Biogas Powered ACTION Buses

Started by Buzz Killington, January 17, 2010, 09:04:30 AM

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Buzz Killington

Got this email earlier..

  • Dear Sir Madam
    My name is (Removed). I am theAustralian representative of BEKON Energy Technologies of Germany.

    I am just putting the finishingtouches of BEKON's Biogas Urban Transport Strategy for the ACT. The purpose ofBEKON's Biogas Urban Transport Strategy is to power ACTION buses using ACT'swastes.

    The ACT producesmore organic waste, particularly foodwastes, per head of population than anyother Australia City.Using BEKON's benchmark anaerobic digestion system we can process this organicwaste to produce industrial quantities of biogas. Upgraded biogas, calledbiomethane, is completely compatible with natural gas and can be used to powerthe ACTION bus fleet displacing multiplemillions of litres of diesel.

    Biogas producedfrom waste feedstocks has the lowestgreenhouse gas impact of any fuel currently available. It delivers reductions in greenhouse emissions of between75% and 200%. 

    By linking theACT's solid waste management problems to power the ACTIONbus fleet we create an holistic set of world class synergies that are unmatchedin Australasia.

    Using biogas asa transportation fuel is based on an integrated set of mature technologiescovering production to utilisation. Implementing BEKON's Biogas Urban Transport Strategy presents as a near zero risk strategy: a near zerorisk strategy delivering a local, fully sustainable, and highly secure fuelsource for the 21st century. 

    BEKON areseeking to partner with the ACT Government under the Unsolicited Proposalprovisions of the Public Private Partnership (PPP)guidelines to deliver this benchmark project.

    As a precursor to entering into a PPParrangement we are looking to engage with the ACT Government, through itsrelevant agencies, and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

    The MOU will set out a path forwardto fully investigate the implementation of BEKON's Biogas Urban TransportStrategy. We could have the MOU process completed inside twelve months.

    Please feel free to contact me ifyou wish to learn more.

Irisbus Rider

Now there's a fantastic idea. It'll be just like the food waste powered Delorian on Back to the Future!

Nah, seriously, any alternative to diesel is welcome, especially when the alternative fuel can cost next to nothing. I just hope the ACT Govenrnment takes this seriously.

Sir Pompously

lol, someone wasn't watching Back to the future 2 on Ten last night at all, were they? :P

Buzz Killington

If anyone would like to know more, let me know and I can seek further info on any queries you have

The Love Guru

Love the claim of "up to a 200% reduction in greenhouse gases". Now last time i checked it was hard to that as it can't create negitive emissions for the environment.


Is this new type of fuel only going to be compatible with the natural gas-run buses?


Not sure if this really relates to this but anyway....
377 has a gas pod with ACTEW AGL stickers all over it and the wording, 'Powering ahead with Natural Gas, Naturally.' It also has some random blue decals which I think are supposed to represent the gas.


I had an ACTEWAGL executive on my intertown bus some time ago; he said they were cooking up a new look for their advertising on the gas buses - seems to have been a long time coming.


Sounds interesting, perhaps someone could get a photo, at least they have finally changed it, what they have had has been there for about 5 years or so, I recall first seeing it on 321 one saturday morning



Bus 373 has the new gas pod livery. It's a dark blue down the side of the pod with, I think, a few small yellow flames and the caption (roughly from a driving past glance) "Powered by ACTEWAGL Natural Gas, Naturally". I didn't get a chance for a pic, it was too far away while stopped at the other side of the intersection and my lights went green first!

Buzz Killington

I'd say "welcome" to you blackdragon, but your profile tells me you joined up over a year ago.. good to see you posting!

"King Long" grabbed a few shots of the new pod ads, which can be found here: