The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU) announced today that it had reached an in-principle agreement with ACTION management over working conditions for bus mechanics.

Union spokesperson Jane Timbrell said today that members are likely to suspend their overtime bans for a fortnight as a sign of good faith, in the first sign of a breakthrough in the protracted negotiations.

Ms Timbrell said the agreement related to staffing levels and overtime rates.

“On the basis of that our members are prepared to hopefully lift the bans on working overtime and higher duties. Not all of our members have been consulted because of the time frame, but we hope that it will be satisfactorily resolved by the morning.”

The breakthrough is welcome news to Canberra bus commuters, particularly those who rely on the service to get them around on weekends and public holidays, both of which have seen reductions or cancellations of services in recent weeks.

The ACT Government still needs to approve the agreement before it can be ratified.

Deanes Transit Group will operate Charter services to the Raiders home match on Sunday.

This page was last updated on 28 April 2011

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