Canberra, Tuesday.—A two-man inquiry into Canberra’s bus system has recommended the introduction of one-man buses to ease present heavy losses.

The report has been sent to the Minister for the Interior, Mr. W. S. Kent Hughes, whose department runs Canberra buses.

The report also discusses economies in the ministerial and special car pools run by the department.


The report says there are sixty-five 39-passenger buses now operating in Canberra. It says 47 would be an economical number—35 as maximum normal demand, six out of use during repair, and six for special running.

Of the remainder, six should be held to meet replacements and 12 disposed of.

The report suggests the consideration of the use of smaller buses in conjunction with one-man operation with some of the bigger buses also being put on one-man opera- tion.

The report gives these figures for 1951-52: Losses on city buses, £62,617; losses on other transport of the department, including cars, utilities, vans, trucks, and motor cycles, £9,168.

4 February 1953

This page was last updated on 4 February 1953

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