New timetable delivers increased bus frequency
Timetable changes will take effect from 28 April 2025 as Woden Depot opens. Additional Rapid services as well as late night Route 47s will be included in the changes.
(18 March 2025)
ACT Bus publishes Media Releases in relation to the Canberra Public Transport network as issued by the Government of the day (and other parties as noted). We publish these to present a record of changes to Canberra’s transport system over the years, and should not be interpreted as an endorsement of their content, or of the relevant political party.
Timetable changes will take effect from 28 April 2025 as Woden Depot opens. Additional Rapid services as well as late night Route 47s will be included in the changes.
(18 March 2025)
Transport Canberra have announced that the new generation ticketing system “MyWay+” will commence on Wednesday 27 November.
(14 November 2024)
Canberrans will enjoy free public transport from September 20 with Transport Canberra switching over the existing system to MyWay+ which is expected to take at least six weeks.
(5 September 2024)
MyWay+ demonstration buses have been launched, with the full system implementation expected by November 2024.
(9 May 2024)
The ACT Greens 2024 Election policy for transport includes 100 additional buses, bus services every 20 minutes and free transport for children and concessions.
(2 May 2024)
The contract for the Light Rail Stage 2A has been finalised with the Federal Government contributing 50% of total $577m cost of the project. Work should commence in late 2024 and be completed by January 2028.
(7 December 2023)
The first of four Custom Denning ‘Element 2’ battery electric buses has been delivered.
(23 October 2023)
Transport Canberra will acquire 4 Custom Denning Elements and 90 Yutong E12 buses between 2023 and 2026.
NEC Australia has been awarded the contract to implement the new open-loop ticketing system & real time PIS to be known as MyWay+ (27 February 2023)
Bus 800 – the first of 12 leased Yutong ZK6131HG1 battery electric buses – entered service today. These 12 buses plus 26 leased Scania K320UBs will replace the remaining Renault PR100.2s by mid year. (25 January 2023)