Hot on the heels of the ACT Bus petition to get ACTION on Twitter, ACTION Director James Roncon has revealed that it was just one of a number of social media platforms that were being considered to improve communication with customers as part of the upcoming real-time passenger information system.

”It will probably be a combination of the text messaging, Twitter and some of the other stuff that’s working in other capital cities at the moment,” Mr Roncon said.

”We’ll be looking at taking the best of all systems and making sure that we get the most reliable information out to the public.”

Another option currently being explored would allow patrons to subscribe to their chosen route numbers via SMS so that text messages could be issued to advise on delays affecting their routes.

ACTION is set to roll out the $13 million real-time system within the next twelve to eighteen months.

Mr Roncon said that good communication was key to happy passengers and that timely dissemination of service interruptions was far better than late notice

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This page was last updated on 26 April 2021

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