ACTION Buses Involved In 10 Crashes A Week!! (ACTION's G.M. Also Announced)

Started by Bus 400, April 05, 2010, 06:09:54 PM

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Bus 400

Buzz Killington

WIN also ran a story on this tonight. I'll try to record the late bulletin and get the story onto our youtube channel this week.

Barry Drive

There was no WIN late news last night (according to the guide anyway).

I'd be interested in knowing what proportion of bus 'crashes' were deemed to be the bus driver's fault. Until that is known, I think it's unfair of Alistair Coe to be critical of ACTION and its drivers.

I also wonder whether this "524 in 2009" is a record of accidents/crashes or of all 'incidents'. For instance I had three or four egg throwing incidents last year - have they been included???


I think this, like the earlier beatup about the amount of dead running, is related to the fact that we'll most likely be on strike sometime this year to try and get a better EBA than the crap the govt is offering us at the moment.

There was another story in the CT today about how few 'crashes' Deanes has but the relevant measure is not crashes per bus but crashes per kilometres/hours driven.

Fucking media vultures couldn't have picked a worse time.

Barry Drive

Exactly. Many / most of Deane's buses are only used for School services so wouldn't see anywhere near the amount of kms that ACTION buses do.

Buzz Killington

Quote from: Martin on April 06, 2010, 11:15:20 AM
There was no WIN late news last night (according to the guide anyway).

Yes, I discovered that when I went to check what time it was on so i could set my recorder!

IIRC, the definition of 'incident' has changed since 2008 which has a lot to do with the increase. The report also featured Alistair Coe bleating on about how we need to cut the accidents and have the "best buses"