ACT Infrastructure Plan 2011-2021 (Transport)

Started by Buzz Killington, July 12, 2011, 06:46:26 PM

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Buzz Killington

Strategic Infrastructure Priorities - Transport
A transport system that reduces traffic congestion and allows people to move across Canberra efficiently and effectively

Two years
- Stage 1 of the City- Belconnen Busway
- Expansion of the Territory's walking and cycling network
- Southern Cross Drive traffic flow improvements
- Commence construction of Majura Parkway
- Northbourne Avenue bus priority measures Bus infrastructure at key locations, including ANU, College Street, Haydon Drive, Canberra Avenue and  Canberra City
- Expand the network of Park and Ride facilities at key locations on public transport corridors, including Exhibition Park, Erindale Shopping Centre, Phillip Pool, Cohen Street in Belconnen, Gungahlin, and Tuggeranong
- A Real Time Passenger Information System
- New bus stations at Gungahlin, Erindale, ANU and Barton

Five Years
- A third lane on Parkes Way from the Glenloch Interchange to the Acton tunnel
- Duplication of William Slim Drive
- A traffic management centre for the Territory
- Upgrading the Barry Drive and Clunies Ross Street intersection
- Expanding the network of Park and Ride and Bike and Ride facilities aligned with public transport corridor
- Expanding the bus fleet and upgrading bus depots
- Relocation of the terminal site and railway facilities in East Lake

Ten Years
- Strategic road infrastructure for parkways, arterials and new suburban access
- Modernising parking infrastructure to support integrated smartcard use
- Maintaining Canberra's network of cycling infrastructure, bus shelters and bus stops and street lighting
- Increasing the city's bus fleet
- Expanding the network of high frequency public transport corridors
- Bus priority and transitways on key corridors
- New public transport stations at Molonglo and Fyshwick
- Completing the network of Park and Ride and Bike and Ride facilities


All seems very good, an idea that came to mind whilst reading about the barry dr/clunies ross upgrade made me think that in that location heading towards the city and also on the tuggeranong pkwy just before sulwood drive heading south that they should install PREPARE TO STOP flashing orange lights - as used in sydney, the lights go off shortly before the traffic lights turn orange, which is a good idea at intersections that may have a crest or a sharp descent before a bend before the traffic lights, this way vehicles can slow down earlier, knowing that the light is about to go orange/red or is already red.

Buzz Killington

There's a set of those at the William Hovell Dr/Bindubi St intersection but there are certainly some other locations that would benefit from their use.