ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher today unveiled a new articulated ACTION bus with a Like Canberra design, which will help raise awareness of the Like Canberra campaign launched last month that asks locals to share what they like most about the nation’s capital.


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“This new ACTION bus will become part of the Canberra transport network during our Centenary year, encouraging the community to take a moment to reflect on what they like about our city,” the Chief Minister said.

“It’s great to have ACTION buses involved in the campaign as its fleet of buses is out in the community every day and immediately recognisable to Canberrans.”

The Like Canberra bus will feature three designs across the different stages of the campaign.

The bus will be altered in the New Year to reflect the voting stage for the top 100 reasons why locals like Canberra, and will then change for a third time when Canberra’s Top 100 is released in March, remaining in that form for the remainder of 2013.

ACTION is a proud supporter of the Centenary of Canberra and provided the production of the bus wrap as part of its contribution.

“The ‘Like Canberra‘ campaign is being run through the website, on a Facebook page and also on Twitter with the hashtag #likecanberra.

“I encourage all Canberrans to take part in this campaign in the lead up to our centenary year,” the Chief Minister said.

Centenary of Canberra’s Creative Director, Robyn Archer,said that it is great to see the Like Canberra campaign take to the streets in this way.

“It reminds Canberrans that their big year is coming up fast, and gives them all a chance to express the things they love best about the city,” Ms Archer said.

“2013 is certainly about all Australians having another good realistic look at their capital, but also very much to do with the things that Canberrans themselves are most proud of.”

Canberrans can get involved and share the top five reasons why they like Canberra by visiting

This page was last updated on 6 August 2022