12, 2009, 07:42:22 PM
no, Northbourne ave. is the worst, the boganpart anyway
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 12, 2009, 07:54:02 PM
Fact: There is more concrete in Belconnen per capita than the next leading brand.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 12, 2009, 07:57:12 PM
Todd you forgot to mention they also have VN commodores littering every other lawn. Plus every house looks the same, have you driven through macgregor lately, that whole part from eccles cct to that bridge, every house is the same design, just different colours...
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 12, 2009, 08:00:21 PM
plus the houses in macgregor have pointless, ridiculously oversized, gates on their front deck.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 12, 2009, 08:03:10 PM
I've made the topic a sticky and added in the CIVIL WAR graphic into Zac's Post
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 12, 2009, 08:04:02 PM
As I said Tuggeranong smells like shit!! There is no denying it Tuggeranong is a hole!!!
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 12, 2009, 08:07:24 PM
What reasons do you have for Tuggeranong being a hole?

Everything is newer than most of Belconnen, It's the only town centre with a colour theme, we don't have dated 70's buildings...have you seen page shops!? why don't they just turn those into town houses.

Plus they have circuitus bus routes that only go to Belconnen Interchange like the 43, 45 and routes that only go to small shopping centres like the 16 and the 17.

It's suburbs are all layed out in a boring grid, plus it has more dated depot facilities, no gas line, plus irisbuses.

And in two weeks time it won't even have an interchange.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 12, 2009, 08:10:25 PM
There is no Page shops!!! It's a fucking plumbing service.

Tuggeranong is a hole because it smells, it's fast food outlets are shit (especially Tuggmac) and it has so many hills
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 12, 2009, 08:12:16 PM
"It smells"

What a cohesive, intelligent argument backed up with sufficient evidence and debate.

oh wait
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: The Love Guru on May 12, 2009, 08:30:36 PM
We can solve this in one line.

Which place is built in a hole?

End of argument!
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on May 12, 2009, 08:32:55 PM
The fast food outlets are the same as Belconner. Hungry Jacks, McDonalds, KFC plus everything else in the food court which is similar (The non chain stores). There is a Red Rooster just up the road in Wanniassa, which I might add has some f**king hot staff working there. You can't say a place 'Smells'. Smells is too much of a Generalisation, and each area has it's own particular smell, and each season does aswell. Everywhere smells, you cannot use that as a basis for any argument as you can never escape from smell. Hill's, well what area in Canberra does not have hills in it? Did you also know that in a Suburb that is Hilly, it is less likely that your house will be broken into? A Flat suburb, or series of suburbs has more break in's. Hill's are great, they give most people a decent view and also provide an area at the top for recreation facilities.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 12, 2009, 08:33:27 PM
Quote from: Chris_Guru on May 12, 2009, 08:30:36 PM
Which place is built in a hole?


That doesn't solve anything!
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 12, 2009, 08:37:41 PM
I think he means Tuggeranong
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on May 12, 2009, 08:40:33 PM
Ah, no Ryan was saying Canberra, as in Canberra itself.....
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Bus 400 on May 12, 2009, 08:44:29 PM
What about which town centre is being redeveloped?
Who has the main Police centre (Winchester Centre)?
Who had a remand centre?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Irisbus Rider on May 12, 2009, 09:22:03 PM
After hearing a story that there was a fight in Tuggeranong Interchnage recently where the offender attemted to rip the victims teeth out with plyers doesn't leave much to the imagination.

The demographic layout states that there are more young people in Tuggeranong than Belconnen, which consists of a larger elderly population. I'd rather live with old people than youngsters that 'rap' and threaten to 'roll' anyone that they cross paths with.

Oh, and TP 3000, the 'Main police centre' is a valuble asset.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on May 12, 2009, 09:26:15 PM
And John, imagine the stories you don't hear about at Woden, Civic and Belconnen Interchanges aswell. Each has there fair share of violence, and it doesn't matter where you go in Canberra you will find that. Same with young people. Just because a demographic shows you there are more young people in one area, it does not mean Belconnen does not have it's fair share of rolling.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Irisbus Rider on May 12, 2009, 09:36:27 PM
Well, I've never seen a over 65 y/o 'roll'. Tuggeranong definately has more of it though.

Tuggeranong has a lot going for it, the infrastricture is great, very nice, the environment that surrounds it is equally as good, but the population that dwell within Tuggeranong let it down, and generally speaking, it does have a lot of crime in the area.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Bus 400 on May 12, 2009, 09:40:05 PM
Quote from: Breakdown Van Rider on May 12, 2009, 09:22:03 PM
Oh, and TP 3000, the 'Main police centre' is a valuble asset.

But the main Police centre is at Belconnen, so that the detectives & other specialist units can get to the serious incidents quicker.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Irisbus Rider on May 12, 2009, 09:43:31 PM
Going by that theory, the NSW Police Command Operations Centre would be in Mt Druitt, but is it? No.....
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: mrlenski on May 12, 2009, 09:49:55 PM
Quote from: Mini Mat on May 12, 2009, 08:04:02 PM
As I said Tuggeranong smells like shit!! There is no denying it Tuggeranong is a hole!!!

Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Irisbus Rider on May 12, 2009, 09:51:28 PM
Ha ha ha! Hilarious!!!
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on May 12, 2009, 09:57:42 PM
Quote from: Breakdown Van Rider on May 12, 2009, 09:36:27 PM
Well, I've never seen a over 65 y/o 'roll'. Tuggeranong definately has more of it though.

Tuggeranong has a lot going for it, the infrastricture is great, very nice, the environment that surrounds it is equally as good, but the population that dwell within Tuggeranong let it down, and generally speaking, it does have a lot of crime in the area.

Yes and like I said, it is not the 65yo that will it is the Young people that will, John. Everywhere has it's fair share. Living in Belconnen does not make you immune, and living in Tuggeranong does not mean you will more than likely be. It is throwing everyone into the same basket and saying 'Because there are more kids, the majority of them must be bad. I won't go there because I will get rolled'. Lived here for 20years John, someone tried to Roll me and my brother in Woden, they didn't get anything from us. But never in Tuggeranong.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Irisbus Rider on May 12, 2009, 10:11:11 PM
Quote from: Sir PompouslyLiving in Belconnen does not make you immune
Only living in a cave in total solidarity would mnake you immune, but living in an area with less young people would definately shelter you from it to some extent.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 12, 2009, 10:16:10 PM
John, think of it this way.

Any time you have ever come in to contact with these scum, they are only ever in two places.

In and around public transport, and in and around shopping centres.

So forget the public transport scene, and assume you drive everywhere you go and never catch the bus, now how many teens do you run into?

You can't use that as an argument for which side of town is better.

Might I mention Weston is in a valley well as all of Canberra.

Have you been to Tuggeranong on a crisp morning...this is for John has the serenity of Mt Thomas!
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Irisbus Rider on May 12, 2009, 10:19:13 PM
Ooooh, Mt Thomas.

Yes, generally speaking, these young people will create commotion in the suburbs, and get up to no good, i.e. cause crimes, vandalise, and in rare cases, break and enter and steal vehicles.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on May 12, 2009, 10:21:14 PM
Quote from: MaxiZac on May 12, 2009, 10:16:10 PM

Have you been to Tuggeranong on a crisp morning...this is for John has the serenity of Mt Thomas!
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Bus 400 on May 12, 2009, 10:21:29 PM
Why do you think that Tuggeranong has one of the highest mountains in Canberra to its north? To block Belconnen out that's why.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 12, 2009, 10:22:58 PM
Now i get to read this thread with the blue heelers dont get that in belconnen
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 12, 2009, 10:23:54 PM
Gee todd, way to choose an old version...
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on May 12, 2009, 10:26:12 PM
Ohhh that's right, the Funkyfied the theme. They made it more Racey and jam packed full of hot Mt Thomas action.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 12, 2009, 10:26:59 PM
You 2 are very strange at times.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 12, 2009, 10:28:33 PM
:) That we are Lemon
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: lukeo25 on May 12, 2009, 10:29:16 PM
i prefer the northside just because it has nicer scenery than the southside and better everything
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 12, 2009, 10:33:08 PM
We have a south sider on our side so yeah.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: lukeo25 on May 12, 2009, 10:54:27 PM
and i prefer the better bus routes except for when they go through charnwood (reminds me of a suburb where i used to live in england called bidston aka the north end of birkenhead)
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 13, 2009, 09:42:24 AM
belconnen has charnwood.

instant loss.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Irisbus Rider on May 13, 2009, 12:18:53 PM
Tuggeranong has Kambah, Richardson, Waniassa, Chisholm, and don't get me started on Woden.
As I was discussing with another board member, while only one bad suburb can be named in Belconnen, many can be named in Tuggeranong/Woden.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: lukeo25 on May 13, 2009, 02:21:03 PM
mawson is bad but chifley is pleasent because i live there and the shops have cherry coke and a nice pizza every wednesday night at a bite to eat
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 13, 2009, 04:11:41 PM
Since this argument is heading towards naming and shaming suburbs...where do we draw the line of north vs. south?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 13, 2009, 04:36:47 PM
IDK, Parliament House?  That is about the centre.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: lukeo25 on May 13, 2009, 05:09:42 PM
Lake Burley Griffin, it was built to keep the northsiders out of the southside, BUT they built 2 bridges now northsiders roam wild in the southside :)
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 14, 2009, 05:27:53 PM
Quote from: Breakdown Van Rider on May 13, 2009, 12:18:53 PM
Tuggeranong has Kambah, Richardson, Waniassa, Chisholm, and don't get me started on Woden.
As I was discussing with another board member, while only one bad suburb can be named in Belconnen, many can be named in Tuggeranong/Woden.

Nothing wrong with Kambah and Wanniassa. Whilst they do have their.. .lower income areas, all suburbs do.

Agree that Richardson is a hole.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Bus 400 on May 14, 2009, 07:56:05 PM
Which depot has the most radio call ups (John Smith call base)? If you hear it long enough, you'll see that Belconnen depot drivers get the most call up,s while Tuggeranong drivers rarely get called up.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 14, 2009, 07:59:15 PM
and that relates to this discussion how?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Bus 400 on May 14, 2009, 08:06:38 PM
Tuggeranong have better drivers
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 14, 2009, 08:19:40 PM
tell that to all the wankers sitting on 90km/h in the right lane of the parkway this morning
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Bus 400 on May 14, 2009, 08:22:36 PM
How about, Tuggeranong Depot has better BUS drivers.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 14, 2009, 08:43:47 PM
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: bubzie on May 14, 2009, 09:57:21 PM
purlease....i went to richardson shops the other  day, and nothing interesting happened. (And heck, even kambah/chisholm!)
i went to stabwood shops like a week or something ago, and spotted at least 5 mullets..on women alone.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on May 15, 2009, 04:47:46 PM
I agree with BVR Kambah is a hole!
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 18, 2009, 09:34:04 PM
parts of it are, yes. But you get that in any suburb.

Except Charnie and Richardson.100% hole.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Barry Drive on May 21, 2009, 11:01:34 AM
Perhaps we can ALL agree that Gungahlin is a bigger hole than Belconnen and Tuggeranong combined.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on May 21, 2009, 06:05:43 PM
don't agree...
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on May 21, 2009, 06:16:06 PM
neither do i. Aside from the fact that many gungahlin suburbs have the houses far too close together.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: CNG on January 07, 2010, 04:21:25 PM
Tuggeranong is always so gloomy and stormy, its very depreasing.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on January 07, 2010, 09:28:22 PM
Funny, I always thought that about belconnen and its asbestos era buildings :P
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Snorzac on January 07, 2010, 11:01:50 PM
Well atleast ACTION don't have to re-route belconnen services via centrelink like they have had to do with the 63 to cater for the bogans in monash
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Busnerd on January 08, 2010, 05:49:52 PM
At least we arent insecure about how bogan our suburb is by making a fake desto via centrelink like page via centrelink 13
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Rioter on December 03, 2010, 08:41:39 PM
Forget the north/south divide! Try east/west of Northbourne! (I don't cross it unless i have to ...)
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: p_stampy on December 23, 2010, 03:17:47 PM
I've never hear of people comparing sides of northbourne.

Which side do you like?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: 400:D on December 23, 2010, 03:33:11 PM
West side of Northbourne and Northside, Gungahlin is the best area though. The southside is just....just like everything east of northbourne is...
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on December 23, 2010, 05:13:51 PM
Quote from: 400:D on December 23, 2010, 03:33:11 PM
West side of Northbourne and Northside, Gungahlin is the best area though. The southside is just....just like everything east of northbourne is...
So the southside has higher housing prices and on average a larger income per person?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: 400:D on December 23, 2010, 06:26:00 PM
Quote from: Sir Pompously on December 23, 2010, 05:13:51 PM
So the southside has higher housing prices and on average a larger income per person?

If it is who cares about higher down south, the only reason for that is majority are newer houses than northside, and a larger income...does that just mean there are more snobbish people there?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on December 23, 2010, 06:45:18 PM
Not really, as compared to the snobby areas such as Red Hill (Which is central), those houses on the southside are actually in the middle class (unlike those in Central). And what I was saying is that you tried to make a point by saying the south is much like all East of Northbourne, which is actually funny as the east side has a few suburbs in there where housing prices are higher (Upper middle?) and incomes are higher. Also, Gungahlin is just a flat, boring grass plain with a few townhouses stuck in dirt. Unlike the better planned and landscaped older suburbs of Canberra, it is the worst thought out craphole Canberra has to offer.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: CNG on December 23, 2010, 11:18:35 PM
so am I snobby because I live in red hill?  :P
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Ed on December 24, 2010, 01:27:48 AM
QuoteNot really, as compared to the snobby areas such as Red Hill (Which is central),

You couldn't be talking about that block of flats next to the Red Hill shops, were you?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: 400:D on December 24, 2010, 08:11:56 AM
Quote from: Sir Pompously on December 23, 2010, 06:45:18 PM
Not really, as compared to the snobby areas such as Red Hill (Which is central), those houses on the southside are actually in the middle class (unlike those in Central). And what I was saying is that you tried to make a point by saying the south is much like all East of Northbourne, which is actually funny as the east side has a few suburbs in there where housing prices are higher (Upper middle?) and incomes are higher. Also, Gungahlin is just a flat, boring grass plain with a few townhouses stuck in dirt. Unlike the better planned and landscaped older suburbs of Canberra, it is the worst thought out craphole Canberra has to offer.

I'm not comparing the east of northbourne to the southside, they're nothing alike really and middle class Gungahlin is badly planned and on a flat plain but hibberson street is a nice place to go because it's not all one big shopping centre, Belconnen is asbestos heaven but has some nice old buildings, civic has some nice buildings, but is unclean, central canberra is well just has a weird vibe, tuggeranong has lake tuggeranong which is nice I guess, Woden, the last time I was in woden someone gave me the bird.

Every side has goods and bad things. I'm not really in to this whole thing as what's the point although I do prefer North and West.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sir Pompously on December 24, 2010, 11:35:16 AM
Quote from: 400:D on December 24, 2010, 08:11:56 AM
I'm not comparing the east of northbourne to the southside....

You Said:

QuoteThe southside is just....just like everything east of northbourne is...
Of course every side has good and bad (Except Gungahlin), however if you are not really into the thread's topic then don't post in it ;) As it is a fun thread, prepare to cop flack (And of course, the truth).

Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: 400:D on December 24, 2010, 04:47:59 PM
Quote from: Sir Pompously on December 24, 2010, 11:35:16 AM
You Said:
Of course every side has good and bad (Except Gungahlin), however if you are not really into the thread's topic then don't post in it ;) As it is a fun thread, prepare to cop flack (And of course, the truth).

You are right, I must embrace the hating of the southside :D. Where every time I've been down there someone's flipped the bird at me.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on December 24, 2010, 09:43:19 PM
Quote from: 400:D on December 24, 2010, 04:47:59 PM
Where every time I've been down there someone's flipped the bird at me.

Lol, love it. Southside pride.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: 400:D on December 25, 2010, 06:32:01 AM
Quote from: Buzz Killington on December 24, 2010, 09:43:19 PM
Lol, love it. Southside pride.

Funny way of showing pride :D.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: CNG on December 25, 2010, 07:32:29 AM
Even I live it red hill, wouldn't say I am proud of it. Wish I still lived  in chapman.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: 400:D on December 25, 2010, 08:20:44 PM
I think we can all agree Central is worse than North or South
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: smitho on June 18, 2011, 04:37:10 PM
Anyone tuning into accident reports coming over the ACTION communications system can't help but notice that most days, there seems to be a higher incidents of road prangs on the north side compared with southside....might be partkly due to better roads on the southside.

In the 'olden days' used to be said that southside had better roads (eg comparing Adelaide Ave/Yarra Glen with Belconnen Way, or Tuggeranong Parkway with Flemington Rd) because National Capital Development Commission's senior staff mainly lived south of the Lake (B-G).
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Buzz Killington on December 17, 2011, 12:49:24 PM
Despite a development application being lodged by the Hyperdome a month or two back which clearly showed a redevelopment of where Myer is currently situated, it is only just now being mentioned by The Canberra Times now that Myer has confirmed they're leaving.

JB Hifi and Harris Scarfe are set to divide up the downstairs portion together with a couple of specialty stores, with Big W moving in upstairs.

Good move I say. The centre needs something fresh and the Myer there never had the range of the bigger stores in Belco and Civic anyway.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: smitho on December 17, 2011, 04:40:05 PM
Today's CVT report also refers to Myer's plans for a new store to be built at Woden Town Centre next year.
Title: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Bus 400 on January 28, 2012, 12:01:19 AM
Did anyone hear the news a few weeks back about the most dangerous intersections in Canberra?

I know it may be old news but all the ones reported in the media were in Belconnen.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: smitho on January 28, 2012, 09:43:51 PM
Belconnen's road "system" was built on the cheap (hardly any flyovers, for example) and this shows up in the road accident statistics. The folklore is that NCDC planners all lived on the southside, so Woden Valley got decent roads, but Belconnen missed out.

Other reason (I suspect) is because Canberra was growing so fast when Belconnen was being built that they had to economise on roads and just get the most basic facilities provided....also the Fraser Government (1975-83) had no great love for Canberra, and weren't as generous on the funding of ACT infrastructure as when the McMahon/Gorton and Whitlam governments built Woden Valley.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Kramden on January 28, 2012, 10:30:07 PM
I like your historic perspectives there Smitho.  Well informed as usual.  Recalling the NCDC brings back fond memories of my early days here when Leylands and Volvos were the order of the ACTION day...and Kingston had a real bus depot!

I've been here 35 years now.  Lived north to begin with (Spence and Flynn) then down south (Gowrie) when it was newly settled.  No Hyperdome or Tugg Interchange in those days.  No T depot actually.  Roads were all done many years ahead of settlement.  Great planning.

I liked Tugg when I was there ('81-'94).  I moved to Richardson for a while.  But when I return these days it (Tugg) seems SO different.  I can't put my finger on it but it's a 'vibe' I get when I'm running buses down that way.  In fact one of the pleasures I've found in this job is that I get around to most areas.  In fact I could could count on one hand the burbs I've not taken a bus through in that time.

Upon to returning north in '94 (Florey then Flynn) I found Belco a little more bogan-ish.  Sounds rich coming from someone fresh out of Richardson!  Perhaps it's that my 'new' local shopping centre was/is, Stabwood.  Or as my adult kids call it: Charmingwood - a great place to be seen in bare feet or perhaps slippers in winter!  Seriously, my girls (when they were younger) used to point out how many people they'd spot roaming the centre in their tatty ugg boots or mocasins (sp?) and say straight faced: "Daddy why do people over here wear slippers at the shops?".  They were quite rightly appalled even at a tender age.  We still have a laugh about it.  Of course they're oh-so-sophisticated now at 23 and 25 they wouldn't be seen dead in Charny.

And while I'm sticking it to the place I might as well add that a driver colleague had the nasty experience (on Aust Day) of picking up four pissed bogans from Charny who proceded raising hell on his bus and harassing passengers.  He's Irish so they had a go at him as well.  He wisely called it into base, cops were called, etc, etc...nothing happened.  I've had two of the four young offenders on my bus one night.  Never again.  Ugly Australians.  I'll shut the door on them or I won't move the bus.  God help some of my Indian colleagues should they happen to have the misfortune of picking up any of these dirt bags.

Anyway, to the question Belco v Tugg?  I think I'll flip the bird at both and say I'd rather live in Hall.  Rural, fairly close to the things I need, by car at least.  No bogans!
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: 400:D on January 28, 2012, 11:25:51 PM
Bogans are great!  >:D
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: CNG on January 29, 2012, 06:57:20 AM
Quote from: Kramden on January 28, 2012, 10:30:07 PM
I like your historic perspectives there Smitho.  Well informed as usual.  Recalling the NCDC brings back fond memories of my early days here when Leylands and Volvos were the order of the ACTION day...and Kingston had a real bus depot!

I've been here 35 years now.  Lived north to begin with (Spence and Flynn) then down south (Gowrie) when it was newly settled.  No Hyperdome or Tugg Interchange in those days.  No T depot actually.  Roads were all done many years ahead of settlement.  Great planning.

I liked Tugg when I was there ('81-'94).  I moved to Richardson for a while.  But when I return these days it (Tugg) seems SO different.  I can't put my finger on it but it's a 'vibe' I get when I'm running buses down that way.  In fact one of the pleasures I've found in this job is that I get around to most areas.  In fact I could could count on one hand the burbs I've not taken a bus through in that time.

Upon to returning north in '94 (Florey then Flynn) I found Belco a little more bogan-ish.  Sounds rich coming from someone fresh out of Richardson!  Perhaps it's that my 'new' local shopping centre was/is, Stabwood.  Or as my adult kids call it: Charmingwood - a great place to be seen in bare feet or perhaps slippers in winter!  Seriously, my girls (when they were younger) used to point out how many people they'd spot roaming the centre in their tatty ugg boots or mocasins (sp?) and say straight faced: "Daddy why do people over here wear slippers at the shops?".  They were quite rightly appalled even at a tender age.  We still have a laugh about it.  Of course they're oh-so-sophisticated now at 23 and 25 they wouldn't be seen dead in Charny.

And while I'm sticking it to the place I might as well add that a driver colleague had the nasty experience (on Aust Day) of picking up four pissed bogans from Charny who proceded raising hell on his bus and harassing passengers.  He's Irish so they had a go at him as well.  He wisely called it into base, cops were called, etc, etc...nothing happened.  I've had two of the four young offenders on my bus one night.  Never again.  Ugly Australians.  I'll shut the door on them or I won't move the bus.  God help some of my Indian colleagues should they happen to have the misfortune of picking up any of these dirt bags.

Anyway, to the question Belco v Tugg?  I think I'll flip the bird at both and say I'd rather live in Hall.  Rural, fairly close to the things I need, by car at least.  No bogans!

Gosh the indian drivers are good at their job but they are so damm quiet, I wounder how they get through each day, also was that irish driver the one speaking to ed and you the other day at tuggers?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Kramden on January 29, 2012, 08:36:57 PM
Quote from: CNG on January 29, 2012, 06:57:20 AM
Gosh the indian drivers are good at their job but they are so damm quiet, I wounder how they get through each day, also was that irish driver the one speaking to ed and you the other day at tuggers?

Yes, that would be him in his standard issue IRA cap.  It's getting like you can almost identify each driver by the style of head gear they wear!  Err, you're probably too young to know about the Irish Republican Army (IRA).  Google it.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: ajw373 on January 30, 2012, 06:55:09 AM
Quote from: smitho on January 28, 2012, 09:43:51 PM
Belconnen's road "system" was built on the cheap (hardly any flyovers, for example) and this shows up in the road accident statistics. The folklore is that NCDC planners all lived on the southside, so Woden Valley got decent roads, but Belconnen missed out.

Other reason (I suspect) is because Canberra was growing so fast when Belconnen was being built that they had to economise on roads and just get the most basic facilities provided....also the Fraser Government (1975-83) had no great love for Canberra, and weren't as generous on the funding of ACT infrastructure as when the McMahon/Gorton and Whitlam governments built Woden Valley.

Can you give some examples Smitho? I am racking my brain and cannot think of any flyovers in Woden (except where Hindmarsh goes under the Parkway). If anything I would have said that Belconnen had the better formed roads, with all the major roads built as dual carriageways from the beginning. If the traffic stats are now showing problems in Belconnen I would be putting that down to the urban infill and expansion with road infrastructure that hasn't kept pace with the additional demand, rather than a design fault from day dot.
Title: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Bus 400 on January 30, 2012, 07:43:53 AM
What about the whole length of Adelaide Avenue/Yarra Glen & the Tuggeranong Parkway? They are both access roads to the Woden Valley/Weston Creek that have only flyovers (except the big roundabout).

Now Smitho, could some of the planning/money set aside for Belconnen of been used to pay off WW2?
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: ajw373 on January 30, 2012, 08:19:02 AM
Quote from: Bus 400 on January 30, 2012, 07:43:53 AM
What about the whole length of Adelaide Avenue/Yarra Glen & the Tuggeranong Parkway? They are both access roads to the Woden Valley/Weston Creek that have only flyovers (except the big roundabout).

Now Smitho, could some of the planning/money set aside for Belconnen of been used to pay off WW2?

The Parkway goes around the back of Woden and is a major arterial road that Belconnen doesn't have nor need, unless you count the GDE which is built to the same spec but clearly came much much later. As for Adelaide Ave, yes it does indeed have a couple of fly-overs, but as you point out once it gets to Woden proper it hits a big roundabout and turns into any other dual carriageway road. If we are going to have a tit for tat on flyoevers, Belconnen does have two, one next to the mall, where the bus road and Joynton Smith cross under Loxton Street and also where the bus road passed under Chandler street at the end of the old interchange.

As I said I don't beleive there is any major difference in road design. Both were done to a standard much higher than what is done now, with the future in mind. The only roads in Belconnen that I beleive were orginally done poorly are Kingsford Smith Drive over Mt Rogers, which should have been dual carriageway, rather than single carriageway dual lane all the way to Kuringa Drive, and William Hovell Drive which should have also been from day dot, or designed as a dual carriageway/built as single carriageway until demand required it.

If there are issues in Belconnen now it is simply because the road system hasn't kept up with developments. One such example is the Lathlain Drive extension to Belconnen Way. Very poorly done and see's a lot of traffic, maybe more than the designers first though.  I see recently they have removed the option to turn right onto Belconnen way from the left hand lane. I presume due to cars in that lane blocking cars wanting to turn left, though from what I've seen since it was removed cars still get blocked anyway as there isn't enough room between the entrance to Bunnings and Belconnen way for all turning cars to queue so the back up towards the enterance to the front of the markets. Again the whole thing should have been dual carriage way with lights to the Markets, Bunnings and Belconnen way much better syncronised.

There are also a number of roads that were designed for future expansion, read duplication that maybe should be done but haven't. IMO Kuringa Drive from Kingsford Smith Drive being one, along with Aikman Drive and William Slim Drive. There are also some roads that have been buggerised by recent developments, Ginninderra Drive being the prime example with all the bloody intersections and lights it now has, none of which are syncronised.
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: smitho on February 23, 2012, 10:43:42 PM
Quote from: ajw373 on January 30, 2012, 06:55:09 AM
Can you give some examples Smitho? I am racking my brain and cannot think of any flyovers in Woden (except where Hindmarsh goes under the Parkway). If anything I would have said that Belconnen had the better formed roads, with all the major roads built as dual carriageways from the beginning. If the traffic stats are now showing problems in Belconnen I would be putting that down to the urban infill and expansion with road infrastructure that hasn't kept pace with the additional demand, rather than a design fault from day dot.

Three flyovers on Adelaide Ave-Yarra Glen, three on Tuggeranong Parkway as it passes through the Woden Valley district....

(PS: Sorry for delayed response - only just saw your question).
Title: Re: Belconnen vs Tuggeranong
Post by: Sylvan Loves Buses on December 16, 2015, 08:35:17 PM
Even though Tuggeranong Lake most often smells like sewage with dead Kangaroos leaking into it, but the Belconnen and Gungahlin areas are too modern looking, hotter, and baron as hell. Tuggeranong has more pleasant green life.