Featured Bus – Bus 736 (Mercedes-Benz O.405)
Bus 736 was a Mercedes-Benz O.405 bus which was evaluated by ACTION during 1991.
Since 2010, we have selected one bus per month to become the ACT Bus Featured Bus, which means that vehicle is profiled on the main page of our website. Whilst there is no firm criteria for selection, generally buses with unique attributes are chosen.
Bus 736 was a Mercedes-Benz O.405 bus which was evaluated by ACTION during 1991.
Bus 506 is a Scania K360UA which was delivered on 13 July 2012 and entered service at Belconnen Depot on 3 September 2012.
Bus 880 was a Renault PR100.2 (Mk2) which operated between 1990 and 2015. It is notable for having carried seven different liveries, six of them advertising liveries.
Bus 672 was a MAN SG192 Articulated Bus with a Custom Coaches body which operated for ACTION between January 1986 and July 1993
[July 2012]
ZIB 156 was an AEC Swift 3MP2R which operated for the Canberra Bus Service between 1970 and 1979.
[June 2012]
Bus 240 was a Syd Wood-bodied Thornycroft Trident PG/CR6/1 that operated for the Canberra Bus Service between 1974 and 1976.
[May 2012]
Bus 982 is a Renault PR100.2 (Mk2) which is the last of the 258 Renault PR100.2 buses delivered to ACTION over a six year period from 1987 to 1993.
[April 2012]
ZIB 671 was a Scania BR112H evaluation bus that operated for ACTION between March and August 1984.
[March 2012]
Bus 310 is an Irisbus Agora Line with a Custom Coaches “CB60” body. It entered regular service with ACTION on 2 February 2004.
[February 2012]
Bus 251 was a Volvo B58-56 Coach which entered service in November 1974 and was withdrawn from service in 1990.