Top 15 buses: Scania L94UB 4×2
#10: there are 54 Scania L94UB 4×2 (CNG) buses in the ACTION fleet.
Since 2010, we have selected one bus per month to become the ACT Bus Featured Bus, which means that vehicle is profiled on the main page of our website. Whilst there is no firm criteria for selection, generally buses with unique attributes are chosen.
#10: there are 54 Scania L94UB 4×2 (CNG) buses in the ACTION fleet.
#11: There were 46 AEC Regal III buses in the Canberra Bus fleet
#12: there were up to 46 AEC Regal I buses in the Canberra bus fleet.
#13: there are 44 Scania K360UA articulated buses in the ACTION fleet.
#14: there were 42 Renault PR100.3 buses in the ACTION fleet.
#15: There were 34 Renault PR180.2 articulated buses in the ACTION fleet.
Life after ACTION: Bus 115 was a Renault PR100.3 that spent twenty-six years in the ACTION fleet, but where is it now?
[August/September 2020]
Bus 490 was a Yutong ZK6131HG1 battery electric bus (plug-in) which was in service between March 2020 and January 2021.
[June/July 2020]
From 1926 until 1982 a total of 323 AEC buses were operated by the Canberra Bus Service / ACTION.
[January/February 2020]
Between 1993 and 1996, 42 Renault PR100.3 buses were delivered to ACTION. All of these buses were built on the Austral Denning “Starliner” body (from Brisbane).