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"fantastic source" — u/AutoGeneratedSucks (Reddit)
ACT Bus Fleetwiki
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ACT Bus Fleetwiki is the most comprehensive source of fleet information for Transport Canberra - both ACTION Buses and Canberra Metro. Our information is presented in a number of ways: summary tables, lists and individual vehicle pages - which include a photograph and additional information. Articles are linked together through categories so that you can find all vehicles that fit certain criteria. How to search: Enter the vehicle you are searching for into the search box in the format of "BUS 424" or "TRAM 007" (where the number is the vehicle's fleet number). Since many fleet numbers have been re-used, a sequence number will be included for each time the number has been used (e.g. BUS 350 (2) ). You can also browse through the pages and categories above. How to submit changes: Edit access has been restricted to protect the integrity of our data. If you would like to notify us of a change or an error, please use our Contact Us webpage. |