Take a look at this extract from the 1978 ACTION bus map (which was effective from the opening of Belconnen Interchange in 1979):
http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/south1979.pdf (http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/south1979.pdf)
It shows that routes 1, 2, 3, 6, 231 and 234 (the equivalents of today's routes 6, 4, 5, 2 and 3) all travelled via Langton Cres and King George Terrace and route 230 travelled via Constitution Ave. All of these routes would have operated on a 30 minute frequency during weekdays. Routes 31, 233 and 311 were less frequent.
So the Treasury building and (Old) Parliament House had a more frequent service than exists now, but Kings Ave and Constitution Ave had less bus services than now.
I believe (but have no evidence) that there used to be lunch-hour bus services between the Treasury building and the City prior to 1978.
To answer the question: were there better services then than now - I'm not sure. Certainly there are more peak routes that service Constitution / Kings Ave now but there are less frequent daytime services now.
In the 70s and 80s, at Public Service lunchtimes between 1200 and 1400, there was a noticeable surge in ACTION passenger loadings....like a mini peak hour (or two).
Punters from places like the Parliamentary Triangle, Russell and Campbell Park and Woden used to head for Civic to pay bills, do shopping, go to the PO or travel agent, lunch out and so on.
That doesn't happen nearly as much now because of the internet.
So many things people do over the internet now used to require a trip to Civic by ACTION or by car to do over the counter business.
a very interesting look be4 athllon Dr was built or was it?
Wow, take a look at that map! Wow.....
Interesting to see how times have changed, but I do think the Treasury Building has been somewhat ripped off, as every time I used to ride the 36, there was always a stop at the Treasury building, it was popular to say the least, but now it's a fair walk to catch the 2/3. The 6s' frequency is just pathetic.
Under Network '08 logic, Treasury workers can walk to Commonwealth Avenue & catch the Intertown that run every 5 minutes. When this wasn't so much the case in '79
I do believe the 333 did stop at Albert Hall, but I'm not sure.
But remember, people don't like to walk, especially public servants :P
I meant I don't think the 333 would of run every 5 minutes.
Quote from: lukeo25 on March 22, 2009, 12:04:20 AM
a very interesting look be4 athllon Dr was built or was it?
Yes, Athllon Drive was being built at that time (between Melrose Drive and Sulwood Drive). It took a while before buses used it once it had been built and then longer before they installed any stops along it.
Quote from: Irisbus Rider on March 22, 2009, 07:56:59 PM
Interesting to see how times have changed, but I do think the Treasury Building has been somewhat ripped off, as every time I used to ride the 36, there was always a stop at the Treasury building, it was popular to say the least, but now it's a fair walk to catch the 2/3. The 6s' frequency is just pathetic.
There is a stop outside the National Library, so it's not too far to walk. But back in the day the services to Albert Hall on the 333 were 15 minutes - to Langton Cres there would have been 6 routes every half-hour.
Martin, are you able to scan the 'Overleaf' loading points and interchange diagrams please? Would like to see them!!
They can be found at:
http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/belcinter.jpg (http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/belcinter.jpg)
http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/cityinter.jpg (http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/cityinter.jpg)
http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/wodeninter.jpg (http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/wodeninter.jpg)
http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/kingston.jpg (http://members.dodo.com.au/~martinlawrence/kingston.jpg)