ames Roncon, Director of ACTION Buses is one of 123 CEOs in the Canberra Region registered as participants in the 2011 Vinnies CEO Sleepout, a charity event raising funds to directly assist Australians experiencing homelessness.

The event was launched nationally last year, and attracted almost 700 CEOs across seven cities, raising almost $3 million for the cause. The proceeds allowed St Vincent de Paul (Vinnies) to fun new projects and expand existing homeless assistance programs.

In addition to raising funds, the aim of the Sleepout is to raise awareness of the issue.

Mr Roncon’s page states that this is his first time participating in the sleepout.

“In the larger scheme of things, one night sleeping outside in the Canberra winter is nothing if it assists to get people off the street and into a warm bed,” he says.

“At ACTION, we often witness first-hand the plight of the homeless, with those less fortunate often taking refuge in bus shelters and at bus stations.”

“I encourage my team at ACTION and the Canberra Community to get behind this great initiative and raise some much needed funds for those who need it most.”

The Sleepout will occur on Thursday 16 June 2011. At the time of writing, 1220 donors have donated $109,967.66 in the ACT alone. Mr Roncon’s personal tally is $2,420.69.


To make a donation, please visit Mr Roncon’s Page at the CEO Sleepout Website, or view all ACT CEOs here.

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This page was last updated on 26 April 2021

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